The Porch Goddess. She was a very nice soft red color when I purchased her. Faded slowly and now just the base color of slate gray. As far as I can tell she is the Goddess of the Harvest or Plenty. I take good care of her and she takes good care of the gardens and plants. She also gives any strangers coming up the path to the front door second thoughts about ringing the bell (wonderful)- the neighbors also find her strange.
But she has a fresh wreath and some ornamental fruits and berries, pine cones and a Crow feather. The Goddess sits on an old, old wooden side table gifted to us by G's brother a long time ago. The Two seemed suited to one another.
G was recruited to do floral deliveries when we stopped in yesterday after my haircut. One late yesterday afternoon and one this morning. There will be more as the regular driver is looking very ill. Perhaps the flu or something more serious.
In the Spirit of Seasonal Generosity, G watched three episodes of Dr Pimple Popper yesterday evening (instead of Hallmark Christmas movies). I kept my eyes closed but just listening was enough of a shock to my system. He usually watches on the small tv by the dining room table. Nicer on the larger living room tv. I imagine it was nicer???
I am thinking today might be a good day to begin writing my Christmas Cards. I didn't draw or paint my own again this year. I found a very nice card (box of them) at the local independent bookstore a few months ago. I do have to try and buy Christmas Stamps. Last year the Post Office was "all sold out" by the time I stopped in for stamps.
Well, I am not sure what is going on, but I have been coughing and feeling sleepy so I might be getting a little bit sick or something. I think I'll just rest a before doing anything else.
Your goddess is cool, does she wear the beads year round or are they part of the Christmas decor?
Oh, I LOVE your goddess.
And I hope your malady was a temporary glitch.
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