New borders- you see the left and top ones in the photo. Quilt top is now 24 inches square. I hand sewed the four borders while watching BBC South Pacific. Just pretty pictures and a lovely man's voice talking about wind, water, sea birds etc. Interior squares were painted fabric made years ago plus commercial. Darker. The next slim border will be dark blue. Like a Sharpie marker making a thick line. Then another light pieced border, wider. And so it will go. The next thin border will be the dark pink/rose you see in the two square to the right. I think that will make good "continuity".
I'm all for scrap cloth and wonky unmatched seams. But I have to have continuity in the colors.
I came up a tiny bit short on top left. Good thing that slice of stripe (also in the center patchwork not visible right now) happened to be on the supply tray to my left. Just that slice. Just that size. I love when that happens. Means I am doing the right thing. Needs a good press. I like to iron as I go.
Most of the center was sewn by machine and perhaps the next border will be sewn by machine. Easier than hand sewing such a thin strip all around.
In other news: I carried the Class Sample of a raised bed with hoops to the back deck. Got more plants out there but it's windy and sunny so I had to cover with shade cloth. Which took some "fiddling" to get it all settled into the good spot. Coverage but also air flow. Discovered what I recalled as being very tiny tomato seedlings are now quite a nice size- ready for transplanting. Not quite ready for the Driveway Garden Boxes. Hardening Off. I am going to plant some of my Borage seedlings in with the tomatoes. My Gardening Book says that borage makes the tomatoes sweeter. We'll see. One of the 2020 garden experiments. So many this year.
We've had very hot weather and today we have strong wind. Havoc for seedlings. So nothing going into the garden yet. I have collard greens and kale seedlings that I want to plant in the raised beds. And cover with cloth to keep the white moths from laying eggs. But not yet. I need four large bags of Bumper Crop fertilizer for the garden. And then I can make my squash hills. I could sprinkle dill seeds today. But then I would have to remember to go down each day to hand water them. We aren't getting any rain. We might be in for a very dry summer.
All I can think of now is someone who should know better threatening crowds with "vicious dogs". Isn't that what slave hunters did? Set vicious dogs on people wanting freedom? Dee will let me know. Vicious Dogs. Okay.