Outside, just minutes ago. The blue at the top is the blue painted porch ceiling. Our porch steps in the lower left. Our thin trees. The neighborhood driveway plow trucks have been and gone. I watched the one across the street dig up lots of the lawn next to the driveway. I think the one next door does a better job- I have a letter to the neighbors asking if they recommend their guy. G is ready to just snowblower edges and sidewalks. Not the very long driveway.
Daughter isn't going in to work at the Chocolate Factory today. She hand shovels her driveway and that takes quite a lot of effort and she just doesn't want to drive on snowy streets in the 'first" storm. Before the inhabitants get their snow driving skills up to speed. We have witnessed many four stop crashes in our 27 years here. We stay put. Let them get it out of their systems without us participating.
G was out early to get his hair cut. He is happy to be back home.
Both of us are feeling quite emotional today- as Riley loved the snow. Even as sick as he was- that little coating we had in the days before he passed- he rolled in it and tried to eat some. He would be out there rolling and rolling this morning. It's things like this that bring sadness. But overall, we are relieved. The toll on us has been significant and we are slowly trying to regain our footings. Eight months of pills, Vet visits, worry, staying up at night with a anxiety ridden dog (he didn't understand why it hurt), G sleeping on the couch with his hand on the dog's back for months. We have to heal ourselves. So we are slowly doing normal things. Trying not to feel guilty about being relieved it's over. It's hard being the survivor.
I helped G put fresh lights on the wire Rudolph for outside. We re-used the icicle string I had in the kitchen one year long ago, along the back wall of the kitchen dining room. G had purchased little plastic ties and we got one string to do the entire reindeer in white except for the red nose. Last night was the deer's first night out. They always look nice standing in the snow. One deer standing and the other eating. William Sonoma a long, long time ago. A friend mentioned another one that might be available but not so far.
G and I were watching tv and he asked about cooking something we had just seen advertised. I said "perhaps you haven't noticed that I have lost interest in cooking?" He said "I've noticed".
I had to laugh at that last sentence, that is so me! I wouldn't dare ask the dh, wouldn't want to hear the answer,lol. I am soo tired of meal prep, but I expect I'd be kicked out if I didn't,so on it goes.
Your deer display sounds nice.
My husband is out plowing the drive, talk about digging up the yard, yikes, he's making a mess. He uses an antique farm tractor that belonged to his father, he won't give it up!
Happy snow storm
Thanks for the view outside your door. It's so nice to "see" what you're seeing.
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