I reverted to "old Blogger" this morning due to errors in the New Blogger that made posting a photo quite impossible. It was only a matter of time before the new edition started acting up.
The picture is from a few minutes ago on this foggy drizzly morning- it is still technically morning as I am writing this at 11:48 am. Yesterday I had to go get a sweater out of the closet to wear. No A/C units installed as yet but husband and I were cold. No fireworks sounds. I was having flashbacks to last July 4th and a hyper nervous sick dog. We had Riley tightly wrapped in a blanket but he was still wild eyed with panic. This year- nothing. It must have been too damp.
The photo is of the fenced raised bed garden out back- I went out in the drizzle to take this picture for you. The arbor husband built. The grapes. the tall plants to the left are Ironwood. the hooped section to the right of the arbor is where I have planted my cucumber plants and yesterday the green and yellow squash plants. You can see the back "not grass" area, the native wild blueberry scrubland and then the dark woods. I like how this pictures looks like patchwork. Rectangles.
The white shapes are plastic hoops we installed so we could cover the garden on cold nights in late August and early September to extend the garden season. We never took them down. I could also use them to shade plants if it ever gets really hot and sunny. Cover with white shade cloth.
I used to be a very Ambitious Gardener. Now---well, not ambitious at all. Old. Cranky. Lazy.
I sewed. Yes, I threaded a needle and sewed a little blue patchwork house to the left pocket of the "robe" and now have it hanging up and I am looking at it to decide if I like it. Pale blues. I think I like that color for my robe. With the white. Touches of pale pink and yellow. Next I think a square with a heart appliquéd for the pocket on the chest.
I read one of the books daughter has found for me in used book shops. I vaguely remembered it- but only when I got close to the very end. It was a very good story. And while reading- very few "jittery" moments. For which I am very thankful.
I fried a pan of Potstickers for husband for supper yesterday and had one of the prepared meals from the deli at the grocery for myself. The meatloaf with mashed potatoes and fresh broccoli and carrots. We have one final bag of frozen dumplings in the freezer and then we will need to visit Trader Joes down in Portland. If we do go to TJ's, I am buying a New York Cheesecake. I like them.
Your garden looks beautiful and now I'm hungry for cheesecake.
Love seeing your garden..
Its Great!!!
The hoop house..we think about that.
Learned to build large ones in N mex
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