Sewn yesterday - late afternoon into evening. I needed something to keep me from eating the rest of the baked pretzels in the bag. Keeping my hands busy with stitch and cloth. Using only what is in the small bin next to the couch (where I sit). This means no getting up and shopping in the sewing room bins. That ends up being all I do and no sewing gets done.
I can sort, stack, fold and hand smooth cloth for hours and hours.
The circular areas are eco printed lids from tin cans. These are all smaller than a sheet of typing paper. Perhaps as wide. And they all want to be square. And that's because that is the format imprinted into my cellular DNA. Square. I try but rectangles do not work for me.
When I woke up this morning- it was snowing. Little hard specks of snow. There was strong wind last night and one of the trees between our house and the next has had some damage. We will need to negotiate with the neighbors to get that tree removed. Insurance might cover some of it- rather than buy us a new roof. Or a new bedroom. Unhealthy trees and drought. Not a good combo.
Internet is not working- lapse in typing and seeing it appear. I have lots of vegetables to prep for our supper tonight. So I will get started with that. Let the internet straighten itself out.
In a short afternoon- the wing chair and ottoman have found a new home and the loveseat has also been claimed by someone else and they will even pick it up. There is much Joy in these two events. My living room will be quite bare.
I was packing my Grandmother's china yesterday- the stamp on the back was registered in 1912. Hand painted in Japan. CHIKARAM*CHI Pattern code CHK CHK4. Replacements had images and descriptions of the china and it's exactly what I have in the cupboard. Brought back memories of many holiday meals at my Grandmother's table. I would be doing my son a favor if I found it a new home.
Happy Thanksgiving to All. Save room for PIE!!!
Ha, speaking of pie, I've already had my piece. Pecan, super rich, super good and now I'm uncomfortable, too rich. I think the last time I had pecan pie has to be well over 35 years ago, it was well worth the wait.
Are you getting new furniture after the paint job, or was the given away pieces just excess and you still have furniture for your living room?
I hope you will keep the china. Sometimes it's not the things themselves but the memories they evoke.
And yes, I had pie!
Hoping you had a good Thanksgiving.
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