Still Life.
G made a few phone calls and found a high risk flu shot for me at Urgent Care. They were very nice and the shot itself was painless and I'll be sure to go next year to get my flu shot. I need to keep my distance from anyone coughing, having a fever or blowing their nose for about 6 weeks. Until all the good bugs have colonized in my body.
I felt kind of weird before going to bed. Like I was getting sick. But feel fine this morning.
I did a few more loads of laundry while writing pages in my notebook. The cover for this dog bed is in the dryer. Then I will do another cover and then another until I have them all clean and ready to drop off at the local animal shelter.
I wrote a letter to the parents of the 6 year old twins. I was going to write to them myself- but then common sense prevailed. Parents should be the ones to discuss life and death with their children- not an old woman down the street. I put the letter in their mailbox as I walked down the street and back this morning. Easy yesterday but very difficult today. It comes and goes in waves. And this morning not a tissue or hankie in any of my many pockets. I restocked as soon as I got home.
I watch as much of the impeachment inquiry as I can stomach. Then I transition to Law and Order if it's available and third choice is Hallmark Christmas movies. I am not able to read as yet. My eyes are very tired. Used up by the crying. We go to bed early and get up later than usual. A symptom of mourning.
I was going to say each day is easier-- but that isn't the truth. It seems each day is harder. Now which pocket has the hankie?????
It will get easier, in time.
I to, had to get rid of all of Black Jack's things.The humane society appreciated the bed, toys, collars, leashes, bowls, etc.
The first week was the hardest, I could not talk about him. It was one of the hardest days of my life.
Now, 14 years later, all I have are great memories of him. We still miss him!
Regarding the flu shot. You are smart to protect yourself against other germs. I wish I had been so warned, but even so, would I have stayed away from my grandson? Not. He passed me a mild cold the day after Halloween. That turned into severe bronchitis. This too shall pass.
As to grief. No. It will no go away, but you will be changed in its face, day by day. Taking it when you must, but spending time with good memories in equal or better measure is how you move away from that sad shore.
I remember sidestepping our Jack's phantom body at my feet for months after our rescue Corgi died. It takes time. I kept his bed in place for months. I could see going a different way with that, as you have, but for me, I wanted the reminder. I don't know why, but November seems designed for grief. I don't know if that helps or amplifies?
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