Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday, October 19th. We must have had a power failure overnight.

Sunshine here but a dark image for the post.   I haven't added socks to my daily clothing so am feeling a bit of a chill on my ankles.  I watched the Boston Sports Show for an hour or two... they were playing the audio of London interviews with Patriots was funny.  Certainly NOT speaking the same language.

The Generator People were here...did I tell you yesterday?  Three, maybe four guys in black tee shirts and silver chains. It was warm yesterday and they were busy digging a trench for the power hookup to the house.  We also discussed shrubs that may or may not enjoy the hot gas discharge from the generator.  They said they could dig them out...for me.  I said I'd wait to see what my Gardener thought.  I wondered what they would think of her.

She's going to be here next week to help empty the summer containers with me.

I need to hype myself up for phone calls to the Oil Company on Monday about them getting the tanks here---ASAP so the generator can be hooked up before the first seasonal's only a matter of time.  The Winter Report so far looks hideous.....Lots of rain turning to ice....which brings down power lines all day and all night..

I have gotten my TiVo down from 78% capacity to 47%.  I am watching stuff and deleting stuff.  Getting prepared for buying a new TiVo and starting over.....I will also be getting a new TV (my son promised me one).   I am having to reboot at least once a  I am actually "out living" everything in my house.  I think Hallmark will show all the Christmas Movies I like in the next few months... so I can start in on deleting them.... I do want to watch Little Women and Pride and Prejudice (several variations of both are recorded) from PBS and movies.  I also have the Beatles movie.  I also have a very dark series I recorded-  Three Billboards something... I know I want to watch that (again)... Van Der Valk has two new episodes on PBS.

Book reading during the day and movies in the evening.  I need socks. And breakfast.  Son is worried I am running out of money-  I am actually running out of short term memory as I now have four new containers of deodorant.  And I wanted toothpaste...which I finally bought yesterday.

I still haven't made the Onion Soup but I think- it's Saturday and tv is I think I will actually peel and slice onions and get them in the oven to brown.  After that it's just liquids etc and I have soup for the weekend.  It's never that's the getting GOING that never happens.  

When I opened the new to me Trade Paperback of Jane Eyre- I actually opened it to the page I read when she gave me the book...months ago...a page and words I just did not find interesting..boring. No wonder I forgot it on the shelf.

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