Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Daily Notes- on October 8th. Sunshine here in Maine. Rained most of yesterday.

 Onion soup- still on my mind.

Yesterday and today's book... "when Grumpy met Sunshine" by Charlotte Stein.  Retired British Soccer Star needs a ghost writer for his autobiography.  He's really really angry...she is, as he says, "dressed like a large (plus sized) cupcake".  I am less than half way in...they argue about every single thing. Loving every minute of it.  She signed him up for online shopping..Amazon I think...he didn't have a TV. Or anything else in his huge empty house. He seems to be following her around....... he is famous as a foul mouthed angry soccer star who doesn't talk very much. Other than the swearing. Very inventive swearing. And according to the ghost writer- makes a fine cuppa tea.

I have every item for the Onion Soup... in the pantry..... that could even possibly be used to make "Onion Soup" out on the counter. Ready to Rock and Roll as they say.  Not ever sure who "they is"......but we'll just roll with it.  Quote marks because it would be imposter onion soup at best or worst.

The internet says I should do the sliced onions in the oven with butter until deeply brown....then proceed with broth etc.  I also have Lipton Onion Soup Mix... as to wine....I believe there is a bottle someone gave me...somewhere... a nice white....I only buy myself red.  I successfully baked a cake so browning onions in the oven should do okay unless I walk away land leave the stove untended..  You'll get an update tomorrow...I might have NOT made soup.

One thing you can depend on- I am unreliable...100%.

I am in something of a Sad Space right now.....realizing I am old.  Realizing HOW OLD..  Time is running out. In that context even the promise of Onion Soup does nothing to cheer me up. Hardly anything is cheering me up.....Even my TiVo is close to it's Use By expiration date.  As am I.  Might have 8 more years.  Match my dad. Who lived longest so far. In my genetic family.

I think I slept well last night.....no coughing until morning.....The blue cough syrup works wonders. The garbage truck has come and gone..... Tuesday's high point unless the Propane People show up.  Getting a whole house generator is a slow as molasses enterprise.  Propane comes first. 

My front sidewalks and porch are being bleached and power washed.....I found my husband's power washer (now that I know what one looks like) in the back shed......Never been used?  There are some other things in the shed as well....I don't know what they are. Yet.  We had generator gas that she is using. Left over generator gas with Stabelizer.

Well, that's it for today- I managed to write an essay it looks like....

what would it be like to just sit here for a hour a day and just type......whatever comes to mind...and then at the end of the month read it all...it would sort of be like this........

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