Thursday, October 17, 2024

October 17th- Waiting for the Oil arrive. Killing Frost Last Night.

 Colorful Foliage- any that was here in my yard is now frozen, brown and dead.  We are waiting for the Oil Guy to show up and look at the area where the new Propane Tanks will be installed-- by them... the Generator people are getting nervous- the cold weather is going to keep them from their January install date if things don't get rolling here.  Meaning the cement pads.

Oil Guy is here.....

My Gardener will come back next week and we'll both work on moving and emptying the Summer Ornamental Planters.  She moved into her new efficiency apartment (tiny) and is happy to not have mice ..which was the situation in the farmhouse she was renting.  She was pleased to have only moved what she needed and got rid of everything else.  My cross the street neighbor was trying to do that...and she has a one bedroom in the same building.  Very popular new building.  My son was also interested in living there.  I have investigated and looked at pictures....I would NOT like living there.  With a view of a airport runway.

Oil Guy arrived and the location is fine with him....then I called the Generator People and then they called me back and now....things are rolling along.  We expect more phone calls.... the Oil Guy knows the company doing the generator so...that's good.

Now cement pads and a new secondary power the Electric Company is next up. As the Generator Guy said- I have guys that need  Perfect timing.

I have an experiment in the fridge...Overnight Oats.  Half cup each of yogurt (vanilla Noosa), milk and a pint canning jar....  Long ago I used to make a layered bowl to take to work...Bran Buds, Yogurt and fruit.  I fixed it in the morning and ate it for lunch.  I may or may not like the oats... and then...will sub in the Bran Buds.  Which I know I really like.  I didn't stir it....might be that I was supposed to.  

I had a nice long hot shower this hair enjoyed it very much.  I shampooed twice. With Shampoo my friend Connie sent me.  I think I forgot to condition......pretty sure I forgot.

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