Saturday, October 12, 2024

Another Saturday Morning.... October 12th. Sunshine and 59 degrees. Left over hurricane wind in Maine.

 I selected this image, blind from the desktop, not knowing what would show up.....

I finished watching all the recorded PBS  Van der Valk series in my TiVo file.  Another two episode one will record this Sunday and next.   I am going to move onto another recorded series. I think a dark Police Procedural...if and when I recall the name I will let you know.  

I believe I had three meals yesterday- well, I ate three times.  Nothing was on a plate or in a bowl. I didn't sit at the table for any but breakfast which was actually in a bowl- Shredded wheat biscuits and milk. Took me a minute to recall the bowl, milk and table.   

I have some dumpling like things in the freezer I need to crisp up in the frying pan- now that I have a working stove....I have suggested Chinese takeout but...nothing happened.

Very slow start today.....I am sorting thru lots of waves of memories and the junk that washes on to the shore out of the ocean.   One book was great, the seocnd- 10 pages in I said- stop-- and then I went to bed-  today I will select something else and I may just watch the Saturday Cooking Show on PBS.  I have recorded old vintage Julia Child Baking Shows.... and like I said I need to clear out the TiVo recordings.  Before I buy a new one.

Windy today.  Things blowing around out there.  Really strong wind.

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