Wednesday, October 09, 2024

October 9th- a Wednesday. Sunshine and 45 degrees outside.

 Overnight Oats.   Never, never have tried this (and don't plan to).  But I have lots of jars just like these.

The Angry Soccer Guy book- Well, Sunshine Met Grumpy ended and then there were a few pages after to tell what happened one year later.  An odd ending, not great but still fine.  This author seems to have written other books so today I will go hunting in the Maine Cat. I wonder about the missing year.

I turned up the heat to 65 (from the overnight 62) cough seems much "less" and I feel fine- the blue syrup does the job.  My Landscaper worked on pressure washing the sidewalks and then weeded the left side bed....not much left there as it has turned out all the "green" stuff is weeds not actual "plants"....and it rained so the fertilizer the Tru Green guy sprinkled has now been activated... quite a turn around.

Trees being taken down across from me-number 11.  My landscaper walked over to talk to My tree guy...said lots of trees....he is also set to work next door...more trees.

My lawn is covered in acorns...and I am worried about people I know (and love) in Florida..... Tampa Bay.  They also have a home in North Carolina....sigh.

I have not chosen a book for today as yet.  I have quite a few on the shelf.  Waiting.

I need to put on my socks....ankles are chilly.

Not sure about breakfast cereal.....cold or hot... one banana left and three pears.  Enough ham and cheese for a roll up today and tomorrow?  Maybe only today.  I might have to invent something for Thursday. There is always peanut butter or just butter.  New supplies on Friday Grocery Day.

I had the Progresso Split Pea Soup yesterday for mid-day meal....the peas were sort of crunchy.  I am NOT trying any more Progresso Soup....I will have to actually make soup.   Like two Winters ago when I made soup quite often.  Today I might actually try a can of the Wendy's chili my daughter bought me...She bought a lot of it....I don't know....I just don't know. It might be good.

That's it for here...I need to put on my socks as my ankles are cold....the Sun is shining...I have to decide on Halloween Candy...something I like...since we get maybe three trick or treaters on this street. No longer teen agers living here and stopping by.  I have to choose a book for today.  Mystery or Romance.

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