Prompt Six- Image uncharacteristic to my tastes but still appeals to me as a stand alone statement. Pair with an image that holds it's own weight. The rocks are a bit too literal but I think they work.
Wire fencing keeping people inside or outside. These two found each other as I sorted the box for the- well, lots and lots of times. It speaks to me in emotion not so much in words. No Target circles needed here. I am still fussing with Prompt 5. Adding and then removing things. Till it's right.
I am now thinking I cannot find the carved eraser stamps because I would want to use them- too much-- in this project. So, not finding them solves that problem. Collage speaks in images not words. Sort of a universal language anyone from anywhere could understand.... If we have pasted down a coherent set of images.
The tree, itself, hasn't left the house yet. It's a heavy tree and will take all the strength of the two of us to get it out the front door. And then I will sweep the needles into the compost pail. The tree itself goes into the back yard where small animals and birds find shelter from the wind. And the needles will compost there. When I was younger and stronger of body (the soul stays strong), I would cut each branch away from the center and layer the branches over the compost pile. Letting the needles drift into the pile as they dried. This year's tree is too stout. I would need to use a hand saw. I cannot.
I prepared G's favorite pasta sauce last night while he was checking the Christmas lights for dead bulbs etc. We will have working lights to put on the tree next December if we are not obliterated by an Iranian nuclear bomb before then (they are well and truly more dangerous that North Korea). These are thoughts I am having lately. One million people filled the streets. Just imagine that. One million people in the same town center.
So, Time shifts. My paperwhites have produced their first fragrant white flower. My orchid has opened it's first white blossom. It will be a few days until it is opened fully. But these two make Winter seem less dark. The World less dark. An optical illusion.
like all the movement and energy of the cylindrical wire curves
stones like storm clouds ...
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