Thursday, August 30, 2012

And There Are More Tomatoes

Not that I am complaining about anything other than the chipmunk who continues to eat only part of the very ripest Brandywines.   G says I should "do something" about it.  I do. I pick the nearly ripe fruit and let it ripen here in the kitchen.  It seems that this is the best way to ripen the tomatoes.  I was just trying to beat the chipmunk.  Could be the chipmunk was trying to teach this old gardener a new trick.

Today we did "not much of anything" at work.  I divided a Clivia.  I repotted an orchid that had been over watered.  A trifecta would have been an overgrown jade plant to repot.

The 2% yogurt is not as satisfying.  I get hungry.  So when this last tub is finished I will return to full fat.  In fact, I have been hungry this week.  I'm eating all the regular foods but they don't seem to have much staying power this week.  I will need to up the "fat".  So much for trying to lose the saddlebags. When I am hungry, I tend to look for things to eat.  This is why I adore low carb.  I am hardly ever hungry and don't have an occasion to go looking for food.  Low carb is actually high fat.  Sigh!!

Tonight I am joining my coworkers at a farewell dinner with Anna of the Great World Race.  Everyone will be clean and dressed in "street clothes". The girls will be wearing makeup.  It will be oddly strange, but very interesting.

I need to make G a large plate of tomatoes, cheese and basil before I leave the house.

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