Monday, March 12, 2012

And They Opened The Doors

And took down the plastic and the greenhouse was ready for plants.  And it was HOT.  I had to put sunscreen on my ears.  I also learned how to coil hose in the most interesting way by one of the owners of the business, "walk the hose" to get all the water out of it (and hang the hose ends up so they don't fill with gravel) in case of an overnight frost, and other interesting tidbits.  I was happy all day.  And I have tomorrow off before working four days in a row.

The Nursery staff is working on the big plant display for the Open House on the 24th and 25th.  All sorts of ready to flower shrubs and trees.  A golden rain tree and a fringe tree.  I was thinking about what I would bid on during the plant auction.  They plan to have me set up in the center of the garden for my Vegetable Gardening Class during Open House.  Won't that be interesting.  Giving a lecture while standing in "landscaping".

Riley was happy to be back with his friends at Doggie Day Care.  I picked him up at 5 and then we rushed home to see G.  Riley ate his dinner and then expected a walk.  So we did the short (30 minute) walk which was just enough to do all sorts of dog business.  Now he's sleeping.

G had left over pizza and so did I.  I also had a large mixed salad with a whole carrot.  Carrots are excellent for your eyesight and I always ate lots of raw carrots before Atkins and had good eyes.  Now, I seem to always be rubbing my eyes.  So, I intend to eat carrots again.  Usually with a salad.  But perhaps with tofu based hummus.  The things you find in low carb cookbooks!!!   I took the second bag of mandarin oranges to work as a "table snack".  I noticed lots of employees eating them.  How easy is that; to bring a bag of fruit for the bowl every week?  We'll see what happens.

I've had my shower and I think I will be falling asleep while watching television this evening.  I need to make a large glass of ice water with lemon to drink before bed.  G is having coffee and carrot cake.  I could make more sugar free vanilla pudding flavored whipped cream.  It certainly was delicious.  No more wheat free chocolate cake.  The caffeine in the unsweetened cocoa kept me up for too many hours last night.  Which is why I am so sleepy.  Dark chocolate must have a great deal of caffeine.

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