Sunday, June 30, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, June 30th. Partly Cloudy 74 and 92% humidity. Strange Weather.

 Cool outside when I unwrapped the Ornamental Planters this morning.  No Bees fact, I have seen zero bees so far this Summer.  Our colder winter could have killed them off.

Formula One was ending as I arrived on the couch......with some very unusual behavior at the end.

Tennis is a choice today as well as Soccer....  Pizza for lunch.  A book to finish reading. 

Getting the hang (not really) of the Keurig.  Took a few button pushes to get the right mix of coffee pod and extra water..... also new cups Daughter has gotten me from Goodwill.  Trying to get the balance right so I don't drop the cup or spill coffee down my shirt.  A learning experience.  My usual cup got dropped and broken.  Another one bites the dust......on going.

Bones last evening......running thru the recorded episodes....a few I have not seen or not recalled seeing. Others I remember.  Nothing very interesting.  Eventually I will return to Law and Order.  In the Fall.

I remembered why I said I wanted black paper.....I was searching for something in the Art Closet and there was the oil crayon on black......and I was pretty excited about having some additional black paper.  To give that another couple tries....... (smile)

A number of items in my Gift Mail have stirred interest in MAKING......and that is a very very welcome STIR.  A generous kick in the pants.... which an old woman like me needs every so often....even if I generally get very very annoyed by the kick.  And that's my Sunday.  Wondering about July in Maine. Weather and Humidity and Mosquitos.  It's been strange and not usual so far.  But I am fine with Cooler Summers, Less Humid and Fewer Mosquitos.  Global Warming can mean different things.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday June 29 Clouds in my coffee......rain on the horizon????

 Hello.  Another coloring page.... in case you are wondering- I spend at most 2 seconds thinking about what I am going to draw on the blank page....with the black felt tip pen.  Art isn't Brain Surgery.

I set the point of the pen down and just start moving it and then add another circle or square and just keep going...the early ones are pretty awful and you will be seeing them at some point now that I have relearned the process and my ancient iPhone has been "fixed" much as can be done on such a OLD item. Son rebooted it much to his disgust of using "old tech"... I am included in the "Old Tech"... rebooting.

This is something those of you of a certain age- will be hearing from your Primary Care Doctors.   "the best you can expect at your age".  Lovely.  You have a nice day, also.

I carried potting a small bucket with a handle...  the wind had blown the lid off the 30 gallon garbage can so the soil-less mix in the can got wet....really..did me a huge favor.  The annual plants went into moist soil....a very very good start.  By the time I was ready to fill the smallest number three pot...I was dragging myself back and forth... I knew if I sat down- I would never finish.  So I kept going- slower and slower but...I got done.  The containers had been brought out front with a wheeled cart.  By my son.

I was running on fumes by the end.  I needed a shower but safety first- I sat in the shower chair and used the hand shower need to fall down naked in the shower..... I did get all the dirt off and then sat down and had some frozen Pomegranate Ice.  After looking for pants.....EVERY time I go to get dressed in clean clothing I cannot find any pants...well, that's annoying.  But every time I do find something and today= size 18.  Not 20 or 22.  Size 18 and possibly since they are LLBean Employee Store bargains- more than likely miss labeled by size.  They are old and worn and I did wear them to work... when I was wearing size 16 on the regular.  I still have NOT found the black knit capri pants....or the tree figured fabric for appliquéd leaves and stems.  Son has gone out to lunch....I made coffee  in the Keurig. By's better than the instant...but anything would be...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Summer Notes- 73 degrees and Sunshine...Library was good- using my new method... I got books.

 Green.   Pages are 12 by 9 wide.  I will down load a few more...

Slept with the window open last night...fresh air in the house.

Big Salad Days....romaine, cabbage, carrots, dressing.  I bought a very nice red bell pepper to add. I am planning to make Stanley Tucci's mother's simple pasta sauce. From the tv series (CNN). Rome.  It has carrots in it.   I made it once and fell in love....but then I was already in love with Stanley.  I have quite a few onions.....Need to think of a way to use and eat them.  Any suggestions?????

A new to me episode of Bones- I enjoyed it......two stations have about 20 episodes each today. 

I need to unpack my library  books.  Decide what to read...when...

I needed to sit down after wandering the stacks- I get dizzy in warm weather and my breakfast might have had too many old neighbor  (next door to me) came and sat down and we had a chat....about getting older and where to live etc. And then my Lunch Buddy arrived and we talked about the newest neighbor's lack of lawn door to second house on street for sale......Not a great look. Also lots of parked cars....N worried the drug dealer was back.... I said perhaps a family birthday party????

I also need to change clothes so I can finally plant my annuals in their big containers.....and then...each evening before dark wrap the two planters in netting so the deer do not eat everything......I wonder if I will find FAT BEES asleep under the netting each morning????  Last summer. I did.

I am having Keurig 10 ounces of water.  Still bitter but smoother..  But I can get used to it. I am thinking I can get used to almost anything.....these days. I had my tutorial.  I think 12 ounces of water will be the way to go.  Better than the instant I was drinking.

I am reading One of the Two books written by Lana My Library System .....on the internet she has about 20 I will be walking over to the local bookstore with a list in hand.....The Nanny. I snagged the other- Cul de Sac Wars.  No other library has any of the other books....  the Nanny is much better than the Cul de Sac Wars but both are fun.  Next up looking for books by Sariah Wilson.  The Seat Filler was great (one of my last interlibrary loans)....Paid Bridesmaid-- I think I've seen that one somewhere. Also the Chemistry of Love.  No good news as to when we can start ordering books via interlibrary loan......  Maybe by September????? October????

But why not buy locally????

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer News- Thursday June 27th. Sunshine and 75 degrees. Mosquitos.

 Yesterday's Blue Circle.

A test to see if I could actually take a photo, send a photo and receive a photo. Yes and yes and yes.

The Mail Person delivered a package yesterday... from someone I used to see in person at the local Quilt Group.  The big package was loaded with really good things.....I am going thru them very very slowly. Like a Box of Chocolates.  No hurry.  Thank You. (hug)

My husband would be perplexed by my use of his pencils.  The WAY I use them.  I was perplexed by the way HE used them....we never saw eye to eye on much.  But they are wonderful pencils and they glide smoothly over the fine quality paper in the spiral art book.  I have two or three pages left and then will turn the book and start in on the back of each of these pages.  I will have the green circle here tomorrow.

If I was asked- does this work have any purpose?  No.  Other than being something to do. 

Right now I have washing dishes, posting a blog post, watching Bones episodes, reading various books as my things to do each day....other times, I water my plants.  Do a load of wash and then dry and fold it. Read the morning newspaper and work on the stack of unfinished Sudoko puzzles cut from the paper. I rarely if ever finish them.  Take my vitamins. Fill my pill dispenser case. Drag out the central vac when I see dust looks like so much but...I still have plenty of TIME to just sit and stare.

Oh, and look for the green cloth I was using to make stems and leaves on some hand appliqué work. Gone. I have a feeling that as soon as I find the green cloth...... the appliqué work will GO "missing".

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summer Notes-- AC Units running...77 degrees- 56% humidity. Sunshine. Mosquitos.

 Unsolicited Advice.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on what's best for me......because I haven't a clue "myself".  Long conversation on the phone..... during these conversations there is no spark of enthusiasm from my brain regarding any of the suggested improvements to my Life.  I often comment "I'll know it when I feel it".......

 My coloring page was so enjoyable (every shade of green) yesterday that I drew something similar (but different) for today.  Looking forward to coloring it.  I sharpened ALL the pencils while watching parts of the final season of Bones....12 years of episodes and I doubt I have seen 70% of them. (so new to me)  Riley and I watched Law and Order.

I slept well.

I also managed to find all my white LLBean v-neck tee shirts... I still can't find the black ¾ cropped pants I have lived in for ten or twenty years.....still MISSING.  Some have holes in them from getting caught on things in the garden... (I intended to mend them- now that I have SO MUCH FREE TIME)... A mystery I can't solve.  Where are my pants?????

I "finally" made myself the "Big Salad" (echos of Seinfeld) and enjoyed it while watching Bones.  Someone got cut up with a chain saw....... and there was BBQ.  I do enjoy a scoop of BBQ on my Big Salad.  There might be some in the freezer.  Enough of everything for another Big Salad. Possibly TWO.

So that's the NEWS from here today.  Mosquitos got my ankles while I moved and watered the annuals which are still not in their designated containers........I fed the plants with blue everyone is juiced up and happy.  Wish I had human "blue water" to juice up on.  But I did take my daily vitamin.

I was panning to take and send a photo of my coloring page to the desk top....possibly I will do some of that some point in much Time now that I DO NOT WATCH NEWS.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, June 25th. Warming Up Again.

 I cleaned out the picture file.    Tomatoes.

I haven't even had breakfast or coffee yet.  My hair is a wild mess.  I changed clothes twice already. Will possibly change again.  I feel a headache coming.  I don't actually enjoy really hot summer weather.  Too much Sunshine.  It's difficult to breathe in such humidity.  Why I had to finally stop working a the Greenhouse.  Humidity.  Makes me lightheaded.

We made Sunday pizza on Monday.  Another wonderful pizza.

This post is going to be very short- nothing much happening here...I do have a book I am reading. Star Crossed but I have gotten to the same page- literally- where I stopped reading this same book a few years ago.....I can't decide whether to keep going or stop again.  It's slow going and more characters are being added etc etc.....another edit before publishing might have helped. 

There are quite a few books I enjoy starting-- and the LACK of a deliberate and brutal edit-- has me closing the book at some point and just not finishing. It's surprising the number of books that make it to the Library this condition.  Books that get published.

Well, that's my rant.  I need food...there's a newspaper to read and possibly a bill to be paid.

And a different shirt to be changed into....a third shirt.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, June 24th. What a Storm Yesterday.

 Random picture in the file. (food budget advice)  Son shopped at our New Market Basket yesterday.  

We watched the open wheel race and at the end- thank goodness- the power went out.  Sunny day. No reason- but after 8 hours and having to do the generator- with much angry yelling (not me)- we discovered it was the Ospery Nest.  In Bath.  

These huge birds have been nesting in the very top of this ONE extremely tall power pole for YEARS....before I worked at the greenhouse- so- over TWENTY YEARS... and this YEAR the CMP guys decided to evict them...with barriers etc.

Well, the Birds got the last laugh.   EIGHT F-ING HOURS WITH ZERO POWER.  And then...because..why NOT? a Thunderstorm rolled in with Tornado Overtones.  And it was epic.  The colors on Son's weather  Water and hail (in some areas) beating down on the roof. Power stayed on.  WOW.

Sun is shining now- heat index is warning us..... danger...danger.

Son wants to pack up and GO.  I don't blame him...I have felt this way about Maine and it's power supply since we moved here in 1991.  Perhaps this time we will call the number and get our own Home Generator.  I have the phone number right here.

I have my book light charging in the hall bathroom (husband had a special switch in there so he could charge his hearing aides) light ran out yesterday but since we had day light I could walk around looking for a bright spot to read.  It was a good book....Emily Henry's Funny Story.  Better than Happy Place which I did not like.  I have all her previous books.  I might read it again before next case the other stuff I chose isn't great.

I still haven't mentioned a visit to the nearest VERY small my Son.  In case they might have a book or two I want.  Well, I need to's going to be hot today....AC units..etc.  sigh.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Notes- Open Wheel Racing followed by Pizza Making. 60 degrees and damp. Rain coming.

Japanese Beetles.

Well. the page is going to look like this today
Open Wheel Racing and then Pizza- I have a load of washing (my clothing) in the Machine. 

We are 100% okay here- just a Different Sunday.... I looked but could not find the green fabric for the vines and leaves on a very long unfinished four square center...I dug around in the bins and ...nothing...well, lots of green but not that one. So I am going to go forward with to another similar green and then just get the four squares DONE and move on. Perhaps even quilt it. Or add additional borders.

About ready to turn the coloring art book over and start in on the back side of the already colored pages. and then...I will need to go shopping for a new notebook.  Because I actually am enjoying the free form art and coloring...even the constant sharpening of pencils.
And I might be needing to buy another set of pencils...these are getting sharpened very short as I go on.

Well, my oatmeal beeped and the Sunday Paper waits... It's damp and darkish here in Maine. Cool. Humidity is up.  Rain in the forecast.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer Notes-- Cooler- 63 degrees- cloudy and wet outside.

 Eleni Koroneo

A sheet of black paper and a full box of crayons....the really good crayons. (or chalk)  Could also do the same with thread but would take months......  I sort of wish I had some black paper. I definitely have the crayons- some very very good ones. I might use crayons on the reverse pages of my Art Workbook.  Once or twice.  Test it out.  If I continue with the colored pencils - sharpening them as I use them...I will wear them down to tiny nubs.  I am trying to be quiet...son complains I am too noisy. My tv is too noisy.

Shower this morning and my hair is soft, silky and lovely..... Korean shampoo and conditioner. Pink Grapefruit scented. A gift from a dear friend.

Son has turned off the AC units.. we never opened windows so it's pretty chill in the house....I might need socks and a sweater.  

I "finally" read a book that I have tried and failed to read....I read every page.  Every word.  Why I returned this book (to my own library) unread so many idea at all.  But this time- I got it done.  This is what happens when you can't do interlibrary start reading books you didn't think you liked.  I have ordered books on interlibrary loan...they just won't be sent to me until this "difficulty" gets taken care of and a new contract is signed.  I am going to ask Son to take me to the Bookstore  on the Bath Road. See what they have on the shelves.  Only one bookcase for be slim pickings.

Haven't selected a book to read today.  I think there is some World Cup Soccer recorded for me to watch. I watched just a little Tennis yesterday....but just wasn't into it. Depends on who is playing...

MY ONE PROBLEM- I cannot find my black knit capri length summer I spend 30 minutes each day looking for them...worn out pants- no- the new ones- no...they are all GONE.  I wore them last year......GONE.... I am so so tired of looking for them..... I wore them for years and wears me out. Looking for them....and really...there is hardly enough space to get lost one closet.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Clouds in My Coffee- Friday, June 21st. High 70% and Cloudy.

 Dianthus.  Nothing was as advertised.....No heavy rain etc.  No temps in the one hundreds range.

It's wet out side...cloudy.  much cooler than yesterday.  But...that could all

My Cup of Tea has gotten cold but I am drinking it anyway.   I tried to find something productive to do yesterday- I did sort a box of cloth scraps....but when faced with "making something" ....nothing happened.  I did color a drawing I had made in my Art Notebook....and then drew another of three houses on a hill.  I will be coloring that soon.   As I get closer to the last page (when I will turn the book over and start from the back going forward)  I am thinking about what I should do on the pages ....more of the same or something new.  The pages are smooth thick paper so...a delight to work on.

I don't recall where I purchased the book or when...

The Lawn Guys are here...cutting wet grass.

Boiler got it's annual cleaning and check up- guy said there was lots of dust inside....took him a while to vacuum it all out.  I keep expecting them to say it needs replacing... like the stove.  Which actually was still working.....sigh.

I am waiting for son to be ready to go- Library and Grocery store ...and then...nothing for the remainder of today.  and I need to find my list of authors-- where did I put it...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Heat- 81 Degrees and Sunshine at 9:30 am. June 20th. 72 inside the house.

 Butterfly on coneflower.  Internet image.

I haven't seen any butterflies so far this year.  AC units going.  All the windows shut tight.

I have on Summer Clothes (finally)....capri pants (pink patterned) and raspberry pink short sleeved shirt.  I need to dig around and find other capri pants to wear...... NOW that everything fits.

My hair is down....I don't know how long I will put up with it before balling it up into a tiny knot. When it's down's abundant......scary.  Not touching my shoulders as yet-- but REALLY close...and it is curling.

I am reading the newest Tessa Bailey book (I bought it).....this time about a Golfer....needing a restart. Which means I would like to read her other books Library has zero.  And we can't borrow. I would like to read the one about the Baseball Pitcher who can't pitch.  I need to buy that one.

We are supposed to get up to 104 today here in Coastal Maine.  I'm guessing mid 90's before it rains.  After that- the humidity will be 100%.   

Second House on the street now has a For Sale sign... by owner.  Not as updated or staged as the one across the street from me.  But same house.  My Lunch Buddy owns one of the Four Same Houses. She's keeping track as she waits for a 3 bedroom stand alone in the one of the Senior Living Compounds.

I'm staying here.  Well, I am leaving to eat breakfast and read the morning news.  Bran Flakes. Use up the milk as tomorrow is Library and Grocery shopping.  I am eating a Tomato Sandwich today... extra mayo.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Summer Heat- Wednesday June 19th- 77 degrees at 9am... AC units installed.

 Jackson Pollack.

Well, the window AC units have been is at 72 degrees.  Unit is in one of my bedroom windows- first time....and it was okay.  I thought it would keep me awake. I have one ceiling fan going.

I continue to run cool.  I have on my usual outfit-- minus socks.  Tee and work shirt.  Long pants. My "bun" is located at base of head this morning instead of a topknot.  My hair seems longer each morning...I know it isn't but.....a weird feeling that it is longer.  Out of the "bun" it seems wild looking...better that I contain it.  Wild meaning I look insane.

I finished another Hilderbrand Nantucket book.  I like the Devereaux ones.

I have three books left on the shelf...and I went into the sewing room and grabbed an armful of Deb L's cloth scraps.  Feeling like I might want to stitch and watch Law and Order minus my co pilot Riley. Might have something to do with the ashes being distributed.  Everyone is out on their last walk.  No longer here on the table in the living room.

Well, I am not fit company right now- so a bowl of Bran Flakes, instant coffee and the newspaper. Background sound via the AC unit next to the table.  Summer is here.  Heat Dome.  Need to find a Kleenex......

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18th. Heat Wave coming in........

 Jackson Pollock- number 14.

I tried this once and it was pretty much like this.  so..doable.  Getting the paint to the right drip consistency is the trick.  And the paint must...from what I learned reading about Jackson- he used house that consistency.  House paint.  And he flicked it on the canvas with a house painting brush.  A large, old used one. And also let it drip.... quite a messy process.  I'm not sure he was sober.

Hair picture.  I have finally stopped laughing... I tried to get a photo of my tiny little topknot and..well, thanks for the laughter...... one old woman and an iPhone....if anyone had been filming- would be an internet classic by now.  

I laughed. Felt good.

We put out the recycling and the garbage bag-  some animal tore the garbage bag up....overnight.  So we had to use a second bag- pay per use....and learned a LESSON.  Recycling is in a very heavy container with a lid.

Husband used to put the garbage bag on the top of the recycling can...son will have to do that going forward.  

I have ten messages in the mailbox.....that hardly EVER happens.  Oh, now 13.......

I paid my bills (by this I mean I write checks).....Tru Green finally sent an invoice.  Eye doctor invoice plus something extra from my January 2nd appointment with Primary Doctor. All bundled together. Good times.  And Electric bill.  I stopped reading two of the books I chose last goes.  Started the second Hildebrand...she has written over 50 and my library has two....They used to have more but put them all out on the "Free TAKE these" cart a while back.   A lot of stuff went that way.  I collected five or six different authors but the best stuff was already gone by the time I shopped...for groceries and visited the Library.  And no borrowing from other libraries for next month or more.  

I sorted cloth.....will be stitching a few scraps together...abstract....see how that goes. Son says my package of bacon has a clock ticking on it.....and he will toss I am frying bacon today. Which is not a bad all.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, June 17th. Cloudy, with a good chance of Rain.

 My New Stove and Sunday Pizza.  See how beautifully the installers fitted it in.  They had to chip tile on the back edges....and they installed fresh "stick on flooring" under  the stove- the old one didn't have legs. this one has legs...short ones but legs none the less.   Isn't it nice?

I keep forgetting I can take and send photos now.  Son fixed everything.  Now I want to try and get Netflix.  Son says they don't have anything worth watching anymore....I want to watch that new movie Hitman.   The talk is that it's "something pretty great"   Have any of you Netflix owners watched Hitman?????  First 15 minutes supposed to be..........surprising.

I woke up just after 12 noon-  It took ages for me to actually fall asleep last night.- son had the same thing-  and he was also just waking up when I was getting up....Invited me out for breakfast at the Diner that looks like an old train car.   I said no.....

I still had to work on containing my hair.  And I was wearing House Clothing and would have needed to change.  Meaning comfy old stuff.  And wear SHOES if leaving the house......I usually wear shoes only on Friday for the Library and Grocery store.  I DO wear underwear.  Socks- yes and no.

It's looking pretty positive for RAIN.....and  I am hungry so will stop typing and eat breakfast.  Monday so no News Paper......just my pile of unfinished Sudoko Puzzle.  Good Enough.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday, June 16th. Warm, Bright with a slight breeze- every so often. Father's Day.

 Yellow House.

My annuals had gotten dry...I hauled water.  That's my Summer- Hauling Water.  Better than a crawl in the crawl space to find hoses....... nasty down there.  I haven't hauled soil yet to fill the containers.....plant the annuals.....I am just not interested...not ready.    To move on.

My reasons?   Just don't want to. A good enough reason.

No football or open wheel racing...just Sunday Pizza today.  For dinner.

We discussed the AC window units....One in the dining room and one in my bedroom....never had one in there and not really wanting one in there. Usually in the second bedroom....cooling the hall. Well..nothing is the same anymore so why does this surprise me?????  I am still cold.....even now at almost 2 pm on a very very sunny day in Maine...  Not a single breeze.  And I am chilled.

Wet my hair first and the topknot is higher- more hair contained...still whips of white like a weird halo.

I had Bran Flakes and coffee for breakfast...(at lunch time)... Pizza at some point in TIME. I printed out  (my printer is now working) a recipe for Strawberry Hand Pies.  Might make that or a Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler -- need to find a recipe....What are you all doing?  Eating????

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Everyday Notes- Saturday, June 15th. Sunshine here in Maine and HEAT COMING SOON.

 These painting of Rothko's are so simple.  And they eventually became so expensive.

I STILL feel a bit chilled here in the house- son has opened windows upstairs and is feeling the heat.  I haven't opened ANY windows.   Lessons learned in my single and early double digit years of existence. Never open the windows.  Play in the cool dark basement.  Sit in the shallow backyard pool.  Read books on the front porch glider.

The new "all day super hold"  band (that is replacing the rubber bands) holding my wild white hair in some sort of "controlled knot" is actually doing the JOB.   I am thinking by fall I will be able to do what the Tennis Guys do with their hair.  A Nice Tennis Bun.  Looking forward to that.  I doubt I will be getting a haircut. Ever. Again.

Why?  Because getting one means I have to keep getting them......and I do not want to do that.

I read all five of the books that had to be returned by library has none of the other books by the library culls books and leaves bare spots and is actually just a place that borrows from better stocked libraries....this strike by the union that delivers the books....well........It will tell the story.

I did find two or three books on the Jennifer Crusie- Maybe This Time.  Reading it now. I have books in my personal bookcase to read....Old Favorites.  I am still drawing and then coloring things in my Art Notebook....when I am done..I will turn the book upside down and draw and color on the backside of the pages.  I sharpen the pencils with a tiny handheld rectangular sharper.  Old school.

I am no longer in a hurry to do anything....anything at all.  It's quite peaceful.

And my Previous Life was never Peaceful....the Summer Squash and Broccoli Rabe saute was delicious.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Morning Notes- Friday, June 14th- finished the last of the "other" library books that I need to return today.

 Cheryl Warwick.  Mostly the early to late 1960's.

I found a new image site with Mid Century Modern.  That's when I was in school.. you will be seeing quite a bit of it here in June.  When I see the work of contemporary (to me in college)- I sit and ponder the waste of my Life.... I was there at the same time......younger and still a beginner but.....I know...there is still Life left to be lived (for me) and Art to be made.  Everything you will see here is on that site and is for sale as a poster sized image.  I am tempted to buy a few of them..... Rothko for sure.

So here we and me... I've lost count of how many years now.  And I've lost count of who actually reads these posts of little to zero content.  I used to write essays.  Here.  I used to think what I had to say was good enough for a few paragraphs.  Now...not so much.  I was out and about in those days. Doing Things Making Things. Writing and publishing newsletters.   

And now- it's just me and an occasional Lunch Buddy lunch.  I rarely even speak to another human.  I did ask Son to make me rice yesterday.  And I did secure a work date for the upkeep of the Boiler that heats water here for the house-- by email.  And that was it.  Then Silence. Not even the ticking of the Clock.

Right now I am listening to the Boiler heat water.  the downstairs is chilly as I have refused to open any windows.  Son has opened windows upstairs.....I never open them in summer...once the humidity gets inside- it doesn't go away.  It's very dark and still outside at 10:14am.  Might rain. 68 degrees.

We just discussed  the shopping list........and now we are going.  Comments or just chat is always welcome here.....

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spring Notes- but not for much longer as Summer is getting close.

 Butterflies and Bees.  When I actually get my planter boxes filled...I will need to contend with the BEES. Last year they were big and very very FAT. And usually asleep in the flower petals.

Sent an email regarding the Spring Tune Up for the Boiler that heats water etc.  I was going to call but the message said email was email.

I haven't begun my "beginner" walk down the street and back as yet. I need to start getting back into walking.....I am not pushing myself to make it to the end of the street.....I might just go to the end of the driveway and back.  Son gets the paper and the mail so I haven't even been going out to do that since he arrived....these items are placed on the dining room table.... and I clip the bill payments to the doll house roof (in the entry way) and he takes them down to the mailbox on his way out for his daily walk

I need to put stamps on the grocery list.  I would like to go to the post office to get the special stamps but my Lunch Buddy's husband stopped at the post office and has been sick ever since.  He must have touched the counter and then his face.  Perhaps while I look at books...Son could go across the busy street and get me stamps??? Pretty stamps.  I'll ask.

I had a delightful lunch yesterday...And chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert.  No wine or gin. I had a nice glass of lemonade.  The Maine Street Work on the new brick sidewalks may take forever.  One guy laying bricks and three watching him....lay bricks.  Stupifying.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Spring News- Wednesday- June 12th- sunshine.


Shower this morning and perhaps the water was too hot or perhaps I should eat breakfast before showering....  my blood pressure DROPPED... I did not.  But I am feeling the residual effects.  

Ate my Bran Flakes and milk, drank my decaf followed by newspaper reading, sudoko and bill paying.

Lunch date in another ten minutes.....will NOT be having Wine or a Gin and Tonic.  Will watch where I put my feet.  Will be careful.  I am not driving.  I don't think I ate any dinner last night which could be the problem.  So.......I will have to be monitored (more closely) by my Son.  Until I get over whatever this is that is going on and making me not interested in FOOD.  A Lack of Interest.  In ANYTHING.  Even the book a day is becoming a TASK instead of an ENJOYMENT.

Well, some Tennis....some Bones reruns......Zero Law and Order-I know, what is happening????? Zero MSNBC (which is actually a very good thing).........I have on a starched and ironed (pressed) linen shirt. I ironed a while ago.  Not recently.  Not last week.  Well, Car is here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Spring Notes- Tuesday June 11th- Cloudy with Excellent Chance of Mosquitos.

 I am emptying the image file.  I am on the very cusp of using my own images off the iPhone.  I know. Wow.  Now that I have in-house Tech Support....why not.

We shopped for annuals for the two outdoor containers.  There WERE tomato seedlings in the compost bins- I looked at the wrong bin.  I need to transplant them into pots but using the compost soil.....They look very happy.  Son moved the two large containers out front....we may do a third if I buy some things  at the grocery store..  I am thinking one each of the herbs they always have in a Herb Container..

He just did NOT believe I moved them and filled them last year with zero help.... I did.

We are  waiting for the garbage/recycling truck... they are very late.  It also seems like it's going to rain as the mosquitos are very very hungry.  I need to put mosquito spray on the shopping list.

In relevant Gardening News- I can look out the front door and SEE the Infant Peaches on the two trees. The smaller tree has never made anything but one very very lovely peach in ALL THESE YEARS. The behind the garage Plum Tree is Loaded....Just like that first year.  Still a BIG zero for the Beach Plums out back.  Sandy soil.  Just like Nantucket.  But no plums.

I have actually made good on my desire to read a book a day.....yesterday's book was very long...but it's an old favorite so I didn't mind a bit.  Runaway Groomsman.  Quinn.  Today's book is I Hate You More.- Gilmore.  New to me.  This list I found on the internet was a really great find..... Five new to me BOOKS!

I used my new stove yesterday and made BACON.  Fried Bacon.  And then had soft white bread, mayo, sliced red tomatoes and bacon....I had used up all my lettuce in a Big Salad on the weekend.

Lunch with my Lunch buddy tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.  A very small neighborhood Health and Grocery store next to where we have lunch-----I might pop in for some lettuce.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Spring Notes- Monday June 10th. Sunshine and 65 degrees. No rain in the forecast.

 Van Gogh.  I lived on a hill top in Germany and many of the views out my house windows were like this. the near and the far my German house this view would be of Frankfurt in the distance but not of the airport and planes taking off and landing.  I enjoy these painting by Vincent.  I have two of is self portraits...small squares on the bottom edge of this computer screen.  He is looking at me. Keeping me company.

Monday.  My new favorite thing- I am cold.  So the Summer heat will not bother me.  Wearing wool socks in June.  I am sleeping well....not dreaming at all right now.... reading books I got off a list on the Great Wonder Filled Internet.  Books I had never known existed and yet....I am enjoying them.  One of them is a favorite of mine...the Runaway Groomsman.  He's stopped drinking and is now doing work on the landscaping of a vacation spot... for an old man with dementia.  So.......not like my husband but....close.

I might have said all this yesterday...if I did forgive me...I should start this process by reading the day before's post.  There is not much NEW going on here and I doubt- now that we have our stove...anything else will be happening...

Our pizza yesterday was very puffy and we did toppings of onion, pepperoni and red pepper.  And of course was very very good.  The new oven does a nice job.  We remembered to put the pepperoni circles on top to get crispy.  Before pizza we watched Formula One from Montreal.  There was rain and a wet track.  In the Fall we will make the pizza at half time of which ever football we we choose to watch.  Like G and I did for many many years.  Not the Formula One--the football.

Well, I have run out of things to I will settle into the couch and read more of my book. and I seem to be that is new also.  I need to go find myself a pair of feet are cold.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Still Spring.....Sunday June 9th... Raining.60 degrees and 89 % humidity. Grass is LUSH!!!!

 Well, it's rainy and that's fine with's also cold.  Which is also fine with me. I had volunteer sunflowers in all the ornamental containers last Summer... Just like this one with the blue bird.  I never found out how that happened but it was pretty damn cheerful looking.  Volunteers.

The deer somehow got behind the front garden fence and have eaten all the Hosta.  Living with Wild Life is getting very very tiresome.   The noise the chipmunks make 24/7.  The fact that chipmunks are vermin. The deer.  I haven't seen snakes as yet...but still early.

And worst of all, nothing has been weeded because the one person living here who weeded--is no longer living here.  He was out filling his container full of weeds every day it didn't rain. Sigh. The fact that the container was also getting filled with my perennials which he thought were weeds-- well, I am not minding that not being done.

I could weed...but the issue with me...I can get down to weed but then I cannot get back up. Balance issues.  Which I have always had.  I end up on my back not being able to get up.....because I surrendered.

I have a lunch date next week...the husband of my Lunch Buddy is now well enough to be left at home..alone.  He had something that might have resembled pneumonia but wasn't. That was going around here in Maine.  And it might have been what I had (the COUGH) but never a fever and no ride in an ambulance for me (as yet).  Now I cough rarely but usually after inhaling whatever I am drinking.....I need to be "mindful" when drinking beverages.  Gosh.  Getting old is really difficult. It's like the hardest thing I have ever been asked to do.

I have frozen strawberries in the freezer and a recipe for Strawberry Jam pasted to the computer screen. Fresh or thawed frozen berries.....sugar and lemon juice and Bob's Your Uncle you have JAM. But who will eat it?

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Spring Notes- Saturday, June 8th Very damp and cloudy. 68 with rain in the forecast.

 This is titled Roman Pizza.  Not sure why.  I do like to top my pizza slices with some mixed greens salad. It's a very nice addition...  We will be having Sunday Pizza-- our second since the new stove and 40 amp fuse were installed.  We'll bake without the fan this Sunday.  See how that goes.  Stove is a Learning Experience.  At my age...I'm not that great with Learning Experiences. But I do them anyway.

My very kind and thoughtful son got husband's Keurig out, cleaned it and sorted out the French roast pods.  Too much caffeine for me- I am now having decaf tea.  My system runs very very slow and on low speed.  That caffeine hit me on the first sip.  Heart was racing.

My Peach and Plum Trees have SET infant fruit.  Daughter says the early frosts rather than late frosts this Winter and Spring and Plums.  Very very Happy.

And Lunch Buddy Lunch this coming week.  More than Happy.

Let the Good Times Roll.

Now I just have to wait until my hair is long enough to stay in a topknot.  right now- 60% stays and the remainder puffs out everywhere.  I look...well, I have no idea what people would think if they walked past me. I frighten myself looking in the mirror.

I have run out of spaces to store things....which means I need to get rid of things.  But not sure, at this point in TIME as to what I need to keep and what I need to let go of.  Right now- the voluminous down comforters need to find a place to stay until October,

Friday, June 07, 2024

Spring Notes- Friday, June 17th-- Overcast, Cloudy but Moist. 64 degrees outside and 68 inside..

 Leading Lady Pink Bee Balm.   None of this in my yard-  Why????

The guys came and mowed the grass.  I marked the calendar.  We visited the Library.  We did the Grocery Shopping.  I did not buy much.  Nothing seemed interesting. I looked at the meat loaf prepared meal for a while......didn't pick one up.  I have a large bag of frozen meatballs in the freezer......I could nuke them on one of the magical buttons on the new microwave. I could make sauce or just use pizza sauce..

I could.

My hair has gone from okay to what the hell is wrong with her in a matter of days.  I should try the rubber band again. Get all the wildness grouped together. At some point it's going to be workable.  Tennis Guy Hair.  Top Knot.  But it's not there yet.

Sigh.  So many things I could do...but so few of them I actually want to do.  

I am wearing clothes I wore a long time ago- still not small enough to wear Greenhouse Clothes. That would be a real triumph. I was in fantastic shape in those years. I was also always very very dirty.  Caked with sand and grit.  By the time I stopped working there- I could barely walk- my knees/hips gave out.

I do want a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger Meal from Wendy's.  $5.00.  I have memorized the commercial.

I have a working stove- I can now make Soup.....I have a multitude of cans of Wendy's Chili.  I could eat that.........we'll be making Pizza on Sunday.  I have bread for Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.  And for Bacon Lettuce Tomato Sandwiches.  I have food......  I have 20 or more Bones episodes recorded.

I seemed to have rewound from paragraph two to eight.  Meatballs to Chili.

That's it.   The sewn by hand appliquéd pieces of a quilt- from years ago- has failed to turn up after many searches.  I did the saw tooth edging strips on long car rides etc.  The interior blocks are very large and I lost interest in them with half of them finished.  Now everything is Missing Without a Trace.

But right now and for the next few days-- I am reading.....I have books that have a 6 days expiration date.  And I want to read ALL of them.......

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Spring Notes- Thursday, June 6th- I missed an entire day here. What is happening????

 I haven't started having an afternoon cocktail as yet...but the Gin bottle is NOW in the fridge getting cold. Along with the limes and the Tonic.  My Lunch Buddy and I are celebrating the loss of our least favorite male tennis player.  Knee injury.

I missed posting yesterday and never even noticed.  Well, I am past the half way mark of my 70's. My socks still match and I do comb my hair (once a day).  And none of my clothing is inside out....I did notice that on customers when I was working the Greenhouse.  Inside out clothes...miss matched shoes.  I never said anything......but did ask if they had driven themselves to the store.  Then alerted the guys at the cash registers..... our store was on a heavy traffic road.  Plenty of crashes all Summer long.

Daughter returned my heating pad and now must buy Pookie (her cat) one.  Of her very own. Pink???

One of my books has a kidnapping of a teen aged girl... so that one goes back unread.

I have three books waiting at the the library for me.. from other Libraries.  That interlibrary service will be terminated for the next 6 or more wks.  Contract Difficulties.  I have my personal books to read. Until they get things back into shape......but I can go to any Library and check out books.  Drive there myself etc. Like that will happen..... but nice to know it's available to us.  One particular library has a larger than usual collection of stuff I like reading.....but 40 minute drive one way.  I'll try the bookstores first.

Tennis.  All the "before I hit the ball" things these players do.  Ticks.   I am getting bored with it all. Nadal was the least 10 things before he was prepared to serve.  But I will still watch for an hour or two if the book I am reading gets dull.

Son and I chatted about how invested we each might be to get rid of the riding mower husband set on fire last Summer.  It had JUST come back from the Dealer after repairs....and he drove it over a gas can.  No way we recoup any of those costs.  Husband liked it because he would drive it around instead of walking.  The mower hardly ever mowed anything.  And now I have a mowing service. We had a mowing service the day after the fire.  Husband never noticed......just saying.

TruGreen left a new bill and it might rain in the next 24 hours- let the good times roll.  And whatever he sprinkled might actually do work (crabgrass).....Daughter checked...Peaches--Yes---- then Plum Tree- another Yes!! Life on the "farm" is good...

It's that must have been something else.  

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Warm Weather Notes- June 4th- 72 here in Maine. Sunshine. Rain Is a Coming Attraction......Thursday.

 Hello.   I slept well, had a nice shower, washed and conditioned my hair, couldn't find any Summer Pants....looked everywhere and finally noticed them in the very very bottom shelf near the floor.  Summer Pants.  Just before I was set to start crying. Cause they were possibly lost forever. I went there.

By then I needed a nap or a tranquilizer.  But first I had breakfast and read the newspaper. The morning Sudoko.......I think I got three numbers?????  Now, I feel sort of okay.  Wearing strong pink. Clothing.

My skin feels eye and the skin around it is dry as well.  I feel like I might have needed an extra hour of sleep.  Wish I was a "napper" but my mother always complained that I always had my eyes open as a baby and rarely if ever napped...I didn't fuss or cry but it still made her nervous.  I think I had my eyes open because I knew- sooner or later...bad things were going to happen....... I was correct.

For the Readers worried about the swollen legs- I took a Reader's advice and stopped the Gummy Vitamins  (which I loved) and re-started the regular non gummy vitamins....legs and ankles are no longer swollen....still chubby as I need to lose weight but not swelling up during the day.  The ingredients did not mention soy, but the Reader said it is often in gummy products....I don't do well with any type of soy product.  So...something new learned every day.  Every once in awhile is okay.  Not everyday.

I like the lunch plate up top...Rice, asparagus and a soft yolk egg.   I'd eat that.  

I am reading books, watching Tennis, coloring the pages in my Art Notebook....sharpening pencils. dragging out the Central Vac hose and vacuuming....  I also carried water out to the Peach trees.  Just to get them thru the next few days until it rains all weekend....infant bead sized peaches on both trees. That hasn't happened in a few years now. Possibly because Tru Green didn't spray weed killer? Because it was raining?????  I don't know- perhaps it was just the Planets (auto correct typed PANTS) in the right positions.  Auto  Don't get me started.

I need to take a look at the Damson Plum Tree... It also has problems setting fruit. Like NEVER.

I do not give Master Gardening School a good name when I can't even get Fruit Trees to produce Fruit. The grapes failed the past few years as well. Patty says I was supposed to cut them back HARD. I did not. I like the shade they provide over the garden walkway.  I actually still have grape jelly no one will eat.  I did like using the grape juice to dye cloth- fantastic blue.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Spring Notes- Monday (no newspaper) June 3rd. Sunshine. at 8am- why am I awake????

 Postcard from Provence

I went to bed late- finishing up Jennifer Crusie's Fast Women.  I need to buy a copy of this book. Published in 2001.  It's very "old School" with a detective agency and women wearing suits to work. It was a delight to read it again.

Son carried the pieces of an over 100 year old cupboard that used to hold clothing years ago for other people... (down from the attic) now holds my book collection---- not all of it but the smaller bookcase was getting too full.  A few authors...daughter bought me...I no longer read.  But I moved those unread books to the new space.  The smaller bookcase holds all the things I read NOW.  I know that puzzles my daughter but I outgrow things eventually.  I move on to new authors and different books.  I change.....that the thing about me...I change.  What's old isn't new again.

I have piles of clothing in my closet, in front of the closet and on the bedroom chair.  I am wearing things I haven't worn in decades.......they fit.   I am wearing new (well, new to this edition of ME) underwear also. I just dig around in the underwear drawer and try things on and if they fit.... I wear them.  Things from 10 years ago or more.  When I was in much better shape. Still working. Not retired.

We (son and I) used the brand new oven to make Sunday pizza yesterday...could have stayed in the oven a bit longer's a learning curve with convection- we might skip the fan next time.  We haven't cooked anything on top yet.  But my large soup kettle has the wrong "bottom" so it won't convect..... I might just go CRAZY and use a crock pot to make soup.  We have two of those.  Not that I am eating much of really get OUT of the habit of eating and cooking when you have no working stove for a couple of MONTHS..

Which is probably why I am wearing clothing I haven't worn in 10 years. The blue linen pants are too large (pant legs rolled up) and the white linen shirt is also too large.  Last year at this time they would have been too tight.

Well, I need to make myself either oatmeal or bran flakes for breakfast and a cup of instant coffee.  I hadn't chosen my new form of coffee on the last shopping trip.....Next week. No newspaper as it's  Monday.  I need to get back to the Daily Coloring Book Page as well.  Skipped a few days while reading.

I found a new station in the really high digit numbers that is "free" right now and set a few things to record.   Two movies and some other stuff....easy enough to delete if I don't like the content, often too juvenile.  But in that range the visuals are pretty darn great.  I don't really like most of the cable package we's sports heavy.  Husband must have chosen it....and he didn't actually watch sports.  I need to choose a new package.

Sunday June 2nd. I forgot to post........what????? Pizza today in the NEW OVEN.

 Not ours- ours will be round.  And without green stuff on top.

We ( I watched) put together the  over 100 years old German Cupboard.  It used to be down here in the living room and then it got taken apart and carried to the attic... now it's back- no screw or nails.  Just great old 100 plus years or more craftsmanship...a few fingers got mashed a bit.  No blood. No bandaids.

And, unlike when my husband did things,- no extra parts.....

I have a new bedside table....I never have had one.  One of the living room tables is now next to my bed. so I can have a book there and Kleenex and even a small clock.  Like regular people. At least for a few weeks.  See if I like it or knock it over etc.

Son also wants us to get rid of the porch refrigerator...... I kept soft drinks, beer etc in there....not much. So "a great waste of electricity".  No idea how one gets rid of a fridge these days.  Its actually a loaner from Lowes that they never came to pick up.  After my second new fridge died in the first few weeks of use. And...the third  fridge came from "some place that was NOT Lowes....."  And still works.

Appliances.......a real crap shoot.  So many die as soon as they get installed.  And cannot be repaired.

I have tried to watch the Paris Tennis....the players seem tense and sad.  No one is happy.  So today I did NOT watch.  No Open The Racing today.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Spring Notes- Saturday, June first. 79 degrees and Sunshine in Maine.

 Postcard from Provence.

I am trying to get ahead of the confusion that is my picture file.  Too tiny for me to actually recognize the images.  So..from now on- it goes here and then the one in the file goes into the garbage can on the bottom of the screen.

Yes, I know...I rarely have much follow thru these days. But nice to even think I have a plan.

Son and I have spent time looking for lost things- I think we will take the weekend off.  He's gone out to have some lunch and get his head shaved.  I recall the ten year old version with long curling hair.  Just like mine is now but brown not the white of mine.  Pure white so I am thankful to my grandmother.  She had pure white hair but spent time and effort coloring it.  I did color mine well into my 40's and then said- the hell with it.  I like it white.  Still not long enough  to rubber band into a topknot.  I am definitely looking forward to that by my 78th birthday.  Three plus months away... should be long enough by then.

It is really quite lovely...Just wet it in the morning, comb the ends under and's great all day.  There is a "new to me" wave over my forehead which is really quite nice.

Was channel surfing and stopped at Moonstruck with Cher and Nick Cage.  Before they fixed his teeth and got him to lift weighs and styled his hair. Cher was a knockout for sure in this movie.  My TiVo says I recorded it.  Looking forward to watching it again. I love when something like this happens...pure joy.

I stopped taking the gummy vitamins- bottle was nearly empty.  Back to the regular ones I sometimes choke on.  I didn't choke this morning and also back to the daily Tylenol so the thigh bones on the right side- not as painful.  All good things.  Drinking extra water seems to be helping the ankles/legs..

I stayed in bed thinking a lot longer than usual.  I woke up with a few things on my mind...... I am also considering buying pods for husband's Keurig or buying ground coffee and using son's coffee maker. I have been drinking instant and...I am so over it.  I also have three or four different sizes of French Press and could do coffee that way as well.  I used to...I might even grind beans.  Did that also years ago.

Book I tried reading yesterday...not happening.  So today I chose another one or go to the bookcase for a "sure bet".