Sunday, June 09, 2024

Still Spring.....Sunday June 9th... Raining.60 degrees and 89 % humidity. Grass is LUSH!!!!

 Well, it's rainy and that's fine with's also cold.  Which is also fine with me. I had volunteer sunflowers in all the ornamental containers last Summer... Just like this one with the blue bird.  I never found out how that happened but it was pretty damn cheerful looking.  Volunteers.

The deer somehow got behind the front garden fence and have eaten all the Hosta.  Living with Wild Life is getting very very tiresome.   The noise the chipmunks make 24/7.  The fact that chipmunks are vermin. The deer.  I haven't seen snakes as yet...but still early.

And worst of all, nothing has been weeded because the one person living here who weeded--is no longer living here.  He was out filling his container full of weeds every day it didn't rain. Sigh. The fact that the container was also getting filled with my perennials which he thought were weeds-- well, I am not minding that not being done.

I could weed...but the issue with me...I can get down to weed but then I cannot get back up. Balance issues.  Which I have always had.  I end up on my back not being able to get up.....because I surrendered.

I have a lunch date next week...the husband of my Lunch Buddy is now well enough to be left at home..alone.  He had something that might have resembled pneumonia but wasn't. That was going around here in Maine.  And it might have been what I had (the COUGH) but never a fever and no ride in an ambulance for me (as yet).  Now I cough rarely but usually after inhaling whatever I am drinking.....I need to be "mindful" when drinking beverages.  Gosh.  Getting old is really difficult. It's like the hardest thing I have ever been asked to do.

I have frozen strawberries in the freezer and a recipe for Strawberry Jam pasted to the computer screen. Fresh or thawed frozen berries.....sugar and lemon juice and Bob's Your Uncle you have JAM. But who will eat it?

1 comment:

LindaSonia said...

Chipmunk noise nonstop is here where I live too and it has been driving me nutz. I also can totally agree on the pain of weeding/maintenance. After a few minutes of the up and down of it I'm done and I think to myself you did this to yourself with all my big garden dreams. LOL