Monday, September 16, 2024

September Notes- Monday the 16th. 66% and 86 humidity. Sunshine. No breezes.

 The second and third of the pale pink roses from the bed by the side of the front porch.  They opened wide in just a few hours in the house.

Sunday Pizza was very good.  I watched two football games.  The Bengals lost in the final minutes due to what was more than likely a mistake made much earlier in the game. WHEN matters in football.

Son and I made the Sunday football Pizza and as was wonderful. Daughter came over to use our washing machine to clean her work clothes- landscaping clothes.  She looked exhausted. 

Because she was visiting in time for pizza...we invited her to have a slice (or two).  She really could stop by every Sunday for a slice or two. Perhaps she will.

Tom Brady did a much better job of commentating yesterday.  

Hallmark has hit a new low....always at least satisfying to some degree....they have missed that low bar the past two years. I may have to just watch old re-runs of favorites.  Or wait for Christmas- they have slightly better results with Christmas. And I have a stockpile of the good ones to watch if they don't.

All I want for Christmas is a subscription to Netflix.....and possibly Prime.  I know what I would get on Netflix but no clue as to what is on Prime. Anyone out there reading want to share information?????? I bake my Birthday cake on Tuesday or Wednesday?????  Boozy Chocolate Bundt for the Win.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

September Notes- Sunday, September 15th. Anniversary Day. 62 degrees 94% humidity

 Plum Torte.  I have everything needed to bake this...a pastry reminding me of my grandmother. She had plum trees planted especially for baking Plum Cake and Plum Dumplings.

Yesterday's outing with the Twins and their parents was a Total Delight.  We ate by the water. I ordered the mussels and got a gigantic bowl of them... I got French Fries on the side.  Very Parisian.  A short walk looking at the gorgeous annuals planted in gardens along the street....obviously that Town has a better selection in the Spring.  Way way better. And then, if the day hadn't been wonderful enough.....a bookstore. I had forgotten just how lovely  the towns on the River are- the old houses from the 1700's or earlier- one of the painted chimneys for the Underground Railway on a huge old house.  Next land to the east is Europe.  Sea Captains lived in that Town.

One of the twins ordered the Oysters.  A half dozen.  I worried he would choke when swallowing them.  They were very large and plump.  I watched to make sure he was okay with each one.

Yes, Living The Good Life.  The bookstore was followed by Round Top Ice Cream.  Strawberry Cheesecake (full fat) for intolerance by my digestive system.  A Fantastic Day All Around.

I will reheat and crisp the French Fries for lunch today.  I will be thinking about that full fat ice cream for a few days.  Giffords.  Perhaps the grocery has a few varieties?????? but I will continue to buy Lactate free milk for my cereal.....cause I really like it.  I am watching Premier League Soccer.  Tottingham v Arsenal. The fans are singing When the Saints Come Marching In.  zero to zero.  I love the singing. Someone scored while I was typing.

Today would have been my Wedding Anniversary- I guess it still is--- but we stopped celebrating (or remembering) the day long long ago.  I don't even want to do the math to find out how many years.  and yes, I might be admitting to being depressed.  About what I have to look forward to....right now I can't think further than the re-crisped French Fries.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September Notes- Saturday the 14th. 70 degrees 80% humidity. Sunshine

 Boeing Boeing Gone.

Eventually.  Would you actually buy a ticket and fly on Boeing??????  Not me. And not into Space, for sure. I wonder if the employees fly Boeing????  Not even a free ride for me.

Sunshine.  I need to go out and water the containers.  Turn on the hose.  Time is running out and soon I will have to empty the containers and haul them back into the backyard.  I am wondering of I will be able to fill and move them next summer.....I wonder about that...what will I still be able to do next year. And will I be living here next summer... I hope I will be.

Son brought down three flat containers of art supplies, paper and projects. I spent a lovely 90 minutes looking and sorting stuff I haven't used in a decade or more.  I was interested in so many things- that I am no longer interested in.

There was a 911 project my quilt group made.  And the letter I wrote and sent with the small signed flags. Sent to Fire and Police Stations.  Saying "thank you".  It was an amazing letter.  I don't think I could write anything like that now.

When I find these things....looking thru boxes.....I hardly recognize myself. Time changes us in ways that are difficult to accept. Circumstance as well.  That changes us most of all.

I have also found two sets of Tarot Cards.  Rider and Morgan Greer.  Both with beautiful images.  Because that is how I roll (possibly not using that word correctly). I had thought I would "read the cards" but I don't seem to have that ability or skill set.  I do live in my imaginary I thought I could do it.

I'm going to see if I can order Lady Luck's Map of Las Vegas.-- blurb says it's sort of a "road trip"- If you have read a Road Trip book and enjoyed it- send me the title .....I am on sort of a roll and enjoying the road trip books.  Mrs. Nash's Ashes is a really good road trip book...which I am going to find and buy. The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise was an excellent road trip book I will also be buying.

Something smells funny-- I need to sniff around...

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13th. Persistent Nitpicking. Groceries.


Viburnum Nudum.  I like the berries.

Grass got mowed today.  New plants got watered.  Annual containers got watered.  Birdbaths were empty.  so they got rinsed and filled.   Meaning larger animals are coming to drink.

Library...I found some...hopefully good books.  Time will tell.

I found hangers for all the shirts I washed and dried I know for sure doesn't fit- the German blouse I wore all the time.....back in the 80's.  I don't think I still own the wool circle skirts I wore with it.  I loved those skirts.  Mid calf length.  A friend made them for me.

I was correct.  On my birthday I will have completed  a year and begin a new one. When we are born we live an entire year before we are One.  I learn or re-learn things on a rotating basis.

I bought things I don't need.... I tend to think I have eaten most of what I buy on Friday's.....I haven't. I am finding spoon sized Shredded Wheat is a better fit as breakfast cereal than the Bran Flakes. I enjoy it with lots of milk.  Lactaid free.  I also bought that brand of ice cream to eat with my birthday cake. Which I will be baking on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Depending on my energy levels.  Boozy Pound Cake.

I read some news....I shouldn't have.  If I could turn back time I would not read it.

Well, since I was so very busy yesterday- I am going to sit on the couch today and read, watch tv and perhaps color another mandala.   It's going to be a good day.

I did not buy more Dark Chocolate.  I think I was eating too much of it.  Even thought it is supposed to be "good for you".

September Notes- Friday, September 13th. sunshine. 66 degrees and humidity.

 Lunch yesterday was fun.  The food was delicious and the company divine.

My cross the street neighbor came over to borrow baking powder.  New Neighbors. Nice. I got a peek at the sleeping one year old grand daughter.  Something I will never have. The grandson is 3. Why they moved to Maine.  Most excellent reason..........

The smoke yesterday was a neighbor burning stuff in his back yard...apologies to Canada.

I had Mussels for lunch (served on pasta-I skipped the gorgonzola cheese).  And chocolate ice cream and a brownie for dessert.  I also had a glass of wine. No supper.

Today is grocery shopping day.....but first the Library.  Most of the books I selected last week.....did not like any of them...I read two from the week before....and I am reading one from two weeks ago- again...makes three times I've read the book.  If I can't find anything this week- I am moving on to my own bookcase. And will read books I have read at least ten times......which is why I buy them.

Well, Life Goes On.  I sorted thru a basket in the sewing room closet.  Seems that at some point I stuffed the basket with linen shirts from my closet.  Nothing wrong with them- perhaps too snug?  anyway- I never did cut them up so yesterday I washed and dried them-- wash taking ONE HOUR--I had no idea....Son times everything.. and now they are on hangers waiting to be worn. Again for the first time.

Generally, the clothing I put on each day (as a widow) is loose.  Not falling off loose but...loose. The shirts especially are wide even when fully buttoned.  I might actually BE wasting away...... I do eat.  Quite a bit. but it's not building up....I am also wearing pants..well, some I never actually fit into until NOW. Red pants.  Cherry red...very very nice pants.  White shirts fully buttoned for the first time EVER.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September Notes- September 12th. sunny here in Maine- 67 with some Canadian Wild Fire smoke.

 out of the Polaris capsule........making history in Space.

Three hydrangea arrived late in the afternoon.  I covered them in netting overnight.  We haven't had many deer visiting but- fresh produce is always a lure.   I gave each a gallon of water this morning.  They look a bit worn out....possibly the ride in the car. Possibly sad no one bought them when they were fresh.  Hurt Feelings.  Tomorrow I will "juice them up with blue water".  Drugs.

We have smoke coming in from Canada....again. All the windows are shut tight.

I finished the second book by Louise Miller who is actually a Boston Pastry Chef.  So the recipes in the books are legit.  I am at loose ends regarding today's book.  I get to pick up new ones tomorrow.  I few of my choices last week are going back unread.   Last Friday was sort of a bummer day for book picking.

I have one request waiting- possibly two depending on the new service's first week.  Like a Shake Down Week.  Get all the kinks out.

I slept...I lay awake this morning with all sorts of thoughts going thru my head......exhausting. I actually would like to wake up to a new it happens in some of the books I read......that I made different choices and this new reality is actually my Life.  I would be making different choices based on the very poor choices I did make.  I would NOT have married my husband...for sure, I regret that.

One mistake like that and it's a house of cards tipping can never never fix any of it no matter how hard you try.  I am hoping I get a Second Chance in a Second Lifetime- after I die.  Thinking this is what keeps me going......... I don't expect any miracles in the last years of this Life.

Mostly I am un-packing boxes and sending things to Goodwill.  Death Cleaning.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September Notes- Wednesday the 11th. 59 degrees 87 % humidity... Sunshine. Furnace overnight.

 OMG...would I love to have one of these today.  Bacon. Mayo.

I am still reading Late Bloomers Club...  they are baking cakes, trying to catch the departed (she died) Baker's dog, also not wanting a big box store in the neighborhood.  Same as in the first book. Big Box Store. And perhaps someone is falling in love?  Also...big money troubles. 

We have quite few big my small Town.  Huge, mostly empty parking lots. One closes and another moves into the building... and on it goes..... We don't have enough people living here to make it worth the effort of the BIG BOXES.  I do venture into Staples to buy a desk calendar and some pens.  Happens once a year.  January. Target even less often due to the piles of clothing on the floors. Under the rods and hangers. As a Tidy Virgo.......I want to run out of the building screaming.

So. Book Reading....Sunshine.....Socks......Blanket covering my legs.......Sports Talk Show.  

That's all she wrote.  I may need a sweater.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September Notes- Tuesday the 10th. 64 degrees and 61% humidity. Sunshine.

 I have started wondering what it might be like to paint......not walls but canvas or paper. Skip cloth for the time being.....though there are a few unfinished cloth projects calling my name. But...I don't have the colors of cloth I need for those pieces......and for some projects- the cloth needed has disappeared. I have the paper traced patterns etc...but not the cloth for half finished work.  Disappointment. Yes. Cloth. No.

I watered the containers out front.  Still looking quite lovely.  My landscaper has flown off to Paris for a wedding.  She will return next week (??- if it was me, I wouldn't return).  A neighbor has offered me two large Hydrangea.  Free- but I must dig them up and carry them away.  I might need to do just that.  If he can wait for the landscaper to return from Paris.  

Finished reading the City Baker's Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller.  Now I really want to bake an Apple Pie.  Next up if the newest book: Late Bloomer's Club.  Same author same small rural town. Perhaps a recipe for waffles??????

I am tired these days.  It might be emotional fatigue.  It might be realizing I don't have much time left on this planet to finish or start things.  My Expiration Date is closing in on me.

Hallmark has had nothing for me to watch...for weeks.... Law and Order no longer holds my interest.  Nothing is really holding my interest..... I might actually be boring myself to death.

I sorted a cup full of ball point pens.....did any or all of them work... fascinating? no.

Haul out the central vac hose?  No.  Sit on the couch and stare at the wall? Yes.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Fall Notes- Monday September 9th. 53 degree, 87% humidity- sunshine.

 Found a picture today which I could have used yesterday.  Plenty of masks being worn here in Maine.

Reading  "The City Baker's Guide to Country Living" by Louise Miller.  Have read it before but reading it again as it now has a follow up second book..Late Bloomer's Club.  Lots of food being cooked and written about. Makes me wish I knew how to bake some of these things.

Martin has just brought  Olivia's dog Salty back to the cabin she is living in.   Salty and a goat had been found  (by Martin) in his mother's living room.  The dog and the goat were watching TV while Martin's mother was taking a nap.  All time best "meet cute" in any book I have read.  Olivia was also playing music on an instrument- violin? that she had heard while out on a walk in the woods....Martin's music.

Martin is not a happy camper.  He really does NOT want to fall in love. 

So...Tom Brady.  Play by play of a football game.  His voice might have put the FOX listeners to sleep. I had thought his voice was deeper....perhaps that was his football voice- after a game.  

I decided to read.

Tanner and Louise made it back home.  Any more words and it would ruin it for all of you. 

So. no newspaper as it's Monday.... 

No idea if any landscaping will be done today.  My gal might still be in Paris. Yes, my landscaping girl went to Paris, France for a weekend wedding. This is how Mainer's Roll. Like living in an Alternate Universe, huh???.  well, breakfast.......I'm hungry.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

September Notes- Sunday the 8th. Sunshine 59 degrees 82% humidity.

 Life goes on.  COVID vaccination yesterday.  My arm started aching 5 or 6 hours after..... I didn't ask for the Flu shot as the only time I have gotten the flu was when I was still working and actually had my hands on the service desk- and must have touched my face or mouth.  Very very SICK.

I have, ever since, tried to NOT touch any surface that others can touch when in public during flu season. I watched the gal giving me my shot- wearing gloves- touch almost every surface in the small shot room at the grocery store BEFORE giving me my shot.  Nice.

I am almost to the midpoint of the Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise.  I wrote more but hell, I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.  It's a Road Trip Book- because they are actually in a car... driving....

Hopefully Tanner gets enough cash to finish her Senior Year of College... I was hoping for some miracle with her leg (no longer able to play soccer) but can't see how that might happen.  My daughter played soccer in college and loved it. So I can relate.  She also got a soccer ending injury. Thigh bone.

I was going thru some links to see if I could find a way to put in plot lines of a book and actually find the book.  so  It's not a great book but it's a nice "old" book.  Recruited (down on her luck) Teacher has to get a small town football team to actually make a C average so they can play football.  In order to get them to do any actual Math or English WORK she has to run laps etc with them...... on one run they find a small child stuck in a tree (in the middle of nowhere)--- way up high (there's a cat up there also)....... the team members lift her on their shoulders to get her high enough to grab the little girl- and the cat.

It's NOT a great book.  Was never a best seller...It's budget vanilla.  But I feel like reading it. Was in the shelving mid alphabet. Perhaps early mid alphabet. Technically sounds Rom Com but WAS NOT. Way too serious on the plot lines. From my library but for sure isn't on the shelves now.  No fancy dust jacket art remember- cause I have a visual memory.... not the other kind.

I might read Linda Howard's Troublemaker a third time before returning it.  After Tanner and Louise make it to where ever they are going.  We will be watching football later today.  Having Football Pizza. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Fall News- Saturday, September 7th. Sunshine. 65 degree- 89% humidity

Things are not working today.  No images and I can't get the margin over to the left side. I also noticed no one read yesterday's post so perhaps it never when out to you all.  Just sitting here doing nothing.  I sort of expected this to happen at some point.  The computer gives up every so often.

And now we have the left side margin.  Welcome Back.

I am also getting emergency hysterical updates saying my keyboard, mouse etc all need new batteries. They are working just fine and I battery tested the batteries and they got high what I am sensing here is a "computer dumpster fire situation".  

Perhaps yesterday's post never got to you and perhaps this one won't either.  Usually, though, if I don't post I get emails asking if I am okay.  That didn't happen- but then I might not be getting emails either.

I finished yesterday's book (took two days to read it) and today I have a road trip book that Deborah recommended.  My library had a copy.  Looking forward to reading it. The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise.

I'll just keep going until.....well, one of you will get in touch to say the internet is broken. On my side.

I asked my sister in law to investigate a book I had read years- decades ago- see if she could find it'a title. I just have this feeling I wan to read it again.  

I also picked up a few other road trip books to add to the week's reading.

I am going to get my COVID vaccine today- later in the afternoon.  More and more people at the grocery wearing masks.   We'll see if the posts-- it might not.  This might be the end.


Friday, September 06, 2024

Fall Notes- Friday, September 6th. Grocery Shopping and Library Day. 71 degrees-

 This might be a repeat but that's how I am rolling this week. (I remembered to delete it in the picture file this time)

I have four hot-dogs and two buns.  

When I bought them I counted. It worked out correctly. Now it doesn't.  Today I am having last week's corn purchase- boiled and served with butter and salt. I loose track of my groceries.  

A book I read over and over- the guy has a schedule of meals.  The day the gal visits it's omelet day. Book is titled the Hating Game...I think you can watch it if you have the right services- Netflix???? I would love to have Netflix back....I just don't know how to do it.  Old Age is a Bummer.

I bought more fruit and nut granola...I haven't open it as yet.  Last tub lasted one day. It's very very delicious.  Crack Granola.

I might get blue hydrangeas for the front porch garden bed- daughter and her boss are going plant shopping next week.  Things might work out...nice when that happens and you don't have a plan.  There is a special one they buy for customers that is very very nice....that's the one they may be able to get for me.  Wish them luck!!!!!!  Would be gorgeous out front.

I got some books today- heavy bag....not sure I like all of them.

Tomorrow I get my COVID shot.  4pm.  I will ask about a Flu Shot.  Belatedly.  I try not to touch things. I did touch some things today.. but not my need to work on that..... I also  bought a can of soup with tortellini pasta in it.  Pretty excited by that.  It's almost Soup Making Season.  I love a good vegetable bean soup.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Still Summer Notes- Thursday, September 5th. 66 degrees, sunshine and 84% humidity.

 Sigh.   No Cosmic Compost.   Bah, Humbug.

My son and the guy cutting the grass...both very sad that the Peach Trees have been cut down.  I am not. The guy cutting the grass asked about who was doing my landscape work- asked me to give his "digits" to her.  He needs someone to do landscape cleanup. Finding people to "do things" is really difficult.

I don't even like to "do things" anymore.  Even my hot dogs yesterday seemed like too much work.

Re-reading Troublemaker.  Linda Howard.  Might go for a third read.....

I checked and CML has the Road Trip book Deborah recommended. I have it on reserve...pick it up tomorrow.  Today is the first day we can order from OTHER libraries.  I am waiting a bit..... let the early birders get theirs.  I love book recommendations. Rom Com Road Trips are some of the best kinds of Rom Com. I think I have two in my book case. Trapped in a car... Mrs. Nash's Ashes is a great road trip.  There's even a Broccoli Festival Parade. I read a British one about two people going to a wedding..... in a tiny car. One or both of them had been engaged to either bride or got trapped in tiny bathroom at the church.  Any idea regarding it's title????????

So.....I changed clothing many times yesterday. It was very very cold in the am and then mildly chilly in the afternoon and then "just right" by dinner time.  Bedtime was warmish.  Four changes of clothing.

I skipped the front page of the newspaper.  Moved on to the interior pages.  We have quite a disturbance  locally due to fire suppressants discharging into the air and water on the no longer "in service" Naval Air Base (next door).  Seems the Navy left all their contaminates "aging" in place. And now they are "leaking" into the ground water supplies.   Well, I am already old...was going to die anyway.

Burrow has bleached his hair blonde..... And has two of the Patriots BEST- now playing for Cincinnati. In this week's Game.  Whoa!!!  How's that for karma??????? Both 6 -8 and over 330 pounds.  And mad as hell, I assume.  Gonna hurt someone....  I don't know who or what is happening in the Patriots Planning Office...but drugs, or lobotomies must play into it.  Pay to Lose.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

September Notes- Wednesday, the 4th. Sun, 58 degrees with 95% humidity.

 Good morning.  Very chilly here in Maine this morning... I woke up somewhere around 3:30am and couldn't fall back to sleep.  No idea what that's about.  I am tired now.

Finished my book last night.  Thought about the characters before falling asleep.  Thought about what it would have been like to have had their story be mine.  Or something similar.  I did experience many long East Coast road trips in my Lifetime.  Maine to South Florida but not the Keys.  I was in the Keys only once but it was quite memorable.  The night sky- and all those stars.

I made a mistake in my Landscape Project.  I forgot about the Birds.  And I had too many large leafy things removed and the birds like those things- spaces to hide from predators and places to get out of the weather. I am sad that all - or most- of that is now gone. Along with the birds.  Sigh.  But it might also be the cold....  it feels colder than 58.

I wish I had the balance and stamina to do some digging and planting...I do not.  I am very often on the verge of falling down.  

So...I could call Cosmic and have a few yards of "most excellent" compost delivered.  I'll think about it. I'll also consider long pants, socks, thermal shirt and a sweater.  Right now I have none of that on.

The weather in Maine has gone over to the cold side.  But the Sun is shining.

I haven't selected today's book.....I am thinking something from the bookcase.....something I adore.

Mrs Nash's Ashes- A road trip love story- has put in in a pensive mood. I read it most of the day yesterday. I plan on trying to find it at the bookstore on my birthday visit or order it in Town.

Yesterday's hot dogs were almost perfect... one more time in the toaster oven...Twice wasn't enough. 

Dee had her tiny houses on her post yesterday...making me want to make a tiny square with a few tiny houses with pointy roof lines.... I have scraps's doable. I'd link but have forgotten how.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Almost Fall Notes- Tuesday, September 3rd. I might need to put on a sweater. Thermal shirt.


Hey, It's Tuesday.

Getting cold up here in Maine.  I might need socks and a sweater.  Definitely need socks and a sweater.

Lots happened in the yard.  Trees got cut, shrubs got cut down or trimmed.  Lots of bare dirt.  Clean up this Fall and planting in the Spring.  A Maine Winter isn't great for newly transplanted things- so we will wait. a Chain Saw which always makes a huge difference.

Need to stop rubbing my left eye.  It was itchy now it's...getting tender....

Reading a book....I don't like it so will chose something else.  Watched a Weather Channel show before bed. Sand, Oceans all looked dangerous.  Slip, fall and drown or get buried in sand.

I watched 15 minutes of a new show on regular tv.  The English Teacher.  Whoa.  It was on the one specific channel on my cable line-up where the sound is really iffy (FOX).  And you def needed to actually hear what everyone was saying.  A talking show not an action show.  Reminded me- like a heart beat, of my days as a "somethingOld/ adult" in the high school Math/English Departments.  When in the Math section I did everything and tutored and etc the English department I sat and did nothing.  Guess which department was run by a woman.

Anyway........wish I had been able to HEAR the dialogue of the English Teacher.  

The skin around my eyes is red and a bit itchy.  My last book was awful.  I stopped at page 50. I have to find a good one for today.... or take a nap.  I did have hot dogs yesterday but today will get them crispy in the frying pan.  I like them "blackened".  That's it... I think my battery is running near empty.  Emotional Battery.... so I need something to calm myself down....hit the reset button so to speak.  I even resorted to scrubbing the bathrooms.  That's like the last thing I ever want to do. Ever.  EVER.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday September 2nd. 67 degrees, 59 % humidity. Sunshine.

 Something colorful today.

Landscaper is here again cutting things and clearing things out.  Someone else is coming to cut down the fruit trees.  Clear the way for the generator people.

Things are getting done and I am making decisions and that is getting me out of bed each day.  Purpose. I needed purpose to get myself moving.  I was stuck in idle.  For a lot of years.  Like an old car in storage. Can't get an old car roadworthy in 15 minutes......takes awhile. Flush the systems out.

So....this old car isn't on the road as yet...thinking about it. Thinking is half the battle. 

Sunday pizza was as food as usual.  No football. We did watch Open Wheel Racing. The Italian guy won.

Had a shower this morning before breakfast...bad idea as my blood pressure tanked.  I was out of the shower when it happened and close to the tall king bed... so it was okay.  I will eat breakfast before the next shower event.  This is nothing new... my doctor recommended afternoon showers......and I had been doing that.  

I did some math.  Since 2005 I have written and published 3439 posts. That first year 26 posts.

The interesting thing...I hardly ever get comments.  I could count them up but.....  it always makes me sad...realizing I am not writing to anyone most of the Time.  Just putting words out into Space. But it's a HABIT now and I wouldn't know how to "live" without the daily after breakfast and Sudoko puzzle event.

So...if you are reading this....thank you and good morning.