Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Whole Wall Full of To Do Lists + An Earthquake

Right behind the bed pillows.  I would infer that the home owner is apt to jump up in the middle of the night with fantastic ideas that need to be written down.  Or dreams.  I don't think I have ever had a really great idea in the middle of the night, other than those dreams when your feet are heavy lead and you can't run away.  My most usual dream, as a young adult, was living in my family home (parents siblings) upside down.  Walking on the ceiling.  Analyze that.

Today started out freezing cold.  Then got a bit warmer.  Then warmer.   With each degree of warmth, I took off a layer of outerwear.  And then started putting them back on as it got closer to dusk.  October.

The guy I met at work is still bringing leaves by the truck load to me.  The pile has heated up nicely.  Warm and steamy (I can see it) as I dig.  G is now adding the leaves and grass clippings from our lawn (finally dry enough to cut) and that will get the pile's temperature up as well.  I love leaf mulch. I clipped back the false indigo stems and the peony stems and leaves are bagged for disposal.

I'm teaching a class on "getting the beds ready for winter" so I have to actually DO the work to prepare for the class before Saturday.

Last night, at dinner, G and I enjoyed the 4.0 earthquake that rumbled through the state.  A loudish rumbling (like a very big truck coming down towards us) and then a bit of rolling and bumping under us.  Much nicer than the jolt and slam of the other kind.  The dishes would have rattled in the cupboards if we had been home.  Wonder what Riley thought?

I have slipped away from my low carb diet--in the morning-- yesterday and today.  Hot oatmeal.  I even went so far as to purchase a new box of oatmeal.  Intending to continue eating oatmeal for breakfast thru the winter and also make and eat plenty of Monika's German Lentil Suppe.  These are two things I ate in quantity during the 1200 calorie diet.  Recipe coming when I make the first batch this winter. I was happy to find I did not get hungry at work and didn't experience a sugar spike.  Carbs are full of sugars.  Lunch was homemade chili with black beans and sour cream.  I'm not hungry at 5:30 so this is very good.

Time to take my shower and do a load of laundry.  Tomorrow is my VERY early day when I have to unlock the the store.  I may eat my oatmeal at work after opening the store.  That's my plan.

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