Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 17th. Sun, 85 degrees low humidity.

All time favorite. Starry Night.  I watched a PBS show- they mentioned the mental condition that would create this glorious sky.  I'm seeing Planets.  Moon and Sun.

Well, it's Summer in Maine.  Going out to uncover the containers...ugh.  Like walking into an oven. It rained some last evening...and is supposed to rain a bit again and then get a bit cooler.

The library notified me that I have a pile of books checked out....I think I should check  because I really don't.....I checked - 12.  That seems right.  Instead of steady reading I have been watching a few things on TV, coloring, sharpening coloring pencils, collecting the recycling for pick up, using the Swiffer on the dusty floors digging around in a pillow case full of fabric scraps, selecting a few and turning on the sewing machine and sewing.....yellows and purple.  After pressing with iron and spray starch--- I realized I had created something very nice.  Pleasing.  Without any pre-planning.

It felt really good. I should take it's you what serendipity looks like at my house.

Xfinity wanted a fresh password yesterday... we had to find the old one first.  Son sat waiting....sighing. So much of what we have here is Ancient & Confused.  It wasn't MY password it was husband's. So...extra time.  We are waiting the full "one year" the Bankers said to wait....before changing everything to my name.  Because of stuff like this. When husband forgot a password he just made up a new one...Fun. sometimes he wrote it down correctly.......sometimes.  This one he got right. His iPad is a lost cause...

Son and I have talked about me getting a Fresh New iMac.  He just needs to order it and I will pay for it and they will send it....and then we will try and move all this to it's new home....this is actually my third or fourth Mac.  I have loved them all.  Because I can write to YOU!!!!

Mac One typed the International School Newsletter  back in the 1980's.  Mac Two for a bit of this blog and also copy for the Maine Quilter's Association for quite a few years...  Mac Three- this one- typed informational handouts for  Master Gardening classes and this Blog.  Mac Four.....what will it type besides my daily letters to YOU.  Any ideas?????

Mac Two was also used to type the copy for an Arboretum Newsletter in the Chicago burbs.  I typed and also wrote.  A very very nice man edited.  I used the company computer to do Advertising Work at the local newspaper and later for a magazine publisher.  

I never should have moved here....I could have had a different and even perhaps happier Life if I had stayed there.....taking the train into Chicago.  You never really know what you have until it's gone. Top three of my Regrets.


Anonymous said...

Joanne, I have never made a comment on any blog. But today I went back to 2006 with you and I gotta say...lady the talent you have is amazing, fantastic, wonderful and should not be hidden away. Let your light shine thru. Read your blog everyday, thank you for being there.

Joanne S said...

Thank you for going back to 2006. I was pretty amazing back then...laughing.