Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, July 16th. 78 degrees at 9 am and 85% humidity.

Okay.  Things are not where they were yesterday and I have no reason or explanation for it. 
So we just roll with it and each sentence will begin from the center.
This has happened before (overnight) and it's always a distraction.

I watered the container plants and uncovered them.  No bees.
The application of Bone Meal around the Peach Trees has scared the squirrels away.  A Good Thing.
It's the smell of animal blood that they don't like.  I wet it down also to make it smell more.

I'll be having Bran Flakes and milk and coffee for breakfast.  I had to go get the newspaper. Son usually gets it but...something is going on with him.   He DID come down for meals yesterday.

Ah, I figured it out.   It's the three little dots... (over to the far right) that's where you set the margins.  Overnight something happened. And got the computer to fall back to it's annoying reset. Of words and sentences starting from the center of the page.

I have hardly seen my son.  Something is bothering him.....more than likely....ME.  Or he's overheating.

Daughter was here yesterday.....I don't recall why.  Possibly just checking in...She looked exhausted from the heat- as she works outdoors.....I think she just wanted to get home, take a shower and then sit on her couch.  I used to do that when I worked at the greenhouse.  Shower, couch, coma.   I came home from work coated in sweat and dirt.  And having talked to people all day- not interested in people.

Daughter doesn't talk to people all day like I did

She still wants to "fix" me.  I don't need fixing (or I do and I am being a two year old).  I just need a calm and steady existence with no surprises (like a two year old). My Son wants the same but feels I am constantly surprising him (not in a good way) and he does not like it. ( I recall when he was two and it was a nightmare - I am nowhere close to that). 

Maine is a Quirky State. Full of surprises and then deadly dull for months. Like yesterday a neighbor sent a guy (a stranger) to borrow a ladder.  Just what happens here....nothing to see here.  And he did bring the ladder back. She called first. So I knew he was showing up.

I need to buy the floor dust sheets next grocery shopping-- for my Swiffer.... I have a load of wash in the machine....and here I am with you instead of writing washing machine pages....Surprise.  

My car is ready to drive... I dusted the floors.... I colored and some of the crayon got on my cherry red pants....not happy about that- but now I am wearing lime green.  One of the lime green LLBean Vintage Camping Shirts.... from Goodwill Hunting.  I  am very happy.... Hope you are happy today as well.


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