Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday. July 31st. Cloudy 72 degrees 94% humidity. UGH!!!

The pile waiting to be driven over to Goodwill.   Son has taken so many over to Goodwill.  The tags on the pants are from The LLBean Employee Store... Twenty five cent pants.

No sunshine today.  No need to water the containers.  

I have the House Lights on.  Son is upstairs watching the Olympics...I showed little interest.  So he didn't bring the huge TV screen downstairs.  I watched the Opening Show-- which dragged on way too long-- and that has been it...I did catch a bit of basketball...five minutes of swimming etc.  I haven't actually turned the tv on much these past few weeks.   I do watch Bones...but mostly I am reading.

I still try and color but not every day like I was doing...I got tired of it as an everyday thing.

Actually, I am getting tired of most of the things I usually used to do.  The latest put in the return book bag twice before I finally decided to finish reading it. Good book. The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern.... Glad I continued. (book cover has a woman putting a hair clip in her hair- might be why I chose the book) Next up will be one of the Rom Com's I bought on Monday...  A few are new to me and the rest are ones I had been borrowing from far away libraries- my library doesn't carry "those kind of books"... well,  they have two. Author has written about 20.  Oops- they have three.  They got a new book recently.  Another of her books- Thanks  For The Memories was also one I enjoyed.  I have three more of this author to read...they start really slow.......but the characters...really well done.   

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday- July 30th. Clouds, Humidity at 96%


I got tired of trying to get this margin to the far left.  But I did get the image- which could be a repeat onto the screen here.  I need to take new pictures.  And I need to order a fresh new  computer. As this one- while still making an effort each day- is well past it's retirement date. And I am nearing my retirement date as well.

Now, it's back where it belongs.  Sigh. I have given up trying to figure any of this out.  Lunch yesterday was so very confusing.  The restaurant was crowded...we had to wander around choosing things...drinks, coffee, chips, desserts.....mixed in with tee shirts, towels etc.  Like a Truck Stop.  Then we ordered our food item and waited and then got a ticket and then to the cash register...  I wondered how many meals actually get paid for???? but imagine there is a code they put in at the cash register to clue the kitchen in to the items being paid for.

Then we waited by a window for our names to be called....another situation where food could be abducted. By someone else....Then we had to find a table etc.  Very loud, very busy.  And some early Summer People. Trust me on this- you can tell....just by looking or listening to them.... 

I tried to take my photo for you all but it didn't work so Son will give it a spin whenever he comes back downstairs. He has to come down at some point to make and bake his birthday cake.  He rejected all my ideas for his cake.  We aren't having frosting.  Or adding pudding or booze to the mix.  Things I will do next month on my birthday.  Things Son reminded me that I did with the Christmas Cake. Which he ate.

 I am happy that I chose a cake, pudding and whipped cream cup for dessert yesterday at lunch. Chocolate. Chocolate and Chocolate. Very small cup so it was okay.  

Monday, July 29, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday July 29th. 69 degrees- 83% humidity. Cloudy. No Breeze.

 So...the computer decided no image.  I tried twice and gave up.

I like the images but don't feel like going to war with the machine this morning.  I have a lunch date at 12 noon.  Looking forward to it.

It looks like a dark cloudy day outside....possibly rain.

I think I slept well, I don't recall sleeping so that must mean I did....sleep.  I am considering the request for a photo of my hair.  This morning it is really weird--so not today.  I look like the stereotypical Mad Woman with Wild Hair.  My problem is that if it's combed flat it looks awful and if I fluff it to fullness I look insane.  Not that people actually pay attention to old women...we are sort of invisible..

Well, thieves and con artists are drawn to old women and their bank accounts.

My new clam shell hair clip does a lovely job of collecting and holding my hair....I still get stray whisps floating around my face..... like I just rushed out after a struggle with something.

I have been offered deck furniture by my neighbor (selling her house).  I told her I didn't have a deck. I had two wide steps....and a metal chair already out there (purchased in Germany-IKEA).  No one uses it.  Husband sat in the other metal chair inside the windowed Sun Porch.  Less Sun and no Bugs slow moving fan overhead. I sit on the front porch in one of the two rocking chairs....the Twins Dad walks over and sits and chats with me. No one else does.  

I often think about a revolving set of neighbors coming to sit on the front porch rockers with me. Like I am a therapist of some sort and they get to spill whatever it is they are thinking about... but it is getting into mosquito time and even I don't sit out there any more.

I am ruminating over my neighbor's move to a "tiny apartment"......would I do that?????  I doubt I could do "tiny".  But then I situate myself on the couch (behind me as I type), this desk, printer on printer table and office chair with wheels with me at the desk.)  Pretty much my world aside from visits to the kitchen and fridge for snacks and beverages. And the bathroom.  

I read the newspaper, ate my cereal. Drank half my coffee, called in a prescription, uncovered the ornamentals out side, looked at the birds pooping on the porch under the bird feeders...... called the library about a book they say I have but I don't....sigh.  My Lunch Date is at 12 noon.

That's about it.  Son say's its going to rain.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday July 28th. 79 degrees and 67% humidity.

A beginning for the hexagonal quilt design.  on paper...not cloth.  About 6 inches across.  Daughter found the image in a book I had actually looked at...duh....and not seen the hexagon.

Yesterday's book .. Cecelia Ahern's Thanks for the Memories.  I have a few more of hers in the stack. I enjoyed the first.  Now reading Meg Cabot's No Judgements.  I've read this one before and enjoyed it--  I have three more by Ahern to read.  One other book has gone into the bag week almost all of them went in the bag unread.   Win some and lose some.  Daughter brought me a Jude Devereaux hard cover copy of a paperback I have....small small print in those paperbacks.  Not Trade.  My Retirement Bookcase.   Books to read when I can't get out to the Library or out of the house...or out of bed. (eventually)

Formula One race- the part I got to see (end) was good.  

Birthday Lunch with a "former" Greenhouse Co-Worker on Monday.  We've been doing this for five years now. We both look forward to it.  Neither of our birthday's are this month.

So.....Pizza making later in the day.  I have had a shower, washed my hair- have a new clip in my hair- very comfortable and secure.  No slippage.  Daughter brought them over yesterday- one white and one red.  I have the white one in my hair today.  My hair is now actually longer than shoulder length but not by much...when I was expecting my son- I let my hair grow and it got very very long.  And here I am doing it again 50 plus years later.  And my hair is beginning to curl.  I had hoped it would curl more but.....I am happy with what I am getting.  

Clamshell clip?

Well, I have uncovered my ornamental containers and watered them- no hose-- and late yesterday i took the big lopers and removed branches from the underside of one rhododendron. So when the boys cut the grass they can get under.  I need to find a tarp and then pile the branches on it and drag it out into the woods.  Make a dumping spot.....that small mammals will use this Winter for protection.  FAR AWAY from the house...we don't want mice in the candle drawer ever again.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, July 27th. Sunshine. 78 degrees and 51% humidity. Very Nice.

 Circle number two.  I watched the opening ceremony...OMG.  Endless and so weird.  It reminded me of an art project in college....a team effort...we had a large box and several layers of things that popped up and out of the box (not all at once) with strings etc- and balloons that floated up at the very end.  Big Music.  Operatic.  

It was definitely WEIRD (the Box).......and so was Paris.  The Singing at the end though...I repeated that over and over- so beautiful.  We had good music at the end of the Box thing as well,, as the balloons went up into the sky.  I was "that weird girl".......... some things never change.

In the newspaper- empty (ish) planes coming into Paris- due to fares in the thousands, no hotels, no taxi- streets closed off for this opening mess so restaurants are having a bad week (no taxi).  Rain.  The Eiffel Tower was magnificent. Last time I saw it in person it was rusting and if you stood near it birds pooped on you.  And the trains...who is to blame???  The kids and I took the train from Frankfurt to the mid 1980's.  It was lovely.  I always think that we should have taken the train more places.

I think even now birds would poop on very French.

Well, today.....sun is shining....I am reading a new to me old book.  The nerve in my hip is still going off randomly--  my shoulder/neck muscles are a bit stiff..  I'm OLD.  My coffee needs a warm up and then an hour or more of reading.... wondering what's happening next. "Thanks for the Memories". Celia Ahern.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday July 26th. 78 degrees and 47% humidity.

Well, it's been an adventure so far today.  First of all, a nerve pain in my left hip near my waist..woke me up this morning....reminding me of my AGE (two Tylenol seem to be helping).  Then not being able to send this image to the desktop.... a Comcast password problem.  And finally Library and Grocery.  I forgot my book list so I had to "wing it".  I have a bag full of...something...and a free book off the discard cart- Hissy Fit.  Mary Kay Andrews...might even be in my bookcase.

Watched Two Hallmark Movies yesterday (haven't watched any since the Jane Austin ones this winter.)... Snow Bride and another that was new to me.  I liked Snow Bride better than the new one.  But, truthfully, I enjoyed watching both.  I had also watched the US Women's Soccer Match...some bad sportsmanship...a red card.  I've watched the US Women's Team for years and missed a few of the regular faces.

I also watched something my son said was called Hand Ball.  Very odd sport.  Like soccer but throwing not kicking the ball into a net.  My first time seeing it...I watched one game.

The image up top is one of the circles husband couldn't color because he didn't have a colored image to follow... he didn't know where to put the colors.. or which colors to I had a few very very sad moments (more than a few) as I colored and especially as I finished.  Executive Function.  Someday I will sit and look at an uncolored page and not know what to do with it.......but not yesterday or today.

My son picked out his favorite cake mix....for his birthday.  We didn't get ice cream. We will get ice cream for my birthday next month..... which will mark one year...since my husband fell down on the floor because he forgot how to stand........  I'll need ice cream. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday, July 25th. Cloudy, 67 degrees and 97% humidity. Like cold soup.

 Some one named Guido Mocafico Jr took this picture.  I don't know which is more interesting to me.  The image or the name.  The sidebar picture file is almost empty.  Needs a refill.

I am coloring the pages my husband didn't color- they are turning out- well, I will have them here...when I take their pictures..... turning out very very nicely.

I'm reading the AuPair Affair by Tessa Bailey.  Boston Hockey player and the college student (advanced degree) hired to au pair for his pre teen daughter..   When I used to watch/listen to the Boston sports talk show from 10am to 2pm, they would occasionally have a phone interview with a Boston Hockey Player- defense.  One day while they were interviewing this guy- the gal who was dog sitting his high maintenance dog-- got stuck in the building elevator with the dog (who went nuts).  Reading this book...I can imagine what the book guy would have done in this tear the elevator apart to get her out.  Should have been in the book. Building had an elevator.

So....I finally had hot dogs for lunch...well, actually I only eat one meal late in the afternoon- so lunch/dinner.  I will be having them but need to find a way to blacken them....the toaster oven didn't do enough. And by blacken..I actually mean burned to a blackened crisp.  So..It will take time and effort.  No smoke detector.

I haven't uncovered the ornamental containers yet this morning.  I wrote checks for the bills yesterday.  Especially for the electric bill- two AC units going 24/7.  Was high but reasonable.  With 97% humidity.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 24th. Wet outside, rained, 69 degrees and 93% humidity.

 Japanese Beetle.  Eating the leaves.  Not here in Maine....

I wasn't reading yesterday...I was watching Bones on BBC America.  And rebooting the TiVo.  A problem with BBC America. I guess.  None of the other channels were affected.

I spent considerable time trying to draw a hexagon.  Would seem to be an easy NOT.  And then as I was looking for something else entirely- I found a short stack of uncolored mandalas in husband's stuff.  A little note from him attached---since he had no colored image to work from, he wrote that he couldn't color them. Executive function was no longer in the mix I'm guessing.. He'd added a sad face.

I am coloring them....using the glue stick to attach them to the Art Notebook. Sharpening pencils. I sharpened pencils for my husband every, for myself.

I haven't eaten breakfast as yet.  It's 9:30 am.  I've been up awhile.  Thinking. Not something I enjoy doing. As it usually makes me sad.  Or sadder.

Bran Flakes, Keurig Coffee and the Morning Paper....that's all I've got this morning.  Well, the freshly washed linen sheets on the bed....very very comfortable sleeping.  Life Goes On.  That's a song? I seem to think so....I need to turn on a few lights...  the only one on is the screen I am staring at right now.

I was tempted to watch Hallmark yesterday...shaking my head.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, July 23rd. 71 degrees and 93% humidity. Drizzle. Clouds....

 We had this already but...otherwise we wouldn't have an image....  I need to start sending images via the iPhone to the computer again.... I do have cactus drawings (I drew them and colored them) which I could send to the desktop.  

When you spend the day doing virtually is really difficult to get anything DONE.  I began today with taking the sheets off my bed and starting a load of wash....and I took a shower.  I am exhausted. Literally ..exhausted.  I also uncovered the annual containers, read the newspaper (nothing to read) worked as much of the Suduko as I could- (very little), selected some things to watch on tv......made a cup of coffee in the Keurig.  Son now wants me to unplug it when not in use.  Which works out fine as I make only one cup a day.  It takes me hours to finish that one large cup.  I don't remember coffee being this bitter.  I could go back to tea.

I have my dish of Daily Pills here to take when the coffee is cooler.

This week's books....very poor choices.  VERY...POOR...... The "STATE" is deciding on the Book Borrowing Contract. They move slowly.  And take a Summer Break. (recess) don't know how good you have it until it's gone......that's the situation right now.

I was reading posts I wrote in 2007 and 2008.  Gosh, I was busy.  Now I am not.  so  not.

Well, I have vitamins and pills to take......I need to put fresh sheets on the bed.  The shower always lowers my blood pressure.  So, before any of that...a nice sit-down on the couch.  Let the Bran Flakes circulate..nothing is time sensitive. Not even me.  Especially not me.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, July 22nd. 77 degrees and 49% humidity (fantastic)

 I will get these margins figured out if it's the very last thing I do......and it will be the last thing I do. 

So.....I had hoped for this my entire Lifetime and now...a Woman President. Gosh.

Son and I were discussing what to watch during the Olympics...He can stream on his set up- what he carried from California and the internet hook up that he has....(and I don't) and we had discussed the neighbor's quilt and he went upstairs and a few seconds later he comes down and says Biden resigned and  Harris is now President.

We both just stood there, mouths open, whip-lash.  

We don't get a newspaper on I might have to watch a bit of news today.

Yesterday's Pizza was delicious, as always.  I have written instructions on how to make my new oven work.  So I can bake something---Peach Cobbler, I think.

Well, I started a favorite book last I am going to go back to reading it.  No decisions on the neighbor's quilt.  I don't want to cut it up.  Son said perhaps just one of the complete hexagons?  Or several different small hexagons-  sewn together to make one large one. (prettiest fabrics)  And that framed and matted. Still involves deconstruction.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, July 21st. Sunshine 77 degrees with 54% humidity. Awesome.

 Orchard with Blossoms image.  Van Gogh??? No maker in the tiny line of ownership. 

Open wheel racing from Hungary to start the day...Pizza is up next but until then Cooking with Miss Brown on the Food Channel....she is making some unhealthy things.  But the bacon burger looked amazing.  I might want a burger this week.  And what's with young men with long stringy hair????

My neighbor gave me two old quilts to "do something amazing"- and downsize them.  Her grandmother  (born in 1890) made them- machine pieced and then hand sewn to the heavy muslin backing. Depression Era.  30's. No batting or quilting.  

Here's what I am thinking as my neighbor's new place is VERY limited in space.....let me know in the comments- PLEASE- what you think or what you would do..... I could have just selected the best Dresden Plate and mounted that....but then...the rest of the quilt?  This way- she can see and remember the entire quilt in miniature????

Since my first real artistic work (love) was/is drawing and watercolor- I was thinking of a small Dresden Plate template (perhaps asking the computer engineer to help with that) and then tracing that one pattern onto a sheet of water color paper to recreate the entire quilt and THEN painting each to match the patterns and colors of the original. With a very tiny brush.   Or I could use colored pencils and color the tiny shapes. (pencils would be easier). More detail.  Matted and framed and.....perfect for a tiny apartment with limited wall space.

Or I could remove one piece of each plate and sew them together into a miniature quilt.  Also matted and framed.....  AND have no idea what happens to the remainder of the quilt itself....

Past two nights I slept with the bedroom window open.  Wrapped in my sheet and quilt.  Cozy.  

30's Depression Era Quilts were quite popular back in the day....but not now as the 30's prints are not that popular????  I had a pile of them in the Attic and have been giving them away as Housewarming Gifts. Something to have on the couch or bed for naps.  The two I adore- are in really really bad shape- the cloth having during the winter, I appliqué  a replacement fabric over the bare's taking forever.  Each time I move to a new section it feels like something I will never finish.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, July 20th... 79 degrees 60% humidity. Slept with window open last night.



Neighbor who is moving has asked me to use parts of two very old quilts (in poor condition- not the ones in the image) into something she could have framed to remember her grandmother.  Who made the two quilts.  (excuse the indent...I can't fix it)

I said YES.  Of course, I said yes.  I had sort of asked (the universe) for something to do- something I could get invested in. it is.  Fate always provides if the request is heartfelt.

Book Reading...twenty pages in on two of yesterday's "New Book" choices and in the return bag.... Awful...just awful. I can't imagine the people responsible for getting those two books into print....allowing them to get into print.  The characters were worthless (my opinion) gas bags earning 3 or 4 million dollars to do what??? take more drugs??? (the writer never actually says what they do- just the titles they hold) I am sure this sort of book is enjoyed by people....just not by me.  The Nine Dresses was nicely done.

I started a Nancy Thayer and that one is being returned also.  The VERY bad one On the NEW SHELF was Very Bad Company- Rosenblum.  She also wrote Bad Summer People.

Now I don't have a book....

Well, my containers have been uncovered and watered- with my new hose set up...just need a new washer as it leaks back at the faucet.  More Peaches on the ground...well, the least whatever animal is taking them off the tree- is actually eating them.

My Keurig Coffee this morning was very bitter- my son was in the hallway and suggested a pinch of salt and I did that, stirred and- amazingly----not as bitter.  Chemistry.

So....that's it for today...

Friday, July 19, 2024

Summer Days- Friday July 19th. 82 degrees and 41% humidity. (which is a relief)

So  another day of trying to get the left side working.  This picture is titled Courtyard of the Hospital at Aries.  Where Vincent must have stayed at some point in time.  It looks lovely.

Smelled of skunk last night when I went out to cover the containers.  

I was left alone yesterday afternoon...and I decided to go looking for the I could stop carrying heavy containers of water...having to balance myself etc.....I found two hoses thrown in the woody section of the lawn.  Now the guys cutting the grass could have done I dragged them both out-- hoses not the lawn guys--.  One is on the hose holder my husband made out of wood and attached to the garage (so I could water my tomato plants which were on the driveway- back in the days when I grew tomatoes- when husband would eat tomatoes)....the other I dragged out to the front  porch.  It's out of the way of anyone walking... safety first around here.  I held one end of the hose and walked....didn't lift or carry anything... the hose itself was very very dirty.

I HAD promised not to do anything that could be dangerous.  No one was killed or injured.

It's NOW where I can fill the containers and even water the containers without having to lift and carry anything heavier than a gallon of water.  I can reach one of the Peach trees and two of the containers and the two birdbaths....The second Peach tree I need to use the French watering cans.... IF I had found a sprinkler attachment.....I could be sprinkling the trees.  I did not.  I have one gallon bottles of water by the driveway container.  I promised myself I wouldn't drag the hose over there... that I wouldn't drag the hose there.  Because I DO NOT WANT TO FALL DOWN.

So, that's the Gardening Report....   Library was short visit.  I filled my bag but not sure I am going to like anything I selected.  I am reading Nine Women, One Dress (Jane Rosen).   Nine women who at pivotal points in Life in New York City wear this one black dress.  I'm a bit under 3/4 done reading.  It's holding my interest even though it takes me a page or two to figure out we have changed women and to remember who they are..  Author goes back and forth.  And that's the Book Report.   

I could delve into the Refrigerator Report......I buy things we don't need and need things I don't buy.  I got the extra large gallon of milk...I've run out twice we discussed the pros and cons....  I CAN finish two boxes of Bran Flakes in a week so I got two boxes..  I was questioned regarding a protein for the week.  Last week I had Pulled Chicken. I bought Hot Dogs this week but I do have Pulled Pork also from last week... I wanted ice cream but didn't get any.  I did get a very large bottle of lemonade.  Water was suggested as a liquid I could drink.  I said I had been drinking water. A very large cup after watering the containers each day.  I had seen up close what NOT drinking water can do to a person (husband) and that isn't going to be ME.

So...The One Dress book and then I begin another.   I kept Mrs. Nash's Ashes....I want to read that one again.  So those are the Reports for today.....the Sudokos continue to evade solving.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer Notes- 76 degrees and sunshine. 89% humidity. And we still have August to get thru.

Not  a clue what is going on with the computer today...old age.  We will just 'roll with it" as the In House Technical Guy is not available right now.  And would just be....I can't even describe him when he sits here in my chair looking at what he sees as a smoking dumpster fire of a computer.

Life goes on and the damn thing just fixed itself... 89% humidity.  OMG.  I went out to uncover the ornamentals.  There is some small evidence that it might have rained..... but I will be filling the watering bottles and the two French Watering Cans- kitchen we still have not found the hoses.

Squirrels are climbing the Peach Trees and actually eating Peaches- I find the clean peach stones on the grass.  Today is Lawn Mowing Day and perhaps they have already come????

I have a feeling husband could have put the hoses out with the trash one day....and I didn't notice and rescue them.  I went back to the 2006 posts- Halloween ......and the small mentions of husband- well, things weren't right with him way back then.....he was already confused.  It was there between the lines.  And things were getting tense with the Library Job.   I hadn't gone to Ohio to take care of my father yet.... 2007  and 2008.  I hadn't started working at the greenhouse.  I hadn't stopped quilting.

It's hard to look back at all that I lost.  But there was new stuff...the 10 by10 group that allowed me to play along.... the blogging that keeps me sane...the years and years at the greenhouse (best job ever) and now the quiet of an empty-ish house and never ending Bones episodes... at some point I will return to Law and Order.  I always do.

I sat in the "crowded with tubs" sewing room and dug strips of cloth out of a huge cloth bag and pushed the button to start the sewing machine.....and made a rectangle.  A few days ago.  I am wanting to go back and do it again.  I sprayed the rectangle with starch and pressed it with the all came back to me...all that I have been missing....cloth.  thread...   

I may return to the sidebar and read another year.....thank you to whomever it was that went there and reminded me of who I used to be and what I used to love doing....... it was good to know I hadn't been completely erased by events not under my control.

I am reading  Gena Showalter's  Catch a Mate.  Been quite awhile since I read it...I tried to find other books by her but... no luck....she has written more than 10.  I should go looking again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 17th. Sun, 85 degrees low humidity.

All time favorite. Starry Night.  I watched a PBS show- they mentioned the mental condition that would create this glorious sky.  I'm seeing Planets.  Moon and Sun.

Well, it's Summer in Maine.  Going out to uncover the containers...ugh.  Like walking into an oven. It rained some last evening...and is supposed to rain a bit again and then get a bit cooler.

The library notified me that I have a pile of books checked out....I think I should check  because I really don't.....I checked - 12.  That seems right.  Instead of steady reading I have been watching a few things on TV, coloring, sharpening coloring pencils, collecting the recycling for pick up, using the Swiffer on the dusty floors digging around in a pillow case full of fabric scraps, selecting a few and turning on the sewing machine and sewing.....yellows and purple.  After pressing with iron and spray starch--- I realized I had created something very nice.  Pleasing.  Without any pre-planning.

It felt really good. I should take it's you what serendipity looks like at my house.

Xfinity wanted a fresh password yesterday... we had to find the old one first.  Son sat waiting....sighing. So much of what we have here is Ancient & Confused.  It wasn't MY password it was husband's. So...extra time.  We are waiting the full "one year" the Bankers said to wait....before changing everything to my name.  Because of stuff like this. When husband forgot a password he just made up a new one...Fun. sometimes he wrote it down correctly.......sometimes.  This one he got right. His iPad is a lost cause...

Son and I have talked about me getting a Fresh New iMac.  He just needs to order it and I will pay for it and they will send it....and then we will try and move all this to it's new home....this is actually my third or fourth Mac.  I have loved them all.  Because I can write to YOU!!!!

Mac One typed the International School Newsletter  back in the 1980's.  Mac Two for a bit of this blog and also copy for the Maine Quilter's Association for quite a few years...  Mac Three- this one- typed informational handouts for  Master Gardening classes and this Blog.  Mac Four.....what will it type besides my daily letters to YOU.  Any ideas?????

Mac Two was also used to type the copy for an Arboretum Newsletter in the Chicago burbs.  I typed and also wrote.  A very very nice man edited.  I used the company computer to do Advertising Work at the local newspaper and later for a magazine publisher.  

I never should have moved here....I could have had a different and even perhaps happier Life if I had stayed there.....taking the train into Chicago.  You never really know what you have until it's gone. Top three of my Regrets.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, July 16th. 78 degrees at 9 am and 85% humidity.

Okay.  Things are not where they were yesterday and I have no reason or explanation for it. 
So we just roll with it and each sentence will begin from the center.
This has happened before (overnight) and it's always a distraction.

I watered the container plants and uncovered them.  No bees.
The application of Bone Meal around the Peach Trees has scared the squirrels away.  A Good Thing.
It's the smell of animal blood that they don't like.  I wet it down also to make it smell more.

I'll be having Bran Flakes and milk and coffee for breakfast.  I had to go get the newspaper. Son usually gets it but...something is going on with him.   He DID come down for meals yesterday.

Ah, I figured it out.   It's the three little dots... (over to the far right) that's where you set the margins.  Overnight something happened. And got the computer to fall back to it's annoying reset. Of words and sentences starting from the center of the page.

I have hardly seen my son.  Something is bothering him.....more than likely....ME.  Or he's overheating.

Daughter was here yesterday.....I don't recall why.  Possibly just checking in...She looked exhausted from the heat- as she works outdoors.....I think she just wanted to get home, take a shower and then sit on her couch.  I used to do that when I worked at the greenhouse.  Shower, couch, coma.   I came home from work coated in sweat and dirt.  And having talked to people all day- not interested in people.

Daughter doesn't talk to people all day like I did

She still wants to "fix" me.  I don't need fixing (or I do and I am being a two year old).  I just need a calm and steady existence with no surprises (like a two year old). My Son wants the same but feels I am constantly surprising him (not in a good way) and he does not like it. ( I recall when he was two and it was a nightmare - I am nowhere close to that). 

Maine is a Quirky State. Full of surprises and then deadly dull for months. Like yesterday a neighbor sent a guy (a stranger) to borrow a ladder.  Just what happens here....nothing to see here.  And he did bring the ladder back. She called first. So I knew he was showing up.

I need to buy the floor dust sheets next grocery shopping-- for my Swiffer.... I have a load of wash in the machine....and here I am with you instead of writing washing machine pages....Surprise.  

My car is ready to drive... I dusted the floors.... I colored and some of the crayon got on my cherry red pants....not happy about that- but now I am wearing lime green.  One of the lime green LLBean Vintage Camping Shirts.... from Goodwill Hunting.  I  am very happy.... Hope you are happy today as well.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, July 15th. 77 degrees 82% humidity. Cloudy. Might Rain.


Well, a busy time already...the computer and I both forgot how images get to the desktop. But in the end...we remembered or just got lucky.  I'm on the side of just randomly got lucky. It amazes me that I actually set up the parameters of this blog years ago all by myself.  A real "do to yourself" project. and still no idea of what to do when it goes AWOL.

It's not very sunny this morning- Son and Honda have set off early for the drive shaft installation.  My neighbor across the street (house is sold and she moves soon) but she has a guy over there and he needs a ladder.  I have lots of them so he came to borrow one.  "Wow, you have a lot of ladders" he said. Yes.

I was going to ask if he needed any nails, screws or washers...I have an entire wall of jam jars full of all sizes and kinds....  really.  Husband used glass jars and my father used rusty cans. I might not have had the key to the workshop though. Son and I can't find it and then find it and then can't find it again...Fun.

I uncovered my container plants. Squirrels are climbing the peach trees.  Taking one bite out of anything they think might be ripe enough to eat.  Nothing is ripe.  Grass under the trees littered with one bite green peaches. I never learned how to load or fire the pellet, I can see that being an fun thing to know. Shoot squirrels.  I know I would never actually hit anything unless it was accidental. But the squirrels don't know that.

I'm hoping the clouds stay all day...we could use a respite from the heat. I's Maine, how hot could it get.???????   It can get hot.....but we actually do not like humidity.

Finally used up the cheap paper towels and have one of the jumbo rolls of "the good stuff" by the sink. Son said that..... "the good stuff"..... I am having the Paul Newman decaf in the Keurig...bitter.  Next Friday I will try another brand.

I was having trouble with the picture on the tv last night so I reset the TiVo.  Every so often the TiVo likes to be shut down and then restarted....this might be something humans would like also????  The picture was excellent after the restart.  I was trying to watch Professor T on PBS.  I set the TiVo to record a later viewing of that episode which I will watch now.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, July 14th- sunshine and 72 degrees @ 8:36 and 91% humidity.

 Today- Self Portrait with a Felt Hat.  The straight brush strokes....

I forgot to cover my ornamentals.  They overnighted just fine.

Not much to say today... nothing interesting happened.  Bones celebrated Christmas in repeats... the soccer was played in a more than half empty stadium in Charlotte.NC... next game is in the stadium Hitler built in Munich.  I don't remember who won. Canada or ?

And someone tried to shoot a Presidential Nominee.  (my opinion will not be shared here)

And my neighbor down the street walked his dog over and sat on the porch rockers with me (something he did when my husband was still here). Told me what's happening in his life.  They might not move.....he's found the twin boys a nice school situation. I mentioned I'd like them to stay.  He mentioned the new job could be done remotely.  He mentioned the house they might have bought in Houston (for another job offer) was flooded in the recent storms.  Destroyed...he was just stunned by what could have happened. If he had moved there. And in such a short amount of Time.

We had a trespasser on the property- even parked in the pull out off the driveway. Never came to the door- just walked around the house ..... Someone my daughter knows.  I am not amused. She thought he was just checking on the fruit's still trespassing.  Next time (if there is one)- we'll call the police.

Pizza today and open wheel racing????? not sure.  Tomorrow the Honda gets work done.

I sorted scraps of cloth and cut then into half square pieces....might do some hand sewing and if that gets tedious- use the sewing machine. and when that gets tedious- stop.. I have a book I am reading ...Interesting Facts About Space.   Very different.  Very.  But I can't seem to stop reading it... I keep putting it down and then going back to it.  It might be more that I like the interesting facts about Space and less that I am interested in the character narrating...someone who might be unhinged.

The Weekend of Strange People.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Summer News- Saturday, July 13th- 78 at 10:46 and 85% humidity. Sunshine.

 Well, Good Morning.  View of Aries with Irises. Van Gogh.

The sun is shining here in Maine while we anticipate Heat & Humidity.  Some clouds have moved in.  I uncovered the the Annual containers...a few things are doing very well and a few things have decided on suicide.  I never can never figure out why they decide to give up....but some always do.  Other things are growing by the hour and taking over....thugs...perhaps why the smaller ones are giving up?

I recorded the Wedding Planner for later today.  JLo.  Did you read that after all the waiting to marry him- JLo dumped Ben or Ben dumped her...and went back to Jennifer.  I laughed.  Or else it's all a joke..and someone needs a media fix.  Ben most likely confused because they have the same name.

I never did start watching Wimbleton Tennis.  I always did watch...but I am not into it anymore.. I am watching the Soccer.  Which I have always watched in Summer with a bowl of ice cold sweet cherries for snack.

 I drew more designs in my Art Notebook and colored one page and then spent time sharpening all the pencils. I used to sharpen them for husband.  When he was coloring each day as an activity. Until he wasn't. He didn't know which color pencil to use so couldn't use any......  It was that simple...and that sad.

A letter from Hospice checking in with me.... A short list of goals or accomplishments... I checked all but one.  I am doing a good job in recovery.  Small steps.  Forward...

A visit from a neighbor and his dog... Nice conversation.  

Friday, July 12, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday July 12th. 82 degrees at 10 am... 74 percent humidity. Unpleasant.

 Things here on the desktop are not going smoothly....I will type until Son reappears and we leave for the grocery store.   This image by Van Gogh seems different...might have been in his more "calm" moments. I regret even more not seeing his paintings in real Life when I visited Amsterdam but perhaps his museum didn't exit in the 1980's??? store- I have a list. We aren't eating much and we aren't cooking......I plan on salads and yogurt with fruit for myself. Possibly a wedge of watermelon.  I also am getting some beverages....cold tea is fine but....something else might be better--fruity..  I refuse to buy salted snack food....which I really WANT.  But then I hold water......

I have a tee under my linen shirt as the linen is sort of see one needs to be looking at my underwear.  When we get home I will take it off. Maybe.

First Stop is the Bank as I need them to place an order for more checks..... I seem to be paying for quite a few things these days.  Not that it's a worry...but when I run out of checks THAT will be a worry.

What car to take to the grocery store?   The Fit goes in for it's new ????? this week.  They have the parts.  Ready to install.  It's a recall.  Daughter's "????" fell out of her car- she had more mileage-- in the middle of a very busy day (years ago)....and while she was arguing with AAA the Sheriff took her phone and gave AAA a very very unpleasant talking to......  It was a four way stop with multiple lanes.......SO we want our little Fit to get's it's mostly unused ?????? replaced.  I could be using the wrong term- .....something under the car that makes things turn. ( I subbed in ?? to make it less unpleasant for my Son to read- that I forgot what it was called )

Grocery... for assorted beverages.  Nothing salty. A Protein might be interesting. Some baked chicken to shred into a mixture of mayo and honey for me to eat with salad greens.  Been awhile since I had that.

Been awhile since...a lot of things....things I miss. Have been missing for years. Should make a list. Remind myself of things I haven't done is a long long time.... sleep was one of these things but it's back now.  Just sitting and staring is something that I am doing and need to stop doing.....not productive.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday, July 11- 71 degrees with 81% humidity.

 Japanese Vase with Roses- Vincent Van Gogh.

It's pretty wet outside so I am thinking it rained (I slept thru it).  The humidity is high.

We also had a power outage so my son will be silent and angry for ...most of the day.  One of his biggest disappointments in Maine is the insecurity of electric power.  All his gadgets....

I uncovered my bees. But the containers and the Peach Trees got some water.  When it rained.

Son filled the Porch Bird Feeder with the sunflower seed hearts.... very busy out there.

I watched the Soccer yesterday and it seems I might have missed a game????? Or my station is showing it AFTER it was played.   I watched repeats of the other games and didn't have a clue the games had been played days before.  Until son said-"in 10 minutes something exciting is going to happen" as he walked past the TV......  and in ten minutes....something exciting did happen and I realized I was watched a taped game.  You know, it's okay with me.....I still enjoyed it.  

I've given up on Bones...It happened years ago and it happened again. I like all the characters and actors except for Bones herself.   Missing Without a Trace has started over from the beginning...some I haven't seen.  And the Tennis...not up to usual standards and so many injuries.  The Soccer was good but half a dozen yellow last night's game.  I recorded today's game- just hope the power outage didn't cancel it.  The recording..not the game.

My book is getting to the "misunderstanding" every rom com... sigh.  I just have to read thru it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 10th. Sunshine, 77 degrees and 90% humidity. Disgusting.

 Vase with Irises- Vincent Van Gogh

I found a site with many images so...that's what we'll be seeing here for awhile and then back to my own images.

Watched the European Soccer.  The stadium (in New Jersey) was packed.  Families.  I mean there were children, grandparents and babies.  It was a wonderful thing to see. I watched both games.

I searched for scraps of fabric to stitch to make a story... I have a sky and a roof and a background.  So far. Re-read a book about firemen and women.  Yes, they put out fires but they also do rescue.  And they have their own personal demons in this book.  I started it once before and quit.  This time I made it to the very end. 

Things You Save in A Fire by Katherine Center.  Not a Rom Com. Next up City Baker's Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller.... One of the Ten Books I found via lists and more lists.  I had read Things You Save awhile ago and didn't quite enjoy it...I did this time.

A storm came thru Maine and across my yard late in the afternoon.  Yesterday.. water pounded down on us. I was happy about the water as I hadn't hauled the watering cans out to the Peach Trees. Thunder rolled with it. The Peach Trees needed a big drink and the sky gave it to them.

Well, I haven't had coffee or cereal as yet so I am going to go do the news and then try to do the sudoko puzzle.  My regular start of the day things.  I am considering baking but will have to have son show me how to turn on the oven...a Peach Cobbler I think.  With Frozen Peaches from those two trees out in the lawn.  The last time they produced peaches.

My hair....sigh.  really short hair is so much easier.  But then...I have to admit....everything was easier..before.  It must just be me.  Getting used to my new reality and it not being a good fit......yet.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Summer Days- Tuesday, July 9th. Sunshine- 76 and 83% humidity @ 9am. Will be hotter.

 Bee- Still working. Or resting.  Unfortunately, I have seen very few- to zero bees this summer.

My Car is back home (son, also). Son already prefers the Honda Fit to the Jeep.  We plan to sell the Jeep (back to Jeep). We have three cars...he has a low slung convertible in the garage.

Difficult to find anything to watch yesterday...CSI NY has started over from the beginning and I watched something I had never seen before.....characters being sketched out......  in later years, fully formed. Bones had later episodes that are so BORING.  I am ready to admit to myself that I have "outgrown" Bones.

What to watch now?????? I am thinking I need to invest in Netflix- watch dark Norwegian Murder Mysteries with subtitles..  I have no knowledge of Prime but have a suspicion they have PBS content.   I wrote that sentence four times until I got the right wording.  My TiVo has a full loaded PBS section. I can start there.  One series has over 20 episodes.

I need to haul the central vac down the hall to my bathroom....dryer lint all over the floor. This happens when the washer and dryer are in the bathroom.  And one shakes out the laundry before folding..

I tucked my old worn out slippers into the garbage bag which is now sitting by the curb awaiting the big garbage truck.....  I collect everything and Son hauls it out to the street..... we have no curbs.  Recycling container is also full.  I love recycling.

I have bills to pay (write checks) and that will be everything for today.  I also need to order more checks at the bank. So I can pay more bills.....  The Tennis was boring.  The Soccer was a repeat.  I need to select a fresh book off the pile.  I did start one by two competing Dating App developers.  Hasn't grabbed me.  I might just stop and choose something else.  I am past the age of being interested in a Dating App.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, July 8th. 8:42 am... 75 degrees, 87% humidity. Already.

 The last of the colored circles- (that I sent to the blog)  I like this one... more detailed than the others. I also colored all the cactus drawings on index cards....they look very nice.

Two evenings of European Soccer.. two games back to back each evening and each ended in the Penalty Kick way.  Which I do not like.  Son said they were recorded earlier and he knew the result but kept it to himself.

No hose.  I crossed the street to see if my neighbor, who is moving to an apartment, had a hose.  No. She said The Dump Guys had taken them. I recall the dump truck in the driveway and guys throwing just about everything into it. I came back home with two plant stands and a dish that goes under a pot. To add to the possibly ten plant stands on the bricks in front of the no longer here fireplace and chimney. In front of a double glass door and two windows...Excellent location for many overgrown Christmas Cactus.

I grew them all from things that I found on the greenhouse floor. Rescue leaflets.

Son is taking my car to the dealership for servicing...8:50 am and he is already using the F word. I had to swear (no F-word) I would stay in the house while he is he doesn't worry about me. Getting hurt. I had already uncovered the containers.....No bees...but good to know the ones who slept in the containers overnight- were old thoughtful Bees.

I also have shallow dishes of water (fresh eat day or every other day) for them. More often if birds poop in the dish.

When he gets home I might bake a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.  I need to make a pie crust.

Well, that's about it for Daily News.  No laundry to do.  Vacuuming seems senseless. Yesterday's pizza was Most Excellent.  Each Sunday it gets better.

I stitched with needle and thread on a few scraps of DebL cloth yesterday.  Been quite awhile.  I enjoyed it. Dropped the needle and had to find old times.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, July 7th. Sunshine 77 degrees and 80% humidity. ICK.

 A different circle-  from a site on the internet.  I need to return to my roots and bake a PIE.....

Up early (for me) showered and in clean I need breakfast and a nap.

The hot shower lowers my blood pressure so...standing or sitting upright in this office chair- not much blood or oxygen in my head right now. I may take a break from typing at some point to lay flat on the couch to get oxygen to my brain.  Like now.

Now I am back several hours later..  Watched Open Wheel Racing....had a snack, long conversation with daughter, another snack.   She told me NOT to part my hair in the middle but on the side.  A bad choice I guess. So I just went and reported my hair....not in the middle.

I might cross the street to see if my neighbor moving away has a garden hose she is wanting to get rid of.. I can't find any of ours. Hauling water for the two Peach Trees is okay but....there is the possibility of falling down the steps.....carrying water from the kitchen to the front yard.   Not that using a hose would be easy as I would have to step off the porch...not a good idea.. turn on the get any water.  

Big ornamental cherry tree- blocking the way.  Pizza later.  Wondering if there is  European Soccer???? On tv to watch.. and finishing my book which is actually my "new favorite" book.  Mrs. Nash's Ashes.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, July 6th. Clouds, overnight rain? 69 degrees and 95% humidity.

 Before I was doing circles....

Everything outside is damp and still this breeze.  I uncovered the container plants.  I won't need to carry four liter watering cans out to the Peach Trees today.  The trees are still dropping infant daughter says the trees are doing an internal audit of just how many peaches they can actually bring to maturity.  The Plum tree behind the garage decided this much earlier.

The smaller tree...has in it's lifetime..... only created one ripe anything it makes over pretty exciting.  At about the time The Peach was ripe......I also baked Whoopie Pies. A Maine specialty. It was labor intensive and the tiny little cakes filled with whatever it is.....were a huge hit. I gave them to neighbors and took them to the Library where I worked at the time. I never made a second batch.

I vaguely remember all the baking I did back then. Ina Garten's Cheesecake.  A famous magazine's recipe for cookie dough that could be fashioned into  six different cookies.  It took all day.  For each of those things...which I only did the one time.

My husband didn't want to try the Whoopie Pie or eat any of the Cookies. A Solitary Life.

So...Saturday.  I have no plans for the day.  I read The Hating Game yesterday.  A favorite book.  There is a movie but only on some cable subscriber service.  Which I don't have. I am now reading.. Mrs. Nash's Ashes (new to me).  A road trip of two people who met each other at the wrong time....but now it's the right time.  They argue about everything.. how to drive the car, where to stop and eat, what to eat etc etc etc.. and we are now at the Romance Book Trope- "sharing the one bed available in the Bed and Breakfast Place" after hitting a deer and wrecking the car. Always only one bed available. 

No-one thinks to sleep on the floor or in a chair.

So...A very wet and still Saturday in Maine.  I had to turn on the lights.  And I haven't made breakfast as yet.   9 am.....  Why am I awake????

Friday, July 05, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday, July 5th. Moist, 69 degrees with 88% humidity.

 Peach Cobbler....Haven't made one yet but...getting to the point where I think I will...... and my recipe turns out looking just like this picture......might get some frozen raspberries....add them in.

This Fourth of July was very quiet.   I recall lots of noise and fireworks in past years. I don't think people feel like celebrating anything right now.

I parted my hair in the center yesterday and it's much better behaved.  As to yesterday's comment....I had short hair and an every 4 week appointment to keep it that way (and also for 10 years- color the new growth which was white)... I don't do much with my hair.  I was never that kind of girl or woman.  It was dangerous to call attention to myself.

I am waiting patiently for my hair to reach the length where I can gather all of it into a topknot (while wearing men's XL work shirts). And never pay attention to it again.  That is my Goal in Life.  The fullness and curls are...well, some of you would love that sort of thing-- (I get many compliments from other women my age) and I guess I appreciate it...since it is very low maintenance. Wash and comb.

Daughter stopped by with a Trade Paper copy of Jane Eyre.  Readable Print.  Not 1000 pages. I was in the midst of reading The Hating Game....I love that book....and she dished up a bowl of the Tucci Family Pasta I had in the fridge..  Requested Tuna Casserole like I made back when she was a kid. Son and I will buy the ingredients today on our shopping trip..potato chip topping.  

Her street is being torn up to put in sewers... they don't have any. They also don't have...gosh...there it is-- hydrants.... so when one house across the street from her was on fire- the Fire Department had to get water from the Maine Street and run hose....Not the quickest way to put out a house fire with older handicapped people inside.

Grocery Store and Library- Son is ready to go....

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday July 4th. The Air is Still, Silent. 66 degrees

 I am "trying" to delete the images as I use them...I will make mistakes...incase this has been here already. I like this one and spent TIME on it.  The lines of Sharpie Black Ink.

Silence.  There is usually a Parade in Town.  Things are different now.  In years past, Fireworks that scared the Dog.   But I have no recent memory of perhaps no noise in the dark tonight.

I finished my book......I search my own library..and found one or two other books by this author.  They will be ready for pick up tomorrow.  Five books I have selected...ready for pickup.  I still have five on the book shelf--- as yet unread.

I slept well.  this morning after washing my face and brushing my teeth- I wet my hair and parted it in the will take a while for my hair to get used to this new parting.  Long ago, my hair grew very very long- heavy and no curl.  In other years it was just touching my shoulders and was a wild mass of curls. I keep hoping it will return to that....right now the ends are curling... Only the ends.

I shared my news of the Honda Car working again with a friend out on the islands....she wants me to drive to her house....on a curving 2 lane road of speeding trucks and cars.... the pavement etched with tire marks 

She has an extra pot plant....legally you can have three.  This one is the Fourth.  Of July.

Couldn't help myself....

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, July 3rd. Sunshine and 81 degrees at 10:54 am

 I have a lot of these circles...I really enjoyed drawing and coloring them...and that's the best thing that can happen with circles and colored pencils.  Enjoyment.

I am reading the Lost Recipe for Happiness by Barbara O'Neal.  I read it once before- but since we cannot do interlibrary loan for the foreseeable future.....I am having to re-locate books I have read in the stacks. I haven't fallen into my own bookcase as yet......I did find an addition of a book I had purchased-- a real favorite- but with larger pages..slightly larger print.  A gift in the stacks so to speak. Tomorrow's book.

I had to check yesterday's post before going on here...don't want to repeat.

Son got the Honda which has been sitting in the garage for a year or more--started by installing a new battery.  Then adding some fresh gas and taking it for a ride- adding air to the tires etc.  Everything works. Then he said we should get it registered and pay the tag tax etc....I said okay, lets go.  And we did. Go. to the Town Office...which is next door to the Grocery Store.  Well, sort of next door.

Surprised the hell out of Son with the "Okay let's go".  I put on shoes and grabbed things we might need but forgot the proof of insurance so the guy at the next window asked if it was the neighborhood insurance office and I said yes- and he told my clerk- text the office- they aren't doing anything over there... so she did.  Later son mentioned the guy has the same birthdate as me...not the same year... that would have been  wow!!!!  He was five years younger than me.

We even made an appointment to have the car worked on by Honda- next week.  Then I will drive it. Not far and not often.....but I will drive it.  I think we should celebrate with ice cream.  Or the doughnut in the freezer.

How's that for digging myself out of this hole I have been living in for so very very long.

Next up is finding a new Primary Care Doctor that is within my comfort zone for driving. Also a doctor who actually makes eye contact.  I was used to talking, arguing and getting along with my Primary before she decided on Early Retirement.  Actual Communication.  The guy I have now never says a word. He sits and types.  I am not saying anything...he is not asking what is he typing?????

I had a shower this hair needed to be had stopped being curly. Naturally curly wonderful.  It is getting thinner thought.  Sad but true.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, July 2nd. 9:16 am- 72 degrees- sunshine...AC units running.

 So...Summer has Arrived in Maine.  I have sprayed my ankles with Stem insecticide.  Uncovered the planters- checked the headlines in the Morning Paper......haven't tackled the Keurig as yet.  Or decided if it's a cold cereal day or an oatmeal day.  Leaning toward the oats.

Cooked yesterday....was interesting.  Been awhile since I made that particular meal.......prior to that...was Thanksgiving and Christmas food...and the Sunday Pizza.  And the Occasional Winter- Soup (prior to the supposed death of the stove).  I tend to "cook" things in the Toaster Oven.  Mostly toast. or Hot Dogs. Or Toast with cheese melted on top (added pickles).....

We exist on prepared meals, yogurt (me), peanut butter, bread and fruit.  I have one tomato left and some bread.  It's Tuesday and groceries won't be bought till Friday.  Son says I am living on CARBS and not having ANY Protein.  True.  I rarely if ever eat meat.  Though I do love pulled pork.

This is not a "New Widow Thing".  This is how I have been eating thru out the Decent into Dementia with husband.  Years....I try and think back to the day he failed every test with the Neurologist.  LONG BEFORE last October.  The day I decided to stick with him at home and do what I could to make his life simple and stress free.  The day I actually mourned his loss.   Years before he set fire to the riding lawn mower while still sitting on it....etc.  Before everything.

It was a long and lonely journey.

So....I watched Bones....I saw my absolute favorite episode.  The Finder. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday July First- 74 degrees and 54% humidity. Sunshine.

 Not always a Circle.  Sometimes a Rainbow.

Well, I woke up too early and then fell asleep and it's now 10:30.   And Son is 30 minutes late for his morning "snack"..... nope- his "morning shower". 7- 10- 1- 4- 7.   That's when I see him.  there might be an earlier number- as he has usually already had breakfast when I show up for mine (I added the first 7).

I am making Stanley Tucci's Mother's Roman Spaghetti Sauce today  (on my new stove).  I saw Stanley visiting Ina Garden (on TV) and he's been having some serious health issues....but assured Ina that he was doing and they both had a glass of wine..  Yesterday's pizza had onion, pepperoni and sliced red bell pepper...cheese of course....and it was delicious.  The two of us can REALLY make pizza!!!!!

I may be repeating myself....I'm old.  Old people do that.  All the time.

Bones Season one and two (talk about repeating!!).....everyone seems to be in bed with Booth.  Not all at once but..he's a very busy guy. And there's another guy that Bones is sleeping with....but in the episode I watched yesterday he sailed off in his boat...never to be seen again?????  Watching several seasons all mixed together is not really the best plan but that's the way they got recorded...  Not in numerical order.

And since they are recorded I can skip past all the commercials.  Well, I need to eat some breakfast and manipulate the Keurig into a cup of drinkable coffee.   No newspaper.  But I have yesterday's sudoko to annoy the hell out of me instead.  

The only reason I'd like Biden to win- First Woman President of United States.  Go Joe!!!!!  Ladies- get out there and vote for Joe.