Sunday, March 09, 2025

Sunday. Dye Plants for cloth dyeing. I thought we were learning about the Plants.... we actually were learning about not much.

 Good Morning- Well, actually Afternoon.

We just put the Sunday Pizza in the oven..... 40 degrees outside and a bit damp.... Gloomy.
The lecture was actually about Dyeing Clothing with Plant Materials.....not about Growing Plants to USE for Dye Clothing.  My bad...... I was thinking Dye Garden......Something I actually would like to have in the backyard.  All sorts of Marigolds for sure.

DebL uses dyes and I use paint to color clothing.....dye was a bit dangerous for someone with lungs not functioning at 100% already.......My favorite "dye" is actually canned or bottled grape juice.  In a large pot with the items at a slow simmer..  until the items are as blue as you want them...  No rinse.  Just wring them out and let them dry.  Once dry- you can wash with Ivory Soap.  Rinse. Dry again.  I revitalized my old faded blue work shirts with grape juice- I also sent two off to Deb L to fancy up..... they are Way Fancy.

Ot easier still just paint the DAMP fabric with one of those small craft bottles of blue paint....let dry and then press with a hot iron.

Next time they have lecture-- I will have my daughter read the text and then we will compare notes.

BUT....I got out of the house- I chatted with the former head librarian seated next to me....It was very pleasant.  It felt normal.  And that felt good.

Well, pizza is getting close to ready to eat.....I have collected everything for the Banker to do my taxes... Sam will bring her's tomorrow.  My Master Gardener Friend is sending me recipes--- one for cornbread just arrived....  I was thinking about cornbread- I was also thinking about a round loaf of bread...I have yeast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Normal! So often underappreciated.