Monday, March 03, 2025

Monday, March 3rd. Sunshine and 10 degrees. Japanese Rice Cooker is doing it's job on the counter... tiny beeps.

this image has been here....but I didn't like any of the others.

While watching tv......I got bored and returned to my tiny print book.  Yesterday's pizza was delicious and I had it with the box of salad greens.....from Friday's shopping.  Just greens...they stayed crisp... the mixed salad gets soggy.  Lesson learned.  I added some olive oil and Balsamic vinegar.  

Today I will finish off the homemade SOUP..... topped with some Parmesan cheese.

I selected scraps to make a black and white square.  More white than black but I might find another mostly black scrap. Or just work with the white with tiny black accents, while I watched a Tracker episode on CBS. Fun to figure out what day and time Tracker will be on each week....High Potential has disappeared.  Will Trent has stabilized on the same day and time..with repeats.

Only one book has arrived at the Library...three more are in transit.  Pick up on Friday.

I finished True Love and now going to start in on For All Time.   In the hardcover edition...easy on the eyes.  And there might possibly be some European Soccer today.   

I'm here late- I was up early but lacked enthusiasm for getting out of bed.  I know from experience that is the first step into Depression.  Having nothing to look forward to other than a romance book...truly sad. But I did get out of bed and I did get dressed and I did comb my hair......and I made and ate a bowl of oatmeal.  No newspaper on Monday.....well, I have my vitamin pill and statin to take.   Then the couch and my book.....for the remainder of the day......perhaps a toasted bagel around 2 or 3pm.

Life in the Barely Moving Lane.  But I have dark chocolate as a reward.


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