Daughter used my Air Fryer to crisp up some Tater Tots in the freezer for me. Had to do them twice. There are frozen battered chicken pieces in the freezer also....not a fan of chicken...so we didn't do anything with them. I have never used the Air Fryer myself.
I read Deveraux's Knight In Shining Armor. I'd read it once years- decades ago...I cried at the end. No idea what today's book will be- The Deveraux took me two whole days.... I kept having to stop.
Our taxes are now in the hands of Our Banker....an assistant drove up here from Portland to collect them.
Tomorrow My Lunch Buddy and I are going to have lunch.... we have no idea where.... the long sidewalk replacement project in Town...sort of destroyed the businesses on the Main Street. No where to park, difficultly walking thru construction areas and even routed (on foot) into one lane of on coming traffic etc. We are going to see What's What with surrounding Towns. There are three close by.
I haven't chosen a book for today- I might rest up and hand sew another scrap square. It's very restful and even seems a "bit" creative. I don't feel like returning to my coloring book work.....I know I will at some point in Life but not right now. Eventually, I look forward to painting...watercolor. That will be what I do in my 80's. Abstract loose watercolors. It's nice to have a plan even if it's a very loose one.
I saw Tony Bennett on PBS- they were selling a CD of his ...but while they filmed him he was painting....and drawing. And, it felt like a message to me..."you can do this" and yes, I can. The duets were good....wish they had let us hear one entire one and not just bits of several. I never buy anything when PBS does these Money Grabs.... I stop watching PBS during the fund raising...which gets longer and longer as time passes. Someday the Saturday Cooking Shows will reappear selling their cookbooks etc. My Gardening Friend says I should buy the PBS streaming service. I don't even know what that means.
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