Monday, March 10, 2025

Happy Monday to Alll...... Sunshine here in Maine with melting snow on the grassy areas...

 I have been checking out recipes for a nice loaf of bread.  I don't have a bread baking basket that makes this design....and I don't feel like baking and eating bread....old habit that leads to weight gain. 

My Lunch Buddy and I are trying to think of a place to have lunch...the great one year sidewalk project in Town closed most of the where to park...difficult to walk....Poof- new sidewalks and no businesses.

I am cold all the time these days.... I should look that up and find out if its symptom of something or just what happens to people as the get OLD.  I have on a wool sweater and wool socks but my neck is freezing cold and my fingers as well.

I collected all the necessary bits for the taxes....I could do them myself but I "just don't want to" plain and simple.  Just Don't Want To is my New Life Motto.

My Atomic Clock did the time changing....I was completely unaware.  That it was time to change the clocks.  Which means the little clocks here in my watch tv and read area....are wrong.  Nope...Son must have walked around and changed them all.

Well, I have a book to read and soccer games recorded to watch...and a down lap comforter to keep me warm.....and I might even fall asleep......gosh- I might become a NAPPER.

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