Thursday, March 06, 2025

Thursday, March 8th. I've been up awhile, read the newspaper paid the heating bill had breakfast and then a "Breakfast Cookie"

I have tried so many times to get the text over to the left......

And now I seem to have succeeded.

Daughter and I went out shopping yesterday...I got two packages of old fashioned lemon drop candy. she got 5 or 6 cans of spray to keep her from getting Lyme disease while she works as a Landscaper.  Lots of ticks on the Atlantic sea coast.  And most of the client base is on the coastline.

This orchid lived on the window bench across from my sink....I would look at it while washing dishes.

I am reading an ancient Jude Devereaux from 1985.  A "Book Club" edition....I was okay with it until page 30 or so.... I am now on page 71 and I can't believe this got published.  We are bouncing all over the place and she writes about something and then- nothing....never finishes or connects it to anything... a woman is hired to sew unfinished items of clothing the MAN ordered...she arrives once and takes one item. Never heard from or seen again.   Woman hears people in bottom of the boat are sick etc...goes down with water and soap and takes care of things and then never goes back down....  what I have here is a collection of story parts (like index cards) made into a book.   I have it here on my desk and the chance of me picking it up again...slim.  Also no one wears underwear or takes a bath.  At least in the other Pirate Ship Romances from the 90's- there was aways a bath (after they took the chain off the woman's ankle)..  I means this woman- young lady is walking around in a dress...just a dress. no slip no nothing. And it's the same dress....for DAYS.  And no one has mentioned a toilet or a bath.  And I have ten more of the the bookcase....sigh.  I said no but....they are here.  I did say NO....sigh. 

Books were CERTAINLY Not politically correct back in the 80's.  (and 60's and 70's)- but I lost all those books in a fire.....I lent them to someone and her apartment caught fire.

Well, I have the Runaway Groomsman to read- from the library and written only a few years ago. And three to pick up tomorrow on Library Grocery Day.

I had a nice Burger and excellent Sweet Potato Fries yesterday at lunchtime.  At a place by the river...The scenic area out the window would have made a lovely watercolor.  By me.  Black, white and gray as the water and trees were dark and the snow and sky shades of gray.

I may make up a kit of sorts and carry it at all times- if I start leaving the house on the "regular"..  I also got books- new (2024 25) ones- at the book store. And an Edna Lewis Cookbook- there is an Edna Lewis program on PBS right now.  About the woman and her it if your station still has it running.... I am going to start with her biscuits....and then perhaps some grits....and on the PBS show she did something amazing with tomatoes........

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