Saturday, August 31, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, August 31st. Cloudy 60 degrees 89% humidity.

No image this morning as we have the spinning ball of death and the Cloud (which I do not EVER use) is out of order and is also spinning.  So..going forward- no images.  We will still have words until that also composts itself.  This computer is really old and Son has procrastinated on ordering a new one.  He really does take after me.... 

I am reading the first book in a series by Linda Howard.  I remember reading them years and years ago. Not for the faint of heart.  One book sticks with me and my library possibly does not have it anymore or never did- I might have read it while taking care of my dad years ago in Ohio.  A woman, A soldier, is left behind in the desert----not on purpose...and she has to try and keep moving and NOT be ambushed and killed.  The being left behind......that's difficult for her to deal with..... at the time and after.

In this one a man (a soldier) is recovering from being shot in the chest just missing his heart. He is a target and the people who shot him are looking.... he's being hidden in a house in the woods near a small Town. The owner of the house is the Chief of Police but only for paperwork purposes. You would find all this out in the first 40 pages.  So I am not spoiling any of the plot.  I would NEVER do that.

The NYT had a multi-choice quiz on why the man who shall not be named (here-ever) got into trouble at Arlington Cemetery.  I got the answer right.  Using/filming a soldier's burial etc for a campaign commercial. UGH!!!

Well seems we have a theme here.

Grocery Shopping was good.  I think we bought everything we needed.  It's Hot Dog Week for me.  I have dogs and buns.  And the dogs will be fried in butter on my new induction stove- until crispy unless I burn them in the Toaster Oven.. (I like both methods) We will be having pizza tomorrow as usual.  No Football but Formula One Racing in the morning.. I saw in the paper they had practice yesterday.  

We will NOT be watching the Patriots  but will likely be watching Mahomes/49ers.  They just picked up the favorite back up quarterback from the Patriots-  Bailey Zappe.  Gotta wonder ????  I still detest the Tomahawk Chop and always will. I'll stop watching if Swift is in the upper boxes... not a fan. So, very not.

I did a second load of laundry.  I might do a third today.... I am waking up from the long goodbye. Next up is mopping the bathroom floors and dragging the central vac out for a go round.. on a regular schedule. Like I used to...before...... it's been quite a year.....recovery has been very slow.  Looking forward to my birthday.  Spent the last one in ER.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday (Grocery Day) August 30th. 58 degrees-92% humidity.

 I am showered but not breakfasted.  Today is Library and Grocery Store.  No Landscaping today.

Lawn was mowed.....Sidewalks swept (dirt).   I have showered and shampooed myself.  Fresh clothing. Fresh sheets load of wash and another today.  Moving Forward.  I knew it would happen at some point in time but I gave up thinking about it.....and here it is.  

Fresh Start and all that..... a few more trees are on the chopping block- the Fruit Trees that do not make any fruit. Useless.

The Farmer's Almanac Winter Storm Report....'s going to be another awful mess. When it doesn't snow it will flood and then freeze over....... but warmer than usual.  Those Farmers have a strange sense of HUMOR.

I am typing after a hot shower and no breakfast..... blood pressure is very very low.  so..I am going to have my bowl of shredded wheat biscuits and milk and a cup of coffee or tea.  And be ready to venture into the grocery store....see how many fellow shoppers are wearing masks. COVID is here in Maine.  Welcome to Maine little germs.  The new vaccine is also available- well, in general terms...I'll see what's what - like a sign up sheet.

Now...I need breakfast to pump up my blood pressure.  Always tanks after a shower.

Clean sheets were a nice surprise.  Even though I had to rest twice while changing them yesterday.  I saved turning the mattress for another day or another year.  Or never.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Summer's End. Thursday, August 29th. 61 degrees and 71% humidity. Sunshine.

 Working on Weeds.. Otherwise called Green Manure.

The Guys arrived and cut the grass.  Earlier than usual and the Boss was on the mower today.  Crabby. He's having employee troubles.  Some of them returned to college this week.

Chill in the air even with the Sun shining.  My new neighbor's are moved in- but certainly not unpacked. I remember those days with the every 3 years pack up and move with husband's job.  I believe I still have boxes in the attic from 30 years ago that never got opened.

Read a very very good book yesterday.. Love at First Book by Jenn McKinlay.  An American Librarian travels on a visa to Ireland to work in a book store and help a famous author edit her latest (and last) book.  It's a great story and well...if you like romance with "difficult men"--you might want to check this one out.

As it says in the jacket blurb- "she checks all the boxes for romance".

I haven't selected today's book as yet....I have four to choose from and a full, heavy, book bag to return to the Library tomorrow.   I watched some home for sale redecorating show yesterday... Weird and weird. I gave up and turned the tv off.

My Garden Employee has done a fantastic job on the one large bed...amazing.  I didn't count how many times she filled the gigantic wheelbarrow.....more than 4.  I can see weedless dirt.  I may leave it all this way or we may order compost to top up the depleted soil.  Let it over winter.  She says we can plant- still have a warm September and possibly warmish October....before Winter.  I am dragging my feet. I would have to get out of the house and actually shop.......decide....the get out of the house and the shop parts are the most difficult for me these days.....the closer we get to the one year anniversary- the slower I am.... to make former years I would have stayed in bed all day.  I cannot get away with that this year.

Not depressed OR what I think it means but perhaps in other  ways- YES.....resistant to most anything suggested....the woman who cut my hair sent the landscaper over....she just did it...and once the woman was here- I went with it.  I would never have called if just given a number.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday August 28th- 73 degrees, 94% humidity.

 We might have had this image already... I recall discussing my plants. that look almost like these.

I will be emptying the picture file later today.  There is so much to notice today- across the street the very large moving van with the stuff my new neighbors have.  My Landscaping Helper is here pulling everything seemed easier that way... to begin again.  Clean Slate.

My Life...I think...will also be a Clean Slate going forward as I let go....letting go is hard after so many years.  But most of what I have not good or healthy.  Plants or Memories.

My Lunch Buddy and I think a row of Blue Hydrangea would be lovely in front of the long porch. Perhaps matching the blue porch ceiling.   I like the sound of "A Clean Slate".  For the Garden and for my Life.

The Christmas Cactus collection is also heading for the Compost Heap.  All the plants began from picking broken branches from the greenhouse floor.......bringing them home, putting them in pot, watering etc.   Collecting Orphans.  

Well, my Gardener is pulling everything out.  Not the large shrubs but the smaller stuff.  

Across the street another fresh start for my new neighbors.....finally moving in.  I remember how that felt. My double digit moving experiences.  Each time, more boxes never got emptied. Until, half my Attic is taped boxes holding  "what?"......memories.

My birthday this year-- I explained to my old about my husband forgetting how to stand and walk.  The beginning of the end.  I would not be good lunch time company...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, August 27th Sunshine 67 degrees with 97% humidity.


 Pile of Junk.  On the Ottoman to the left of where I sit to watch TV and read.  You can actually see my reading glasses left edge less than halfway up.  And the tv remote.  Everything else is JUNK I could actually move but....where???

I am becoming my Father.  DNA proof that I belonged to him.

Only thing missing is a bag of chips....held closed with a clothespin.

My book yesterday and today is:  Gigi, Listening by Chantel Guertin.  A woman falls in love with the voice of a man reading a book on the radio.....travels to England in hopes of meeting him. I am more than half way in and she hasn't met him yet.  She has met another guy.  I skipped ahead.

I skip ahead when I start getting BORED.  So..I now know what's what and there will be lots of yelling and tears....but will it be worth it??????   I am 50/50 on worth it... the book started out at one speed and now has slowed to a crawl....needed a better editor.  I am now erasing the book suggestions: if you liked this book you will like etc.  Nope.  I won't.

The Gardener showed up yesterday and did a tremendous amount of work on two beds.  Several wheelbarrow loads of weeds went out back.  She suggested blue hydrangea along the front porch.  I wanted that.....once upon a time.  Climate change has made that a better possibility.  Better probability of the plants staying alive.

I emptied my freezer into a garbage bag.... Son said everything was "too old to eat".  We set the bag out for collection....  I have two boxes of microwavable breakfast pita sandwiches still in the freezer. One hunk of cheese. Some English Toasting Bread. Some frozen potato dumplings which I might cook/eat today.  With butter fried onion.  One package of chicken thighs (from when husband only ate chicken soup).  We have leftover pizza in the fridge.  I also emptied the produce bins. Son found the produce "questionable"....... We are not doing much cooking.  I am doing even less eating.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday August 26-- 66 degrees and 99% humidity. Sunshine.

Eggplant Parm from the Sunday NYT Recipe that shows up in my Computer Mailbox.

Wanting the recipe lead to a very mysterious happening.

The Printer would not connect and son came to see what he could do......and nothing he tried worked. so he got up and walked away (not unusual behavior)...I assumed he had given up-- all my stuff is "old"....... and then he came back and did a few more things and everything was working again and and I printed my recipe.

He finally admitted he had gone into the sewing room- where the two routers are- one for his Fiber internet and one for my Comcast internet....mine has an aluminum foil hat.  

He adjusted the aluminum foil...  and everything worked again.

Now...he has no idea why it works....but since it works ... he is just going to let it work. and NOT try to find out WHY it works....its going to be "just another weird thing his mother does".

I cannot tell you how amused I was. He adjusted the foil.

And  THEN the other shoe drops....In the single digit hours of last night....bright light from the sewing room...BRIGHT.  None of the lights were on...I checked and the door was open and it is never open. So I closed it and went back to bed.  The "lights" could still be on for all I know....not going in there.

I just know none of the light fixtures are in the on position.  And the Foil is still in place- cause I am typing this to very weird.  I am now going to eat Bran Flakes and newspaper as we don't get a paper on Monday.  I have a stack of unfinished sudoko puzzles from the newspaper... I usually try and find one or two numbers....but mostly ...I don't find any.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer Note- A Sunshine 80 degrees with 66% humidity. Sunday August 25th.


Under some of the over grown shrubs out front is this little grouping of rocks my husband and I worked on...years and years ago.... I decided to go into the house and get the iPhone and take a picture for you.. this is not something I noticed very often but...perhaps I should.  Notice the weeds...

I tried making one of these out front by the secondary parking but.......animals ALWAYS knocked everything over at night. Like they were in the woods waiting. So it remains just a pile of random rocks.  And they leave it alone. I am guessing stacked rocks bother them.

Yesterday I finished one book and tried another- I had read it before- long ago and even though I really like the ending......the rest of the book isn't worth my time. I watched the Lemon Drop Hallmark Movie. The lead actor- clenched his jaw every time he spoke.  The Dog, who just wanted a ball thrown repeatedly, was a cute addition to the Hallmark routine.  Which .....I have outgrown. SO MUCH.

The main woman (lemon drop dreams) traded in her Toast Restaurant Idea for Fruit Popsicles. OMG..... Happily Ever After?  Well, at least she didn't have curling iron hair sausages on her head. Very Hallmark.

Daughter almost ripped the "accidentally purchased" ER Doctors who are both Shape Shifting Wolves Book out of my hands.... I said I had to have it back....I promised to let someone else read it.  We'll see. 

Son (I woke up late) watched Open Wheel Racing this morning.. We are NOT watching Football. But we are having Sunday Pizza later.  It's a For Sure Thing. We stopped calling it Football Pizza. 

My children are arguing about me wanting Frosting on Birthday Brownies... or will I bake a Cake and add Frosting to it. (My Money is on ordering a Tiramisu Boozy Cake at the Grocery Store) (and buying ice cream).....My Birthday!!!!!!  Weeks Away.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Summer Notes- A bit Tardy- Went Snooping Around the Internet. Saturday, August 24th.

 Wow....I own one of these- I watched people on cooking shows use it and wanted nicely shredded cabbage and thin sticks of carrot... I did not want the sliced finger.....  but I got one.

Now I cut the cabbage and carrot with a sharp hand held knife.  I wanted the shredder due to the Diet I was on for many fix whatever was wrong with me inside.  It worked along with massive doses of steroids..  I still gagged on the Beet/red cabbage/apple juice...which I had to drink.  I did like the 4 hour chicken ginger broth with slippery rice noodles.  The Banana Rice muffins....the rice going in the Vita Mix till it was like sand.  In fact, I called them Banana Sand Muffins.  No egg no sugar no fat no flour.  My internal systems were seriously messed up.  I may have already told you all this in an earlier episode of the Kitchen Tools Stories.... it feels familiar.

I think that is the last image of things I own (in the kitchen)....

COVID has arrived in Maine- we have the Daily Sewer Report.  And Hospital Admissions.  They are rising. Oldest State in the Union...meaning age of the inhabitants.

Sunshine.  No AC as yet but could turn them back on.... I have pasta for Luncheon. Always nice to be certain regarding Lunch.  I don't have dinner... Son and I started out making dinner but stopped after the holidays.....last Winter.  Now- we hardly ever eat together.  We do have Sunday Pizza.  Not in the same room.  Monday I am emptying the freezer of all the food in there.....especially with things with the year written on them.....all the Peaches....they went brown when thawed.

That's it... repetitive due to me having little contact with Other Humanoids.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday, August 23rd. Library and Grocery shopping Day. 67 degrees and 69% humidity.


We might have had this image already but....I have just finished my Bran Flakes and my tea is almost ready to drink.  I slept a bit longer than usual and took a shower- so...not clicking on all my cylinders. YET...... I have a note set up so I remember to take my pills- mostly vitamins.

It's Friday and the new neighbors are in Town--checking on their new hardwood floors.

Two very green grasshoppers on the netting of the largest ornamental container.  On the overnight netting. I flicked them gently over to some leaves.  First hoppers I have noticed this Summer.

I years past I had fat bees sleeping under the netting as well as grasshoppers.

We're off to the Library and Grocery.....

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday, August 22nd. Early sunny- 66 degrees 88% humidity. I have not been outdoors.


Space Day

The story here- which I only have half a sentence to go by- "Astronaut accused of......."


My hands are freezing- my son says it's my crappy something system... circulation.   I mention (to you all) my mother complained that I was born with ice cold hands and feet....I kicked off my socks and- well, she was breast feeding me- so the cold hands....yikes.  I arrived this way....and stayed this way. I have gone out of my way- all these years--not to touch people and have them jerk and cry out....really cold hands.

I heaved the king down comforter off the sewing room pile (it gets heavier each year) and carried it to my bed...tonight- I will be WARM.  I folded up the cotton quilt.... done with Summer. (in August)

The guys were here to cut the grass.  I think they are still cutting across the neighbors.

A friend sent an email detailing her devotion to watching and listening to the DNC (every word).  Asked if I watched and listened.  I said..... I will vote Democratic as I have since I was allowed to register and vote.  I'm a sure thing.   If I ever say I voted Republican you know it's not me...or it's a hostage situation. I will NEVER watch the DNC.. or RNC....I am watching Hallmark, Soccer. PBS (mysteries) or Bones if the TV is on. Period. I stopped watching CSI:NY also.  (in the 4 digit channels)..I have also stopped watching Bones (3 digit channel)... as I think I have seen them all. And they get boring after 3 months of everyday watching....really boring.   Not like Law and Order.  But that's for Winter.

I finished Hotshot...things blew up and there was tension but a "happy ending" so all is well. I have one more here and then I might have to "move  on"..... I have a collection of a French Canadian Detective.  I might go down that road and have croissants with them at the little bistro where they gather to discuss the recent murders.....or save that for winter.  I have some  Mary Kay Andrews.... I love them. I also have a collection of another detective- very very brutal....little joy or happiness.  Jo Nesbo.  I may never be ready to read those again.

So...Winter Comforter on the bed, AC units off (ceiling fans still on), no socks as yet......August in Maine.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunshine 65 degrees 80% humidity.

 Chamomile-Tea Print.  Rachel Emberton- Scotland.

I slept well last night- no AC unit rumbling in the window.  I had the other two windows open to very chilly night air. it should be.  Finally.

I am reading a Julie Garwood FBI book.   An early one.  They get better as she goes along.  But not much better.  Hotshot.  It's slow going and not holding my interest which is why I stopped reading and actually cooked something.  Next thing you know...I'll be starching and ironing my clothing.  Which for the past few years has been wash, dry and wear.  

I was surprised by my hair this morning.  

Yes, my hair surprised wasn't a huge cloud of white... I momentarily forgot I had gotten a hair cut. Life in the Senior Years is quite thrilling...  laughing.  I was also surprised by an envelope of cash one day last month.  From years ago......selling a hoop house.  Thank goodness there was a note in the envelope to explain the windfall. Otherwise I would be expecting surprise cash every morning.

I love the chill in the air.  Summer was gentle this year...not unpleasant and moist.  Yes, the AC units on 24/7 are expensive but we were comfortable 24/7.  And actually that was fine with me.  Money well spent. Now we march toward Winter again....and still haven't made the Generator Call.  My Son is as much a procrastinator as his mother.

If you got one wish granted......what would it be?  Tell me in the comments.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Summer Notes- August 20th- What's Cooking???? Rainy, damp and cooler than it has been.

 Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce .

I also got my hair cut.  Short but still with some curl.  Cut with a razor as, I learned, curly hair shouldn't be cut with scissors.  Also should never be washed with hot water. 

It looks nice and oddly enough...does not look like I got my hair cut.  Looks like "always".  Amazing...... I go again in October.

I have the items pictured up top on the stove top--- simmering.. Marcella Hazan's Famous Red Sauce. 28 ounce can of tomatoes, one onion (cut in half),  whole stick of butter, bit of salt, bit of sugar....let it simmer for 45 minutes.  Break up any large pieces of tomato.   I always add a bit of sugar to red sauce.  The stick of butter is an interest choice.

I also have a New York Italian Woman's recipe for Gravy.  That takes longer and has a variety of meat and meatballs in it.  So so delicious.  Sunday Gravy. I made this once for a house full of German Visitors... they loved it. Hated the ten year old boys playing soccer- they said it 'wasn't soccer". It wasn't.

I was always meant to be other lives I was, I think....this one- Bohemian with a side of Austrian.  I never mastered stretching strudel grandmother tried to teach me but I didn't have the knuckles for it back then...possibly I do now.  I might return to baking a loaf of bread every week. Or Once a month.  Or never. My Grandmother made the BEST Seeded Rye. Loved that bread.

I might have someone coming by to see the yard and let me know if they want to weed my garden beds. The gal cutting my hair knew someone.  Time will tell.  Would be nice as they look like Hell right now.

Rained quite a bit...everything is wet.. lots of tree cutting yesterday--one street over...Quiet this morning.

My timer when the sauce another 5 minutes with the onion halves turned over....I had wanted to buy a package of spaghetti but one of the boxes of pasta will do... I have quite a few shapes in the cupboard.   Son says he will give it a try.  Looks exactly like the picture up top.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday August 19th. Dark with Clouds this morning. 67 degrees with 97% humidity.

 Pompeii burning.  New evidence. NYT.  Haven't read any of it as yet.  

Dark, Dismal, Damp Day here in Maine.  What will the Tourists Do?????  I will be going out to lunch.

I need to turn on some house lights...very dark in here.  I was awake early, decided I wanted a shower- hadn't eaten breakfast so the blood sugar tanked.   I had to rest my wet self on the bed until things sorted themselves out.  Now, I am dressed, combed and hungry.  Bran Flakes.  Shredded Wheat.  ????

It might have rained overnight.  The netting over the Annual Containers was very wet.  The flowers still look amazing and daughter was puzzled by their good, healthy (tall) looks...I think?   I do recall forgetting to fertilize them when I planted them..... so they have been getting--or HAD been getting---Blue Water. The trick with Blue Water is to STOP.  Important Lesson. More is NOT Better.

At some point you have to let go and stop feeding them.....water every day is necessary....but it's an Annual so a short lifespan..... excessive fertilizer is not beneficial.

I finished my book about the very wealthy hotel/resort owner.  Moved on to Confessions Of a Forty Something  F**k Up written by Alexandra Potter..   Based in England so might be retitled the Posh and the Not so Posh. I've forgotten who she ends up with...the nude model/tennis coach or her landlord (she is sharing a house (Flat) and a large dog..... Next up is the Plus AI engineer puts together some bits and pieces --creates a date for her sister's wedding. AI- Artificial Intelligence.  I think it gets quite sad at the I might not go there....again.  I've read these two books before.

I am still not ready to ready the shape shifter human/wolf book.  I might give it as a gift to my friend at the Library Front Desk...she likes that sort of thing.  Or I might force myself to read it.  I really like the author. so...a small breakfast and then out to lunch- we have quite a bit to talk about.......a busy street...this summer.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Summer Days- Sunday, August 18th. 66 degrees with 97% humidity. Wet. wetter........

Neoromantic Portal.

That's the title, I checked it twice.....weird.

The weather here in Maine oddity this year.   Other are having steaming hot summers and we are having these darkish, damp overnight chill events.  Not even a breeze.  It's very NOT August.

Daughter was here to do her laundry- her machine has a leaking hose problem and many phone calls haven't resolved anything... So she did laundry and with her brother moved two backyard bird feeder (large) to the front porch and then waited to see what the local bird population thought..... it's a go. They sampled the Birthday Brownies....  I always like mine swirled with a cream cheese cake "extra".  They both thought chocolate fudge icing might be nice next time....or I just imagined that they might.

I live an entirely Different Life inside my head.  An Alternate Life.  Pure Fiction.  Constantly edited and re-edited.

I am reading a small print paperback book size of a large index card.  Old school.  Samantha Chase- Love Walks In. 2016.  I have to take breaks so my eyes can rest up.  The inside cover says that each of the 7 siblings might have their own book?????? Well, not in my library.  

Lunch Buddy Lunch tomorrow.  I am very happy about that.  A good long chat and some laughs is just what I need.  I haven't had breakfast yet-  and I am hungry so this post will be short.  

Daughter and Son brought bird feeders up to the front porch from the way back place husband had then by the fenced garden....larger.  So the bigger birds can also get some food.  And perhaps less fighting amongst the smaller ones??????

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, August 17th. Sunshine and 69 degrees with 87% humidity.

 I don't get this image or the story it was supposedly attached to......NYT is going thru some sort of image change over that isn't working for me.  Touchy Feely. Emotions etc.

It's very chilly here in the house today....I often combat this with turning off the ceiling fans (very Southern America) but whenever I do that its gets putting on a sweater is the best solution.  Possibly socks.  Or just turn off the AC.  Son just walked thru and said--"sweater because it's JUST you".  Okay.  And I hadn't even pushed publish as yet. Is he watching me type from upstairs???

I'm thinking Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Pickles for lunch...I just finished breakfast. Already thinking about LUNCH. (baked beans???)  Going to be "one of those days". Saturday is not my favorite day of the week.  I could watch the Jane Austen movie where the "travel back in time librarian" mentions that "'everyone smells bad". Yes....even Mr Darcy. Hallmark...who knew they would go there????

My haul from the Library was terrible.  Thank goodness I have a bookcase. I even had a list.

I did reasonably well in the "meals" department yesterday.  I did have some potato chips...I regret doing that as it is "mindless eating" and I am trying not to do also falls into the category of "self medication"...... I possibly should try chewing gum.

My Lunch Buddy has gotten the ALL CLEAR signal from her doctor regarding Covid 19.  She is no longer spreading  germs.  We can have LUNCH.  Monday or Tuesday.  I have my haircut at 10am on Monday.  Let's see what else can be piled into that two days span. Fate.  Whatever it is- it will be a surprise.  And I hate surprises.  Really surprise leads me to worry about more of them popping out and scaring me.....a shock to the system.

I'm thinking about another visit to the bookstore- for my birthday next month BUT with a well researched LIST this time.  And I will start with A and work thru systematically to Z.  No jumping around like last time.  I am not happy about the Shape Shifting Werewolf/ER Doctors Book.....and I know this is a "thing" right now. I liked the Hockey book. (I seem to like Hockey--which is very very odd)  I haven't selected a book to read today...yet.  I'll keep you informed.....

Perhaps empty my bookcase and put everything back in ABC order???? Laughing-- who am I kidding.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Summer Notes-- 75 degrees and 67% humidity. Sunshine and the grass got cut.

 Art by Rachel Emberton of Scotland.  I have several images that I got off of  Little Something's blog. or just  Something...  She is a professional ....and has great taste in illustrations. I borrow shamelessly.

Grass cutting, Library, Grocery Store, Brownie Baking (daughter's request)....It's feeling a bit humid. We got a lot of groceries but right now I can't think of a thing I want to eat.  It's always that way.

I made an appointment to get my haircut....Next week.  Mentioned that my survey resulted in people saying short white hair on older women was less "scary".  And then FATE- had an older woman with smooth short, very nicely cut hair, walk past me in the grocery... yes....

Son...who remembers every word I say- said "I thought you were letting it grow longer so you could do that topknot thing"  Yes, I am and was.. but hair continually escaped giving me the Mad Woman Look. which I think was evident to the hairdresser and her two customers.  And the dog.  

Son and I have brownies in the oven for daughter...she asked for them for her birthday.  Fat thick ones.

The New Oven is baking them....  I have fans on etc to try and keep things cool in here.  No idea what I will be eating this week.....we leave the grocery and the most I have chosen is Bran Flakes, Milk, Yogurt, Swiss cheese.  We skipped cold brew.  I am drinking more water, lemonade and sweet tea. I did not buy any fruit.  I still have plums and cherries in the fridge- getting weirder by the day- the fruit not me... I was already 100% weird.

I got some very very strange books.....No idea why but they came home with me... I bought a book about shape shifting the big bookstore purchase.......I have a Sally Thorn book about a brother and sister stealing dead bodies and Frankensteining them.  That is a very very weird book. they switch their switch is successful (ish) and one a disaster....okay enough of that.  ER doctors who shift into wolves..  Why???

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday, August 15th. 64 degrees and 93% humidity. Clouds and very very wet.


A very slow start today...Me and the computer both very sluggish.  I am up very early. Unnaturally early. I had many thoughts and emotions this morning.....just sliding thru my mind and emotions like a slow series of images.  Growing old.  Letting go.  And incredibly, having to start over.

I uncovered the ornamentals......netting was very wet.  I walked out to get the newspaper.  Son is still asleep.  Or he has gone somewhere.

Dansk wooden bowl.  Grapes.  Husband liked eating grapes while he did word search puzzles on the back Sun Porch.  He would sit out there most of the day.  Looking a the garden.  The woods.

I need to turn on some my breakfast and read the newspaper.  I sorted a large plastic bag of fabric scraps yesterday.  By color family.  I was watching CSI/NY and well, I have outgrown that show. So next up I watched one of my recorded Hallmark "Jane Austin" movies.  The one where the Librarian goes back in time to find Mr Darcy. And everything (and everyone) smells bad.  There are two more..  I am also still reading the Wedding Crasher.  We've come to the misunderstanding......part.

There was an essay on the NYTimes feed that comes into my mail box here on the computer...about finding love after 60.  The writer noticed- after many years of him working on her house.....her carpenter.  Would be a delightful Rom Com.  The essay was a delight to read.  

Well, I am hungry and it's not even 8am.... I went out and got the newspaper.  Son usually does but no idea where he is.  Perhaps asleep upstairs.  Everything is very very wet outside.  It was raining when I went to bed and there was lightning and thunder.  I doubt the guys will be mowing the grass anywhere today.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, August 14th. 75 degrees and 68% humidity...Sunshine.

 Roasted Tomato Tart.   Back in the "Olden Days"...when I successfully grew tomatoes...I would have made this tart.  But I am much older now and- well, uncovering and watering the three ornamental containers out front- that's about it for me, these days.  And I walked past the large pile of ripe tomatoes on our last grocery visit......this is what Son worries about- my lack of interest.....

I had graham crackers yesterday and two very large cups of sweet hot tea....I am mostly thirsty these days. Not hungry but will eat (if asked to eat)....I have things that are quick and easy to put together and heat up.  Protein.  I am going with protein in most of my meals....unusual for me. But....healthier.  There are carbs as well....and lots and lots of beverages....I am VERY thirsty ....

I am reading an old favorite off the library shelves-  Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa.  She also wrote the Worst Best Man.   I should check and see if she has written anything new.....4 wks and the interlibrary loan services will be restored  (200 libraries)....and I can order Rom Coms from Auburn, Maine......

The new neighbors across the street are here all week, I guess....  Carpets are being removed from what looks like the entire house.  A large pick up is already full of rolled up old carpet.  The 1980's beige carpet... all the original houses on the street have it....My second bedroom and the office still have that same carpet... I am thankful to the second owner for removing it from the living room and dining room....I had it removed from my bedroom and hallway when we did the bathrooms.....I now have hardwood floors in my bedroom. I would have done the office and second bedroom but we had everything from the master in the office and the master furniture in the second bedroom where we slept during construction.

I imagine my house when I leave it.....sigh. Being taken apart.  Well, I will be taken apart as well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, August 13th. 66 degrees and 77% humidity. Weak sunshine.

 Bookcase and my books.  From the "Pictures My Life" collection........

My hair is wild today....I haven't attempted the "little back of the head" knot as yet.  I am considering a haircut.  But..not very seriously.  I can't see how a haircut is going to be an improvement.

I haven't had breakfast so my morning blood sugar is way down......getting old is really not much fun. Well, this Old Woman isn't having much fun at all.  Sigh.  I am struggling to find my "happy place" in this new edition of my Life.  These last few chapters of my Life...being optimistic.  Maybe only one chapter left.

Digging the weedy plants out of the front bed IS really difficult.  They are deeply rooted and have invaded the territory and won't give up easily. (like Russians)  I used the the large loppers to cut the branches (off a small section) and left the roots in the ground.....I have a sharp edged shovel but don't see progress with that........ at 30 days shy of 78.  My chances of success here are in the negative numbers.

My Lunch Buddy is secluded in the second bedroom with COVID. (NO LUNCH DATE)  She and daughter and grandson took planes to visit colleges. She says this particular COVID is much worse than ALL the others...ALL.  Her 80 something husband got COVID visiting the local post office a few months ago.  Shared.  Everyone got sick. Her grandson has had COVID several time this year (did not share)..... perplexing and they get the Paxlovid from their doctor each and every time. They had the Annual Vacation by the Lake reserved. Everyone is sad. Including ME.

I have zero things reserved or planned....A book...a seat on the that Olympic Field and Track and Soccer is over..I haven't much to look forward to.  I was leaning toward Law and Order but....No..just No.. CSI/NY is on in the four digit channels... it was good the first time but repeats are tedious. Hallmark is also tedious.  Not watching News.....that leaves Lifetime and the Shopping Channels.  Kill me now.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, August 12th 71 degrees with 60% humidity.... Fantastic

 Good Morning.  Cooler here in Maine.... Sea Breezes.  I would love a stack of pancakes but not the mess that it would take to make them. paperless here in Maine.  I have a  stack of sudoko puzzles- started and not finished...... Bran Flakes and a large cup of decaf tea.....Breakfast.  Vitamins.

Son and I discussed the house.  What we could/should do to it and what would be a waste of time and money.  Mostly agreeing....mostly.  I discussed the landscaping which has had two Summers of no attention (husband was the weeder)........he said he was NOT doing landscaping....didn't think I should either.  So....weeds.

I might find a short sharp edged shovel and dig -- or attempt to dig.  Root bound soil is a bitch to dig into. And I am almost Seventy Eight....very Senior Citizen.

I brought up the cracked surface on the driveway-- son said NO WAY.....

I have one more FBI book......I might visit the used bookstore next to the grocery parking lot....see if they have any Garland on the shelves...even though they have said they consider books I like- TRASH. Yes, The Book Police run the Library Book Shop.  How's that for unbelievable behavior????? Censorship.

Next we know they will BURN Offensive Books on the Town Mall.   Prune faced women.

Pizza was delicious as always yesterday.....even minus Formula One Racing....but soon we will have Football.  Olympics is done....we had more medals that China but it was close..... Son is wanting Peach Cobbler....I have been putting it off...  But.....I would need a day to thaw the frozen Peaches....

I'm I will fix my breakfast and get on with the day....have a good one wherever you are????

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, August 11th. Sunshine- 72 degrees, 71% humidity.

 I missed this..... I wasn't awake before Dawn.  

I forgot to cover the Annual Containers yesterday...they are fine... this morning.  I watched the new neighbors cut all the lower branches off my former neighbor's Yews.  Now I can see the second doorway on the porch side of the house..... I am hoping my former neighbor does not come driving down the street..and sees this....whoa.  She got frantic when her son tried to snip a few bits off the bottom edges.

She thought if she covered the second doorway- people would use the front door ...they never did.

I only have the one door on the front of my house... and every one comes and rings the doorbell.  My secondary exit door is on the back of the house.  I can also exit from the garage....

Read a Julie Garwood.... The Ideal Man    .one I had read long ago.... the gal's father was always looking for a "deal'' so the AC unit in the over the garage apartment was interesting comedic fodder.  The Sociopath was not.  Secondary exits did not help the main character.

I recall back in the day when I worked at the Library...a very friendly young woman none of us knew...stopped by to chat with us almost every day- well, one day after work one of my co-workers came home to find this chatty woman in her kitchen helping my co-worker's husband prepare a "surprise" dinner for my co-worker.  The husband had no idea what was going on......she might have already been in the house when he got home. crawling terror..... we were all double checking the locks on our doors for months.

Pizza today as it is Sunday.....I watched the USA team win the soccer gold medal.  I skipped the stupid break dancing.  I did watch a Hallmark Movie about a Dream Something Or Other....Confusing but nice characters and a happy ending...also the train...I might like to take a long train ride someday. Possibly the Trans Canada one... my own little adventure.  With a suitcase full of books for when I got tired of chatting with strangers........ But not in the near future......I am not ready for Prime Time yet.

I started the day with my shower, the Sunday paper and Bran Flakes... fresh clothing.  It feels chilly in here which is fine with me...and is perhaps due to my having on a short sleeved shirt.  August. The couch and another FBI book calling my name.....till tomorrow...

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, August 10th. 71 degrees and 99% Humidity. Yep- 99% No Sunshine.

 All Clad.  I have everything in this image.(from a website showing the most popular cookware)  And it works like a dream on the new induction top... water starts boiling almost immediately.  Magnets.   I made mac and cheese yesterday.  I was at "loose ends" and when that happens I eat.  Like all day hopefully today, I won't eat so much. 

I have YET to find a project to work on...but I did also read an entire book yesterday.  Tessa Bailey's Fix Her Up.   The Baseball Player one.. and I have three FBI books to work thru.  No coloring.  That stopped as suddenly as it began. I still have a few of husband's unfinished circles.....but not feeling like it. Yet.

I don't have much to write about as not much is happening...the guys came and cut the grass.  They did not cut across the street so the new owner must not have kept the service- or they did and I missed it.

I deleted the 100 or more Bones episodes I had recorded.....I just got tired of it.  The TiVo is mostly empty except for Hallmark Movies I enjoy watching over and over again.  Not that many any more.  Quality is not what it used to be on Hallmark.  I am staying with "not watching news" and I feel better and well, I am sleeping. Not worrying. So my Well Being Report would be three out of four stars.

I need to do a load of wash- my bed sheets....then have to decide which ones to put on the bed. Or just put the same clean ones on the bed....that's what you would do if you couldn't make decisions. Right now.

I watched some Volleyball.  The guys on the USA team must all be well over six feet tall.  Nice looking. I don't know what is left of the Olympics....close to being over I think. No Field and Track. Or I missed it and all the jewelry they wear.

No sunshine here in Maine...damp, wet, dark. Quiet.  No cars.  No Twins.  No Walkers.  Son does go out every so often for a walk. He has suggested I try and walk just a get used to it.  Not go far in case I collapse.  And to let him know I went out so he could go find me if I didn't come back. All of this..makes me stay in the house. 

This is my life.... Oh, I dumped expired yogurt- down the disposal.  Now Son says we will have trouble with our pipes being clogged with "fat".....I said it was fat free yogurt... He stared at me awhile (in disbelief) and then went upstairs. I am guessing I missed the POINT of that lecture.  And will always miss the point.   

Friday, August 09, 2024

Wet Summer Notes---Friday, August 9th. 66 degrees and 99% HUMIDITY

 The Snowball Tree out back....  In the lower right- the weeds...Husband used to work on the weeds but one does.  And they are taking over...

I don't mind weeding but can no longer get down on my knees to do the work...way way too painful. I try to do the weeding standing but...doesn't work..... one needs to be ground level with a sharp tool.  My knees will be the first thing to go...

I had always thought it would be something else...but knees...I can walk, sit, stand etc with no pain at all. But kneel?  Even on carpet to pick up some pins I spilled- it's so very painful.  I have had to learn how to clean up spills from a standing position... trying not to bend over so far that my head hits the floor.

Getting Old.  Wow...should be an Olympic Sport.  Walking around and having to bend over to pick things up without a support or something to lean on..  I would not do well.

It's in the mid 60's today and a bit chilly in the house....I turned UP the AC unit...just to rid us of humidity.

Today is Grocery Shopping Day- Son is checking on on my energy levels... my blood pressure tanks out... Yes, most people my age have problems with high blood pressure- I have the opposite.  I have always been this way- any stress at all and my head gets light and I am preparing to hit the ground.  They have examined my heart--- do not become alarmed---it's in 100% good condition.  I am just a born and bred fainter.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday, August 8th...Sunshine- 67 degrees 87% humidity.


Le Creuset.  

First one in Orange was a wedding gift.  I think it's still here somewhere on the back porch on the floor. Well used and stained interior.  I have new ones- also orange--- some arrived from people who owned then and didn't want them... orphans.....some purchased.  Even frying pans.  Good Stuff.

I slept with difficulty last night....not able to tune myself out and fall asleep and then this many things piled up in my a memory traffic jam.  Perhaps because I watched two Hallmark Movies.  Junebug was one of them......I haven't in a very long time (watched a Hallmark Movie)....also the book I am reading is making me terribly sad having missed out on that sort of amazing relationship........ I have followed thru with not watching any news- I get the highlights from the Morning News Paper.... and haven't gotten there as yet.  Writing this post before breakfast.  I watched Olympic How do they run with all that jewelry on?????  And the fake nails....someone else ties their shoes I guess.

Field Hockey----whoa, what a goofy sport that is.  All the padding and the tiny sticks....... 

Steeple Chase Race... Track--- wow.  Running and then jumping......who thought that was a good idea??? And someone fell and was injured at the end.... Also Track- and the makeup and fingernails on the women and the jewelry on both men and women......really???? Why.

There is work being done across the street.  New Owner Work.  No matter how my neighbor wanted to leave the house in "perfect" just can't......control what happens.  Next.

Biscuits is what we baked the other day....I could not think of the empty brain.

I made one last sandwich with the ham and cheese I got at the supermarket deli.  Today..I have to figure out something else as I am a day short of the grocery visit.  I still have cereal and milk so that's great and a few yogurts......sigh.  Oh....I still have frozen sandwiches in the freezer--- Patty Melts I think....could be good.????  I'll report back tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, August 7th. Sunshine and 64 degrees- 81% humidity.


My glassware Duralex-Picardie.

I have it in three sizes from 4 ounce to 12 ounce.  We use it every day.  Might have been purchased in Europe or at Crate and Barrel.  I don't recall.

There are three peaches left on the Peach Tree- the squirrels and deer have picked it clean. 

I am wearing things right now that I rarely if ever have worn- I have everything that fits in the washing machine except for my favorite cherry red pants....I didn't want to take a chance of all my clothing turning red.   These "to the ankle" wide leg pink pants.....not a fan.  I have them rolled up but still "so wide"........

I wish at times like this.... that I knew how to do alterations.  I rolled them up but they have a lifespan of about another 5 minutes before I go looking for different pants...and take this shirt off. It's August.

I am reading my way thru my new trade paper romances--- Tessa Bailey.  I finished Chase Me and am now reading Need Me.  Next up is Fix Her Up...  I have three Julie Garwood books on hold.  I am tempted to go get them today (not wait for Friday)..I can drive.

Son baked yesterday.....we didn't have baking powder so we looked it up and made our own....not as poofy as the real stuff was interesting.  I am having my usual brain fart with the name of what we baked.

He baked.   Nothing much happening...I watched a movie my book.  I had a pita with ham and cheese for my main meal of the day... I shopped the Deli on our last grocery visit.  I have lettuce for the Big Salad....I could do that today....I have a notification that I have 10 items in my computer mailbox....Excitement.  Enjoy your day!!!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Summer Notes for Tuesday, August 6th- 66 degrees and 88% humidity. ICK!!!


The Big Book of Bread was in my inbox this morning.... I used to bake.  Used to.  I baked bread and all sorts of things- mixed up my own pizza dough as well.  I would have purchased this book- but not now...

Now...well Time Rolls On... and I don't do much at all anymore... I must have "retired" all my former interests and now...I am mostly just thrilled to successfully make it thru the day.  No accidents, No incidents, No mistakes (that I know of)..........that I know of.   Son might be keeping a tally.

My plans for today are to do a load of wash- remember it's in the drier and take it out and fold everything.  Remembering it in the dryer is the big thing here......My Son remembers all of this as he sets the timer on his phone....I could set a timer- one of the kitchen ones but then I would wonder why it has gone off.  I would recall after a few minutes. Maybe. Not sure about remembering the dryer.

I met my NEW across the street neighbor- the husband.  His wife was in the next development over visiting their they moved to be closer to the grandkids.... Sweet.  He was wondering about the massively heavy handicap ramp my neighbor had built into the garage so she could roll her wheeled chair down from the house to the garage...she had had knee surgery but never had the tissue in her knees "'cracked" so never enjoyed the end result of knee surgery.  Pain free walking. .

He also asked if there was a garage door opener for the second garage door.  I said I did not think so.  They had been looking for it.  My neighbor only used the one door...  I was going to suggest my Son for info on getting a new opener Son would have been very very unhappy if I did that. So I left it to him to figure out. He looked capable.  

He did express his confusion as to the heaviness of the materials making up the very very large double ramp....I said there used to be a workbench- which my husband purchased and it was ALSO very very heavy when moved from Peggy's garage to ours.....  Still is.  It's rather useless now.  But I think we store the AC units on it during the cold months.  

Well, I am late having of those slow sad weepy days.  Not often anymore but...perhaps the talk about the ramp and the work bench.....reminders...gettin old is really hard work.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, August 5th...Sunshine 77 degrees..low humidity.

I happened to have this dish and the clothespins on the counter while I was waiting for the Hot Water Pot to boil for my morning cup of tea.  I use the clothespins to clip the cereal box liner (and the graham cracker bags, and the chip bag when I am lucky enough to have chips) closed. I use older, less clean ones to clip the netting over the containers each evening.  I have clothespins all over the house... 

My neighbor across the street sent me home with garbage bags- (the Town bags we have to buy), a tub of yogurt and two framed pieces of art.  One I will be showing to you..a line drawing made by a friend of my neighbor's who died of breast cancer....her work will live on here in my house. And here on a post.

Yesterday was her last day in the house- the new neighbors show up today.  She was getting ready to cry when I left.  It is a great street to live on...dead end.  No thru traffic. Hardly anyone knows it even exists. We move here and try not to ever leave.  It will be really difficult for me to leave......if ever.

Son just gave me the "Weather Report" for the day- STINKING HOT.  I turned on the ceiling fan over my couch position.  I have worked my self thru all the Julie Garwood FBI books that I checked out on Friday.  Three- and I ordered three more for pickup on Friday.  I have other "good stuff" from my Barnes and Noble book buying spree to read.  An FBI Rom Com with guns, close fitting suits, private planes, hotels etc--very satisfying.... I was trying to date them...they have cell phones. And Computers.

Well, I mixed up some Splenda Pink Lemonade and it needs diluting....way too sweet.  But I need liquids if it's getting as hot as Son says it is.   I brought in one whole unbitten Peach that I found on the grass. Not ripe but has a bit of a pink blush on one side.  I have put off baking a cobbler with my frozen peaches......I am getting used to my VERY loose clothing and want to keep it that way.  Son still has Birthday Cake for snack.  Sigh.   Life Goes On.


Saturday, August 03, 2024

Summer Notes- Saturday, August 3rd. 72 degrees at 10am and 94% humidity. It rained overnight.

 The view from inside the house, my containers, the sidewalk and my neighbor's driveway and house.  The van in the driveway collecting her furniture for the move.  Even a slim bit of the one rocker that my visitors and I sit in while chatting.

The Peach trees are behind that very tall lime colored bush that needs a Massive Haircut.  The hose is over to the far left....home sweet home.

I ate some very nice cold sweet cherries yesterday while reading my book. Julie Garwood's Slow Burn.  50% FBI murder mystery and 50% rom com.   I have read them all but years and years ago...I recall the plot but forget who the villain that's great.  I emptied the Garwood shelf-- so one a day.  Like vitamins.

I also picked up two recent reads....I wanted to read them again...  I recall back in the day- reading a book and then turning back to the first page and reading it again... I do that with Hallmark movies as well.  

I selected some microwavable pita pocket sandwiches  a few weeks ago at the grocery but hadn't tried them until this week... One minute (in my super new microwave) and I have a nice protein packed meal.  Pita, scrambled egg, bacon and cheese. Not too much...just enough.  I also chose the cheeseburger one...I might add a few pickles to it.  I noticed this week that there are two or three more kinds of these pita things.  I may have to try all of them.  I can see this being an actual (small) meal with a salad on the side.

Next week....I plan on buying potatoes and having baked potatoes...loaded with stuff.  I have chives growing like weeds next to the back plan for a herb garden near the house didn't work out... but I can always try again next year.  Drag a Grow Box out of the shed and onto the deck.......I guess it might even work for August into September of THIS YEAR?????  We'll see.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Summer Notes- Friday August 2nd. Sunshine 88 degrees, no breeze and 58% humidity.

 Box of Peaches.  Not off my tree.  I don't have any real color on mine as yet. Send Good Wishes and Thoughts to my Peach Tree...please.  That the squirrels are frightened away by the Blue Angels and stop picking a peach nibbling at the rosy spot and then dropping it.. so wasteful.  I will make the Peach blueberry cobbler with frozen Peaches if I have to- I have lots of those.  From my tree a few years ago.

The heat and humidity is not doing me any favors.  Difficulty breathing.  The grocery store was nice and cold.  The Library as well...but the car was hot.  

I did find some yogurt style "ice cream" for snack.  My favorite ice cream is no longer stocked. I did get several tubs of Noosa yogurt and a bag of fat sweet cherries.  Some thin sliced Swiss and some shaved baked ham.  Just finished off a half sandwich on the bread butts son leaves for me to eat.

I plan on having a bowl of ice cold cherries while watching something "olympic" on tv. Soccer.

I finished, late in the evening- a book by Frankel- Family, Family.  Centered around adoption.  I didn't recall the first 3/4ths of the book but did remember the family dinner at the end so at some point I read the book???? with a "new" sticker?????   This is when I wonder about alternate lives.. running side by side.

My Library Haul was so heavy my son had to carry the bag for me.  I wasn't as careful in selecting as I have the books from the bookstore if I chose badly.  I really wish the interlibrary loan system was back... I got most of my books from Auburn (when the system was in place).. but no approval of the new contract as yet.  I had a very large cup of water....and another when I got home...hydrating.

Now the couch.

Screaming Jets over the house as I watered the containers- heavily watered them....It has gone to the 90's this summer and no one in Maine is happy about that.  I wanted to suggest chairs in the vestibule with the people could sit....old people like me. Who get dizzy.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Summer Notes- Thursday August first. Sun.... 82 degrees 74% humidity.

 Blueberry Peach Cobbler.  Wonderful if I had made this...but it's just a gathered image.  I have Peaches in the freezer....but no berries.  My blueberry bushes gave up years ago.

On a Whim...I walked back over the lawn to the fenced garden..the fenced space is well over waist high in weeds.  No blueberries.  Might be grapes later in the month.  I could, now that my car is inspected etc....go into Town by myself and buy a pint of Maine Blueberries and make this cobbler....BUT...we have Birthday Cake. And tomorrow is grocery day so I will buy some berries.....tomorrow. And ice cream. lactate free. And make a blueberry peach cobbler....

My Neighbor woke me EARLY this morning- asking for an Allen Wrench..  I called to Son and he helped drag husband's rolling tool cart out to the porch and then we both went back to our assigned spaces (beds). The cart did, fortunately, have an Allen Wrench.   To disassemble the bed frame.  My neighbor's bedroom set is now going to someone's home.  

I have a waist high pile of weeds and cuttings just off the sidewalk going to the driveway.  I clip a bit here and there.....each time I go out to uncover the ornamental pots.  At some point the pile will have to be moved into the woods.  I don't think I will be able to do it.  I can imagine by summer's end- various piles of weeds and cuttings dotting the yard.....sigh. Perhaps in years to come- covering the house.  I never did get my Spring Clean Up from the Lawn Services Crew.  They even saw the pile this morning while cutting the grass....walked past.  This is the way it where I live.

But the house is perfect for growing old. The bathrooms are handicap safe.  One floor.  No steps.  No carpets.  I believe my grocery delivers groceries and prescriptions- thought I have only the one script.

Ah the jets are arriving for the Great Maine Airshow this weekend.  They fly right over my house since the end of the runway is adjacent to the swamp just over yonder.. The Blue Angels are supposed to be here...they fly very very low..... I did see the pilot's faces last time I went out to watch in the backyard. thank goodness we don't have a dog.........this time.

Summer Notes- Thursday August first- 77 degrees and 94% humidit.


I colored this circle yesterday.  It's really  the best one I have done.  I was watching Olympic Basketball at the time.   There is a mistake lower left side..... I may or may not fix it.   

I am reading a 7 day book (new release) from the Library.  Family, Family by Laurie Frankel.  I am not sure I will finish reading it but made it to page 98 before going to bed.  I may not like the story but I am always an admirer of the way a book is written.  Like a slip stream of words, images and purpose.

I finished off the hot dogs yesterday.  I used the new Bosch Stove all by myself and fried the dogs in butter as was suggested by a long time Reader of this blog's words, images and purpose.  Excellent.  I am sad all the hot dogs are gone.   But I think today will be "The Big Salad".   I think I put it off due to all the chopping involved....But with 94% humidity....a salad seems like a great choice.  For later.

I was waken by the house phone ringing in the neighbor across the street needed an Allen Wrench.  To take apart the bed from the bedroom set she no longer needs.   I said "let me get dressed" and then I had son drag the entire tool kit out on the porch and called back to "come look and I hope find what is needed".  I don't know what an Allen Wrench looks like.

They found what was needed.  I didn't look familiar to the woman on the porch but I remembered her. I met so many people back in the days of Master Gardening and classes a the greenhouse...but I recalled her.  And we chatted a bit-  She is hoping that her "future" visiting family members will sleep on the new bed....   so that was that... an abrupt breakfast and the news.  I glanced at the headlines.... I might skip the front page.