Friday, May 31, 2024

Spring Notes- Friday, May 31st. Sunshine and 74 degrees. I am drooping.

 Postcard from Provence.

I don't do well as seasons transition.  I don't do well in heat and humidity.  Because I am old.

I drank two full glasses of water....I might have a right back. Last night I got up to put the down comforter back on the bed- I was freezing.... 

Getting dressed...I am wearing a white linen shirt.  Soft and light and very comfortable.  I have a closet full and none would button...  this one buttons all the way to the end of the buttons.    If we go someplace that sells things--I might buy a scale and weigh myself.

My Fruit of the week: Pears and Peaches.  I would like Bananas but they give me acid reflux these days. I also bought Rhubarb to bake with the frozen Strawberries in the freezer-- perhaps a cobbler like thing- I am not in the mood to make a pie crust..  And I bought yogurt with black cherries in it.  I'm feeling "fruity".

I have no clue as to the titles of the books in my book bag.  It's heavy so there are quite a few.  I also have a bunch in my own bookshelf.   That I really enjoy reading.  I finished reading the Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren.  Okay, but I won't be tempted to buy it.  I also read Happily Never After.  Lynn Painter. I have loved all her books...but this one- lacked something.... the previous book- Mr Wrong Number- that one I have read 5 or more times.  I might just be reading off my own bookshelf this week.

Well, I have a cookie and a hot cup of coffee waiting next to my regular seat on the couch.  I also have a book.  so...I am settling in and might watch Bones season one or two and then Tennis.  I also need to finish pasting things to the desk top calendar as a new month starts tomorrow.

And if I remind myself....I might not have finished reading the morning paper.  Tomorrow is June.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Spring Notes- Thursday, May 30th. Cloudy and 64 degrees. No wind. Grass being cut.

 Now that the New Stove (I think the real descriptive word is Range) lit up, we will be buying things for the next week that can go in the oven.   I might bake a Bundt Cake.  Son does like a small slice of something sweet each day. I have frozen peaches and strawberries.

We will certainly have pizza.  And I would love green things on top.

Overcast today as if we are expecting some rain.  A bit chilly in the downstairs- I haven't opened a window as yet in 2024.  I might keep it that way.  No longer wearing a sweater in the house. Still wearing socks.  My fingers are cold....

The fridge shelves are getting bare.....I had some leftover Chinese yesterday re-heated on Express 5.  Was perfectly reheated.  My oatmeal gets Express 3. I was not a big fan of the Express system but now...yes!!!! I drag my feet over new things....reluctant to use them.  Art Supplies included in that reluctance.

I need to turn on some's pretty dark in the right back.  That's better.

I wrote checks for some bills- one for snowplowing.  It had just arrived... I am guessing Wayne found someone to do his bookkeeping.

The young man cutting the back lawn did the way back as well.  That will cut down on ticks. The "way back" is behind the fenced vegetable garden... I can see horseradish growing, fresh baby leaves on the grape vines, the French lilac flowering in the fenced garden.  My friend Patty should be arriving at any moment with an armload of rhubarb stalks.  I will make a pie.

I watched the French Tennis......It was really raining HARD.

Not a fan of Bones with Bangs.....will be watching other things.  Reading the newest from Christina Lauren. And I have the newest from Lynn Painter.  I also have two Hilderbrand books. I walked over to see correct spelling but then asked Son how he had nuked his lunch food and he was unresponsive....(warm not hot) so. I gained no helpful info.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spring Notes- grass is damp but sunshine breaking thru- 70 degrees and sunshine at 10:55 am

 Pink Geraniums.  They grow in planters here in Maine (not the ground).   I need to drag mine out.  Fill with soil-less mix and buy some plants.  

A multitude of trucks and cars across the street.  Looks like things are being inspected.  Let's all symbolically cross our fingers and wish my neighbor the very very best of luck...okay?  She is a kind, thoughtful, generous woman.  I will miss her when she moves away.  

The Paris Tennis continues to be boring.  So I wait for Wimbledon.

Bones. I am enjoying year five.  Six more to go.  Season that is.  What I am most interested in is when does she have those two babies.  In season five Booth is still sleeping with the Washington DC gal he met in Afghanistan.  And Bones has bangs.....  I read all the books and might just do that again. It's been decades.

I made an effort to cook my hot dogs in the toaster over- I like them matter how many times I reset the timer- they didn't get any char on them....greatly disappointed.  I think the cheaper hotdogs are easier to burn.  These might be too high quality.  I only have two left so that will be it.  One of my Daily Navel Oranges- got white something growing on it......I need to choose a new fruit of the week.  Cherries?

I buy a Lunch of the week and a Fruit of the week (oatmeal is breakfast) and I am very slack on the Dinner for the week..  I am getting closer- by tiny increments- to my Son's schedule and  I know he eats at 1pm and then 4 pm and then 7 pm.  His iPhone beeps and he comes downstairs.

I try to eat (after) when he does unless we order take out to share.  Burger King is having two Junior Whoppers for five dollars.....I get very interested during the commercial.  Then it fades away.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spring Notes- Tuesday, May 28th. Damp and cloudy day here in Maine 64 degrees.

 Some day.

Probably not in this house.   But I do like the cabinets having legs.   I selected this image years ago because I actually thought the carpenters and the tile guys were going to come back...COVID ended that dream.  

They didn't die (the workers)- they went to Vegas and lost everything, I think.  No one is admitting anything.

But the Electrician showed up this morning (right on time)...and we have a brand new 40 amp fuse in the box and the stove is working.  We are burning off the "new stove smell"- I have the back porch windows and ceiling fan running...My son is complaining about the continuous chipmunk noise in the woods.

Major reason I never open my bedroom windows.

My Son is seeing the usefulness of conversation.  Especially here in Maine. He is purposefully "chatting" and it makes me smile every time.  He never had much use for conversation- even at the ages of three and four he thought talking to me was a waste of time.  Gave me the impression he was smarter than I was. I thought this was amusing...he got the majority of his DNA from my side of the family and we aren't dummies.  I may go off on tangents....but it's actually creative thinking...( I am laughing as I type this)...

I think it rained from yesterday morning, overnight and is still pretty damp outside...64 like I typed up top.  Not exactly Summer.  Yet.  My neighbor brought me lilacs.  A Bouquet.  We tried to chat but MOSQUITOS.   MY ankles itch.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Spring Notes- Memorial Day. Raining here in Maine for the Parades. 55 degrees

 Not the best image but as I said- it's raining and cloudy this morning.  We haven't gotten to use it yet as the 40 watt breaker waiting for an electrician on Tuesday.  Sparking is a very very bad thing. BOSCH.  German company but made in Italy.  Convection top.  We tested all our pots and pans with a magnet before the purchase but the installers said sometimes that doesn't work.  We'll see.  AllClad. Le Creuset.  Better picture if the Sun comes out later in the day.

Rain.  I carried water out to the Peach Trees yesterday....and today it's raining so that was a good thing... the soil was moist and readily taking up the rain overnight...Daughter was here for yellow jacket spray.  Looked the trees over and saw signs of infant peaches...I went to look and saw the same.  Finger's crossed.

I have sliced peaches in the freezer- when the oven works- first thing we make is pizza and second is a peach cobbler but might wait to buy some raspberries. to mix in.  I know I could make it in the new microwave---no picture as the entire thing is BLACK so you would see nothing but the digital time.

I just press the "express" number 3 button and perfectly cooked oatmeal.  I did hot dogs yesterday but wasn't really satisfied with them.....more time or more heat....but today I am having Chinese Leftovers.

I didn't read yesterday.  I did my coloring page.  Watched recorded old Bones episodes.  I am getting tired of it.  watched some Law and Order and some French Open Tennis.  Hard to see the ball on the clay courts. And hardly any people in the stands watching....and those watching poorly dressed.  I expect more from Paris.

I am still wearing the very comfortable exercise pants, short sleeve tee and light blue men's work shirt. I am going to change that up to one of DebL's fancy dyed work shirts.  One of a kind.  It's a Holiday.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spring Notes on a Sunny Sunday , May 26th. 76 degrees. Wearing socks and my hands are cold.

 I don't think we've had this one yet? Vincent, again. I now have two of his self portraits 

I'm reading another Lynn Painter rom com.  Mr Wrong Number was the first.  This one is titled:  Happily Never After. (book three) It's good.  I'll be sad when I finish the book.  Will need to buy a copy.

Daughter stopped by to grab a can of Wasp/Hornet spray.  A nest on her garage roof peak.

Liked the new stove.

That's about it for a Sunday in May....almost June.  Where is Time Going??????

I just finished my gummy vitamins with a coffee chaser..  I can see small children eating them all if they found them. fruity and safety cap on the bottle.  I might need to write a letter to the company.  I also saw some gummy vitamins for Eye Health so will check the ingredients.  I need a certain kind.  

Son watched the entire Formula One Race this morning....I saw the very end.  I am planning to be watching the French Tennis.  Perhaps the Serbian will vomit in the flowers again???? He looks very ill. 

I stayed in bed crying....but now that's done for the week.  I would like it to be done for the month.  And then only happen annually....but in order for that to happen I need fresh outside the house interests. Most of my outside the house friends have moved to other states or died.....I still have one Library friend- she's 101.  I want to grow old the way she is doing it.....

I have a few empty spots this month's desk top calendar......need to fill them before moving on to JUNE.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Spring Notes- Saturday,May 25th 70 degrees and sunshine here in Maine.

 Watermelon Margarita.  Not mine.

People are visiting and looking at my cross the street neighbor's For Sale house.  Old people and young people.  Would be nice to have younger families on the street.  The majority of us are older and not working any more. Several of these young family men were heavily tattooed.  I find the skin art to be interesting.  One guy at the grocery store had the planets all over his chest, shoulder and arms- but stopped at elbows....I wanted to ask him about that but he was very busy stocking shelves.  And I was an old senior citizen woman.  He had on a thin white V-neck tee shirt and the ink was visible.

I used the new microwave to make my oatmeal this morning.  I pushed the number 3 and it started before I could press the two zeros.  So...great oatmeal- push three. Son said it was going to be easy. He also said I could program my oatmeal and then just press some other button....but "3" got the job done.

I have wash in the listening for it to be finished.

I was looking at the liquor aisle single serving mixed drinks and my Son started quizzing me about my sudden interest in alcohol..  I said it's not sudden and it's just something I am interested in looking at- same as I would look at anything else. Like fresh fruit.  Kleenex boxes. Like I often stand and look at everything in the Stationary/Post-its/Pens/glue stick aisle.  And nothing there is new....but I look just in case. Which is why I have orange, hot pink and turquoise Post It notes.. could have missed out.

In the liquor aisle they had premixed single servings of a Coffee Martini.  Wouldn't you give that a second look?  The bottle had a lovely shape as well. And then we moved on...and got the Cherry Single Serving Fruit Pies I noticed last week....Son said no last week but yes this week.  Noticing things isn't a bad habit.

Friday, May 24, 2024

UPDATE= Still Friday and 2pm.

 Stove installed but didn't heat up.....checked the breaker- sparks.

I didn't need a new stove- 

I needed a new 40 amp breaker in the box-----New Microwave works.

Electrician is at the "lake" for  holiday weekend but will see us Tuesday morning and install a new breaker box. The two guys installing the stove etc- gosh they were more upset than I was.... after 4 plus hours.

Son is showering and then we'll do Library and Grocery Store.  I changed sheets on my bed-  and took off the heavy down comforter and now have the yellow and white cotton quilt. Spring.

It was the 40 amp breaker in the box......huge sigh.........I was really proud of myself for not crying.  I think all three men expected me to start crying.   

I invited my neighbor's electrician over to check the power line but not the breaker box a few days ago----we had a nice gossipy chat....son was unhappy with me...but was a fantastic thing to do...guy called from the lake in one minute........who gets a hold of an electrician in one minute...... Joanne for the win.

Spring Notes- Friday, May 24th. Sunshine and a New Stove. 72 degrees

 Just getting started.....Nice to know the old ones are better than ANY of the new ones.  Doesn't make me feel great about the purchase.

Two guys...very cheerful.  So far nothing strange has happened. (laughing)  The guys keep saying "why??? did they do that????"  We even found wall paper behind the microwave.  The original owner wallpapered everything that didn't move. 20 screws to screw one piece of wood in. Amazing.

The Lawn Guys showed up and mowed the grass.  Why does everything happen at once?

Watching Bones right now and drifted off........thinking about Buffy.  Was never a real fan and never really figured out who was what.....the same is happening with Bones....three channels on cable are showing episodes and going forward and backward.....  Not married- baby etc.

So...good times for the install guys.... continuing.

Six screws on each cabinet door.'s such a thrilling day.  One guy is installing the microwave. The new microwave.....

So Wo Ping is flowering.  The French Lilac is flowering.  The two Peach Trees flowered and are now making leaves.  I haven't seen any infant peaches as yet.  When the wind blows ..blossoms drift in the they might at a Spring Wedding.  Spring is a very very beautiful time here....... at my house.

So. That's that.  The men are using tools, making noise saying "what were they thinking???" It's a wonderful day in my neighborhood.  Now we are talking about sewing people up- you know first aid stuff.  I was born to spend time in the company of working men......  Photo of the finished product tomorrow.

After is Friday- Library and Grocery Store Day.  

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Spring Notes- Thursday, May 23rd. Cloudy with a chance of Sun.

 Van Gogh.  Stormy day in Van Gogh land.

New Stove and microwave are due to be delivered and installed tomorrow.  Which is Library and Grocery Day.  So some adjustments will need to be made.  I have enough food.  Between 8:30 and 11:00. One of us must be over the age of 18.

I am adjusting to the warmer weather by not wearing socks today and a short sleeve tee instead of the thermal shirt. 79 degrees outside and 70 in the house (still no AC running) (no windows open).

House viewing across the street.   Younger couple.  He was covered in ink and driving a huge black truck. She was driving a newer station wagon.....both looked like they were on their way to work. Possibly have children? 

Another two people and the guy looks exactly like my Son.... weird.  

Sunshine coming out from behind clouds.....

Well, I have Bones episodes recorded and a new fresh drawing in my coloring notebook to color.  I peeled all the printed things off the pages and drew my own designs.

Daughter gave her father a small book of 300 writing prompts.  He wrote one.  I am going thru the book and if a prompt interests me...I write two children can find the book after I am dead.

I started in on the hot dogs yesterday.....they were for this past week but....things never quite go as one would like.  I followed the hot dogs a few hours later with a frozen yogurt bar.   The thick chocolate coating is the best part.  Especially as Bones is fishing body parts out of some soupy mess. No Martini.

But I might follow my friend's husband's pointer- and freeze the glass.  Then make the drink in the freezing cold glass.  Will buy olives on the next shopping trip.  And whatever I am supposed to add to the Gin.  I think it starts with a P or a V. My Son knows.  Today I have a ready made Cosmo.

And the ever popular (with me)...Gin and Tonic.  And tons of Lime.   Just One.  Moderation.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Spring Notes- Possible Rain today. 68 degrees at 9am.

 Bird bath.  I have two filled with water but not seeing much bathing.

Still dressed in thermal plus work shirt and socks.   Comfortable.  Running cold, I am guessing. I think as we get older we run colder????  At least that is what is happening with me.

Watching Bones episodes.  I like the early ones but not the later ones--why was she so fat in the last few seasons?  Anyone know?  I am guessing she was actually pregnant????  It's the puffy face I don't understand. 

I was happy to see early season 4 episodes to record and fill my actual viewing time....I do have my coloring page to do and also my reading.   My hair is 80% now- I manage a tiny little bun.  6 bobby pins holding it.  Side hair still escaping giving me the "wow her hair is going crazy look" or better yet "that woman is crazy look".

Either way...I don't care.

We have the first house on the street listed.  Second should be up by the end of the week.  Both are the same model of home...four of them on the street.  We'll see what happens.

I asked a neighbor but now I will ask all of you...Vodka in the freezer is okay.  But what about a bottle of Gin???   My friend also puts her glass of white wine in the freezer to chill.......her husband freezes his Martini glass before mixing his drink.  I might be the only Gin drinker.  And I have never had a Martini. I have really missed out on a lot.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Spring Notes- Tuesday May 21st- 66 degrees and plenty of sunshine.

 Boeing Boeing...Gone.  One dead and lots injured.  Time to shut it down. Or really sue them. in Maine I have the doors and windows shut tight.  I am still wearing a thermal shirt under a long sleeved cotton shirt.  Socks.  Staying cool as long as possible.  Son is doing laundry.  Lots of it.

The Pirate Book was satisfying.....and today I have April Lindner's adaptation of Wuthering Heights.  The girl on the cover is dressed in leather pants.  I've never read Wuthering Heights so this should be interesting.  Same author who did Jane Eyre with a Rock Star as Rochester.  That one was good. But I never read Jane Eyre either....print was too tiny for my eyes.

I changed out my art notebook (removed pasted in images to color) and drew designs myself and colored one yesterday.  Now that I can post photos I should take pictures of them....I need to have someone remind me.  

Because my list of things to be responsible for- last year- so so long and weighty- my brain got fatigued. The sleeping has helped but I am still foggy....I still forget stuff mostly because I just don't get it into my brain or memory like I used to. Son reminded me that I had thawed out a package of Mexican Corn.  I need to eat it today...I intended to eat it today.  

House across the street is supposed to be listed today....also Son asked to see overhead pictures of the property lines....he had spoken to the next door neighbor.....the propane tanks will be moved.

My desk top calendar has so many lovely images pasted to it....I've also added a listing of the books I read that month.  I was putting the titles in a notebook....this seems like more fun...I now have three and a half years of calendar pages with notes, pictures and art on them. Perhaps they can put them up or show them to me when I am old and in a care home????  I'd rather have a quick stroke and be dead.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Spring Notes- Proof Of Life. Monday May 20th. Sunshine.

 The blog posts as a sort of "Proof of Life" for the 10 people who check here to make sure I made it thru another day and night.  I did.  Excuse me while I sneeze.  Whoa that was a big sneeze.

I also did a load of's in the dryer now.  I thought about doing the wash the past few days...but this morning..I went ahead and pushed the buttons.  Got it going.

My hot pot that boils water decided not to this morning and I gave it a few minutes of "time out" and then another chance to make hot water did.. I have coffee.   I tried to do yesterday's sudoko and didn't get many squares breakfast was okay.  I paid four bills.  Son just took them out to the box by the street....our new mailbox.  Still no idea when or if the new stove shows up............

Everything (that is old) seems to be giving out.....I really dislike having to go to Target to buy anything new.  We don't have many shopping choices anymore.  I'm old and worry that I might wake up one day and find some of my parts have given out.  Given up.  Target wouldn't help with that.

I am reading one of the four or five surviving Jude Devereaux books still on the library shelves (my local library ).  The missing ones were put on a rolling cart by the front door- free books.  This is not the one I wanted.  It's a Mallory book and has some of the Anderson guys.....American Sea Captains.  Not Pirates.  The Anderson Boys are interesting.  Captive of my Desires.

I thought this was Pirate Book.  Well, if I recall...they all will be going out to sea. Eventually.  And that's where the Pirates are....... for the time being everyone is drinking Rum and going to fancy dress balls.

I have "Un-Pasted" circles to my art notebook- and replaced them with circles and drawings I made myself....mine are better- more interesting...the printed circles were boring.  While watching English Soccer and then.....Law and Order.  Been awhile since I watched a string of older episodes- wide women's jackets with shoulder pads...big hair.  I was reminded of stitching, coloring etc while Riley paid attention to the Law and Order content.  I miss that Dog.....

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Spring Notes- Rain Overnight and 59 degrees- Formula One Racing and now Premier Soccer.


Shady Garden Path (image but not mine)....The crowd is singing and soccer is about to start ( I have two games to choose from and might move back and forth).  The Formula One Racing was very exciting from Italy.   It's cloudy, damp and a bit colder here in Maine......  I might need to find a sweater.

The grass (lawn) is looking like emerald velvet these days.  Nicely fertilized.

No Pizza as we still do not have the new stove....another week or two, I guess.  The fridge is packed with food so no worries..... I went bed early and was up earlier.....well rested but not like the 12 hour sleeps of that past month or more.  

I have some nice images for the rest of the week.  Van Gogh I believe.  You know I love him.

Well, that's about it- I am going to find a thermal shirt and the sweater..... and bundle up with a second cup of hot sweet tea.  Listen to the crowd singing.    Hope you have good things to look forward to and do today as well.  (hope you have cookies!!!- I wish I had cookies.)

I watched Bones (old ones) yesterday and sharpened and broke the tips on so many colored pencils yesterday trying to get one image colored....I hope things go better today. I also have a book here that I haven't started. Captive of my Desires.  So, enough to stay occupied and out of trouble.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Spring Notes on a very cloudy Saturday, May 18th. Rain is expected.

 Good Morning...I was up very very early neck muscles hurt- I think from "tension" as I haven't done anything different that would strain my neck.   Just on the muscles of the right side of my neck and shoulder.

I dug around in the clothes boxes and the closet yesterday and have on a pair of exercise zipper.  No button.  Just pull on stretchy idea why but the bottom of the pant legs have been not hemmed.  I am guessing these were a Goodwill some year....not recently. Comfy.  I was tired of wearing corduroy. No pockets so my hankie is in my shirt pocket.

It's 8 am.  I have been up for an hour or more.  More.   I just woke up.  I did mention that I thought the long 12 hour sleeps were  coming to an end.....well, the end is now.  I could have just eaten breakfast etc in my pajamas and robe...but I had to go out and get the paper.....I KNOW people go out in their pajamas to get the paper..especially on a dead end street.  I could have thrown on my bathrobe. I did  comb my hair.

I have recorded several days worth of Bones episodes....different channels and different years.. so the relationship lines get very confusing. Bones and Booth... I am already annoyed with the actor playing Bones' father... Ryan something.  Asshole.  He should have stayed missing.

Guy from Number Five was walking past and came and sat with me on the porch rockers...His dog wanted to come say hello....looked for my husband.  Then settled for watching chipmunks.  We talked for more than an hour about his coming move etc...catching up.  Then his family came looking for him- they wanted to eat dinner.  I will miss them.  They are moving soon. It feels like everyone is moving. Leaving.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Spring Notes- Friday, May 17th. Sunshine and 75 degrees. I have Zero windows open.

 Pond Ferns.  Would be a delight to have a pond.  But way too much upkeep at this point in my Life. I am  sure we would need to dig a DEEP hole for it in the backyard..... but I do enjoy the sound of water.... Just not in the basement.

Not much to find at the Library.  I have holds on a few good books.... I might have to sort thru boxes of clothing looking for Spring Clothing...put the corduroy away.  Not sure I have Spring Pants?????  And what size would they be????  And I will have to go without socks.  And then the corduroy pants will have to be stored away for a few months....  So much turmoil.

Son took me over to the fridge before we went grocery shopping to show me all the food I bought last week...and DID NOT EAT.  I am making a list right after I hit post....of my food in the fridge. But then he said my hip bones wouldn't hurt as much (when I walk) if I didn't EAT SO MUCH..... one of these statements is correct the other is not.  I did buy hot dogs.  I do still have one serving of soup.  I do have romaine when I thought I did NOT have romaine lettuce. I had planned to have a Big Salad. I got soft white bread for the tomato sandwiches...the toast bread was too stiff........

He did go back and get me limes for my Gin and Tonic (all on his own).  I am going to put the Gin in the freezer??  Yes? No?  I THINK I gave away the really good Vodka.  That should also be in the freezer. If I still have it. Let me know in the comments if Gin goes in the freezer.

So...I have coloring pages to do...some calendar work here under the keyboard....images to glue stick to the surface.  Two bills to write checks for......the fridge to work on....a list of food to eat.  Too much. I might just sit and read....It's actually very comfortable here in the house.  Windows shut tight.

I am finishing up a Johanna Lindsey book.  No idea what is next up.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Spring Notes- I skipped a Day.....accidentally. Thursday, May 16th. Cloudy with excellent chance for rain.

 This bowl of soup looks amazing.

I have no explanation for not posting yesterday.  Stuff was going on or not going on.....I did send out several long emails which might have suggested to my brain that I had posted.....

The guys finished with the tree work and handed me the bill.  Sigh.  And then the Lawn Guys showed up with a negative attitude......well perhaps just "attitude" which was not appreciated.  The Tree Guys were here when it happened and they were sort of stunned.....I am only guessing as to what THEIR boss would have said if they had acted like that.........Over the years I have witnessed some of their boss....... he never yells, no swear words but burns a strip .... quietly.....if they have done or said anything to a customer that wasn't polite and proper..  

I might need to look elsewhere for grass cutting.

I am seeing exactly how much my husband did- slowly and the yard, to keep everything looking nice.  The Lawn Guy left two areas unmowed because there was debris in the way. He did stand the bird feeder that had tipped over...up..... and pointed that out to me.  He was supposed to have done "clean up" before coming to mow....he did not.  Saying he'd been ill. Was behind....etc etc...

In that frame of mind, I collected paperwork and images regarding the property--mine and next door.  And since the husband was out weeding I walked over and spoke to him (quietly and with no agenda) regarding the propane tanks....being on my property...thus being something I had to worry about.  I showed him the maps and we both discovered that the side of his house is actually on the property the parking pullout, propane tanks etc are on my side, my property say he was shocked...the seller had NOT provided them a map-- was an understatement.  I saw it as a massive mistake by the Realtor...and said so.  I said he could verify everything at the Town Office...where the images I gave him  came from.  I want those tanks moved....

I was wide awake well before 7 am.this morning  So I must have caught up with the missed sleeping.  And I went to bed later than usual.  I will miss the long hours of restorative sleep.  I am possibly coming out of the stupor I was in.......who will I be now????  I can't even imagine...........but it's not who I was.

I was looking at the Goodbye poster board signed thing Son found in the cabinet...I still don't know which job I was leaving- I read the goodbye notes- trying to get an idea....and that's when I noticed the "I Love You" written by someone....and never brought tears to my eyes.  so long ago.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Spring Notes-- Sunshine and possibly in the 60's- but might rain.

 Asparagus, white rice and an egg.  No asparagus...but the egg and rice very doable.  I believe there are cashews involved also....which sounds amazing.

I found the bobbie my wild white hair is now contained by 6 to 8 pins into a low on the back of my head "twist". Tendrils around my face are creeping out.  It is truly wild.  I still have my naturally curly hair at 77.  I am being patient- as it gets longer it gets heavier and will be easier to control.

I am reading the Lonely Hearts Bookclub (Lucy Gilmore).  An assortment of unhappy people. Using a book to provide the only means of connection ......I will be honest here- I was ready to give up on this book- from the first few pages.....then there was the guy in the elevator..  and something about that.....I stayed. It was the right thing to do.

Almost all the stumps have been ground down to just a pile of sawdust.  One more, I think.  In a Touch of Serendipity- The guy who bought my husband's old truck years ago---was the one grinding the stumps.  And he is still driving the old truck.  It was out from behind a bushy forsythia...I walked down and took a few pictures for  my kids.  Memory Lane.  I have to wonder if .......well, it's only to do that.

Son hauled out the cross the street neighbor's recycling and garbage....and ours.  The truck came and went and Garbage Day was another success.....Son has gone out shopping for a new mailbox and news screws.  In all the jelly jars filled with nuts, bolts and screws- in husband's workshop- none were the right size......ain't that something??????

I was looking for something and found a handful of clippings from magazines......Some about cloth dyeing and some just pretty images for my desk top calendar.... I have a set of three black bar stools under my left hand.....bottom corner of the calendar.  Makes me happy.  No where to put them in this house...but I still like the idea.  Son is home.

I did NOT do the daily coloring yesterday.  I did not watch any recorded programs...I read.  I stared at the wall.  I looked out the windows and watched the guys working.  Son found two boxes of the kitchen dining room when we see what is or is not under the stove- we can insert flooring. After massive and hurried cleaning.  I doubt the flooring is still "sticky".  But under the stove we can screw it down.  No one will see it.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Spring Notes- 60 outdoors and 60 indoors...Heat has just gone on. Sun is shining.

 But not here.  Stove is still two weeks out.

The Boss arrived and he and a little guy got all the Trees with Ropes on them down on the ground. Now the little guy will chop them into chunks and move them with the huge John Deere- heavy lifter thing. and make a huge pile next to the road.  Progress.  Next on the scene the Stump Grinder.

I gave up on cable tv yesterday and am reading the newest (??) Elin Hilderbrand romance.  The house, the food and the clothing is like Book Porn.  None of the characters have "connected" as yet and I am 5/6th of the way thru the book.  I am guessing the target audience for this author likes to swoon over clothes, well styled food and expensive ocean front houses.... and eating pizza on the curb while waiting for the UberXL.  I'm not the target.  I watched one 30 minute episode of Ina Garten......that was enough.  The soup looked good. I used to record her episodes...Not anymore.  I do have ONE of her cookbooks.

I just polished off my not luxurious bowl of Bran Flakes and Lactate Free Milk.  Waiting for the water to boil-- again--so I can mix up some instant coffee...Monday is newspaper free day so.....not even a Sudoko Puzzle. though I do have a pile of unfinished ones I could try and work on some more.

Son took me out to lunch on Saturday and I had the remainder of that lunch on Mother's Day.. It was as delicious as it had been the first day.  I crisped up the wide fries in the toaster oven and the sandwich in the microwave.  Perfection.  Bacon Burger.

So that's it for me...I did a load of wash yesterday and folded some of the book.....did my coloring page of the day......stared at the wall and thought about was a good day.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Spring Notes on another dreary day in Maine. May 12th. 52 degrees and a slim possibility of Sun

 I saved this image for Mother's Day.

Son and I went out for lunch yesterday.  I usually say no.  But yesterday I surprised both of us by saying yes.  I had a Bacon Smash Burger.  And Fries.  I brought home half of everything to eat today.

I watched Bones on the ION channel.  Not a channel I usually watch.  The guy is living with a fellow soldier (female) from the war zone in the middle east....who is working for the White House.....this is a relationship I had never been aware of.....I knew he had an ex wife and child.....but not this relationship.  But then the dozen cast members listed as "Producers" might be the reason things are confused?????

I took a shower this morning and have a load of clothes in the washing machine.  I will be sharpening my coloring pencils and choosing a book to read today from the pile on the Library Book Shelf. I have already tried one or two of them and put them in the return bag.... Sometimes it's impossible to come home with books I actually enjoy reading.  Here's hoping one on the pile is a winner.

I need to notify my son that I do want to purchase the new computer etc....but right now I have spent quite a large amount on the makes Son nervous.  So I will wait until the stove is actually delivered and installed.....--note to self----go looking for the box of extra stick on wood flooring to put under the open legs of the new stove. new stove has legs.  One new place to have to clean.

Well, I have little more of any interest to share with you all.......Happy Mother's Day to those of you with children (adult children) and I wish you all a very warm and happy day....lots of laugher...and good food.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Spring Notes on a Cloudy and Chilly Saturday May 11th.

 We might have had this image already but I like it.   Spring Like.

I got and printed an email invoice- which had gone to husband's iPad and not my many days ago????? Any way. .......I now have paid for my new stove and  microwave oven....and now we wait for install. which could be any time between now and the 24th.  We are both very excited about this "event".

A truck here in Maine tipped over spilling 15 million bees out on Son who knows things- said as long as the Queen Bees are alive the bees will re-organize around her and all will be okay. sigh.

Yesterday I had a linen shirt on- no a thermal shirt and a wool sweater.  Maine. I also have on wool socks.  My hands are freezing.  No Sunshine.

I had to take a bunch of things off the top of the printer here by my desk in order to print the bill statement off the internet.  Son had to help me....I have NOT printed anything in years as that function stopped working and then worked only in Croatian......not English.  Yes...DebL-  I need to buy a new printer... when I get my new Apple desk top.....not a laptop.... I might even return to doing WORK.

So, I have spent thousands on a new stove.  I hope I love it.  Its very MODERN.

I ordered my tiny statin pills today (husband's were eight times what mine are).....I had run out--- I pick up the new bottle on Monday.... I am thinking of getting all my vitamins in gummy form.... I enjoy my fruity multivitamins very much.  And they aren't a choking hazard as the pills were.

I watched Sixteen Candles last was on and I was tired of only watching Bones. I haven't watched any Hallmark or MSNBC either.  No..I don't know what is going on with myself so I can't explain it to you. 

I am doing it to be "healthier" mentally and emotionally....I still read the news in the paper....but hardly any Trump....I am leaving that to Retribution.  Which is always worse than expected. Reap as you have Sown.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Spring Notes- Very chilly in the house and cloudy. 52 outside. 64 indoors.

 Bread. I ran out of bread a few days ago.  Still had pizza leftovers and bagels.  Worked around that with some salads.  Still wish I had made soup or grilled cheese.  I was put off by the 8 plus hour cook time in the crock pot.  I used to be good at that sort of timing but now.....I just am not.  By the time 8 hours has passed- not interested anymore.  I'm more of a 2 hour soup making person. 100% Vegetables.

Husband's Every Week Winter Chicken Soup took 4 hours.  The last winter he forgot he liked soup. Possibly didn't know what the word "soup" meant anymore. Things like that happened...overnight sometimes.  Was hard on my emotional health.

Neighbors are getting upset about "our" Landscaping Guy.  I am guessing this is the only thing they have to think about.  He shows up when he shows up.....once clean up  is done- he's on time for grass cutting. With all the branches and trees that came down this Winter- it's not that easy. I have four trees with ropes tied to the very tops..that need to be sawed off in chunks.  Then the stumps need grinding.

I am thinking of making a Frito Pie with my snack sized Fritos and some canned chili.  I have to check on the shredded cheese supply....then buy some.  Today is Library and Grocery Store.

Finished the book "The Art of Becoming Another Person Entirely" yesterday... in time to return it to library today.  All the words are correct's last name is Arnold. 1960's.  It's sad at the end but well worth reading.  I saw quite a few mistakes in the book that I had made in the 60's. Real regrets. Would love a do over.

I need to take off the linen shirt I have on an find a nice sweater.  I was happy to put on the linen shirt as it buttoned all the way...that hasn't been the case in years.. I'd really be happy to downsize to one size smaller in pants.....and then just glide thru the remainder of my seventies.  Possibly it would work with a thermal shit- long sleeved- underneath the shirt????? worth a try.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Spring Notes on Another Wet, Overcast, Chilly Day here in Maine. 50 degrees.

 Things we should avoid eating as we get older.  Processed Food.  Notice two of my favorites- cheese slices and hot dogs.  Sigh.  (I just now realized the oatmeal looking thing is dry noodles you add hot water to.  Ramen????  I haven't bought either the cheese or the hotdogs in weeks now.  I still have Cheetos. Seems like weeks but Son will read this and tell me it's been one week.  Or not even that.

Tomorrow is Library/Grocery Day.  I need to work on the list.

The TruGreen Guy showed up mid afternoon yesterday and the weather report was for he did fertilizer and NO weed killer and as he drove away.....the rain started falling - my lawn got fertilized.  It looks nice and green this morning after a full night of rain.  I haven't seen the Tree Men since that one guy hauled logs off somewhere.  And made it possible for the TruGreen Guy to fertilize.

I don't think they do tree work when it rains....

I unpacked a box....of older clothing- Summer/spring stuff.  One beige linen shirt fits.  Another few items might fit. I don't know WHEN the stuff did fit.  I "optimistically" folded them into the closet.

I unpacked a few things in the sewing room...found two very very beautiful quilts our quilt group made. A Round Robin.  The group returned the one I had hand appliquéd  a multitude of leaves to..... returned it to me after the actual owner had died and the family gave it back to the Quilt Group.  Bev.   I sat with the quilt and cried.  The other quilt was the one belonging to me.  It was lovely to see them my fingers over the fabric and stitches.  Remember people who aren't with us anymore.  I know two are still alive.  One is missing.  Two have died.  I'm still alive.  That's six.

I am drifting.....floating.   I find it hard to concentrate on something for any length of time.  I repeat myself.  I double check things....I know it's mental fatigue....the motor in my head is running all the time and it gets tired of doing that......I am second guessing myself.  All the Time.  I woke up way too early. I wasn't able to fall back into sleep.  This is either a positive step or it's something to worry about.

I haven't a clue what improvement will look like.  Caregiving took a significant toll.  I am seeing the damage only now.  Feeling the damage.  Living with the damage. Sitting and looking at nothing.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Spring Notes- Wednesday, May 8th Sun peeking thru. but still seems cloudy.

 My freezer is full of strawberries I picked and then froze a few Junes ago..  MY oven still not working so a PIE is not something I can do.  I could reimagine my frozen berries and some cream into ice cream in the VitaMix which hasn't been used in such a very long time.

I have changed channels and am now watching Bones from episode one on BBC America. I gave up on 1169 the Charge Station....they are still showing programs I like in the small old fashion square format. Not full screen.  Episodes from 2004 and 2005.   Another station had the SAME episodes full screen last week. So...totally bogus shit.  I'll just watch 10 years of Bones.

It's mostly just to have some people sounds in the house with me.  Law and Order is not a sure thing it was when Riley watched and slept and I watched and stitched.

I went back to my Daily Coloring Project.  A few days got skipped but that's Life.  I found a hand held pencil sharpener that works that's an improvement.  I can sharpen as I wear the pencil down.

One full dump truck across the street.  The garage looks empty...It was packed in the years I recall going over there.  Old box springs went into the truck.  Letting go is a real struggle for my neighbor.  A guy on a ladder spray washed the two story house (with bleach) and then another guy is up a ladder washing the windows. I "almost" walked over to ask them to spray wash my house and windows.

One Tree Guy came for a short time and cleared the front lawn of branch piles and logs.  Then left all the huge John Deer equipment in the driveway pull out.  My lawn looks pretty damn great...very green and velvety.  Looks like it might rain today or just be cloudy.  All I need now is TruGreen to show up again and spray fertilizer on the grass and weed killer.   Then the Lawn Guys ........who will rake  the leaves out of the flower beds.  I'm not done spending money yet.

I had a slice of pizza topped with romaine lettuce and ranch dressing...lovely lunch/dinner yesterday. I might do the same today.  Or "bake" my last sweet potato in the microwave and have it with butter and melted cheese.  Two great Lunch Choices.

I am thinking about Tomato Plants.  From that Farm Store behind the Grocery Store.  I'm pretty sure I want them.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Spring Notes- Tuesday, May 7th. Garbage and Recycling pIck Up Day. Sunshine in the 60's

 I no longer have roses.  The deer would hop the fences and eat them.

With more traffic on the road way behind my land....the deer forage less and less.  But when they DID come into the yard they ate everything.....which is why my vegetable garden has a fence taller than I am.  I think they get hit by cars on that road.  Running across the road.

Little tiny but beautiful blue flowers are growing in the front lawn near the curved sidewalk.  Years ago a neighbor living in number 2 came down and said I needed a curved walk...and he proceeded to dig it out and bring the cement in and I have a curved sidewalk.  That's kind of how it was in the first years here. We were actually knock on the door..come on in..neighbors....  Not so much now.  I might be the oldest residential neighbor.  I remember all the people who lived here when we moved in...none of them are here. I miss the old guy next door with his wolf hybrid dog.  He fell in his bath tub and broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck  down...  His only wish was to die....  His wife kept him alive.  How did I get to that story?????  Neighbors.  Little blue flowers.

Son and I might dig them out of the grass and replant them....the flowers not the neighbors.

Yesterday..after the Town Office....I snapped all the faded dry daffodil flowers off the stems.... put the dry flower heads in the compost bin.  I filled a brown paper grocery bag with dry daffodil flowers.  Some of them are still looking great (I didn't snap those)....I would love to have a garden like the one in the photo up top.  Sit at that table with coffee in the morning or in the afternoon...or both. Possibly with a friend visiting.  Watch the big fat bees buzzing around the flowers.

One can dream.  Feed Store behind the grocery store- where I got the Miracle Grow also had very healthy looking Tomato plants...still small but very sturdy.  I am tempted to return and buy some Early Girl plants. This store also sells fresh eggs from a farm....they have sold eggs for all of the almost 40 years I have lived here. It's kind of what I love about my Town.... parts of it are still "farmy".

The garbage and recycling truck has come and gone....

Monday, May 06, 2024

Still Monday the 6th of May.

We went to the Town Office and changed the car registration from husband to me.  The Jeep.  I paid the Town Car Tax.  We had to go home for the Will we had brought the death certificate.  The clerk called the local insurance  company to check we had insurance...we did.  We got a new license plate.  Sticker.  Turns out as the "wife" we didn't need the Will.  Everyone learned something at the Town Office.

Then we went to the garden supply across the road and I got a box of Miracle Grow.  For my house plants and later for my vegetables.  My two clumps of Chives are now big and bountiful. Enjoying the warm weather and the rain running off the roof.  

Son is going for a walk.  I am going to sit on the couch..

I now own a Jeep.  I had the tomato mayo sandwich just now...still delicious. Reminding me of the years we lived in Georgia and the red clay soil producing the best, most delicious tomatoes.

Couch time.

Spring Notes- Monday May 6th. Over cast, cloudy day with a slight chill in the air.

 Mushroom Smash Burger.   My vegan friend has tried to get me to eat a Mushroom Burger.   I should actually try and do it.  What I am liking is the mayo and tomato slices.

I am NOT the sort of "vegetarian"  who is interested in making vegetables into meat subs-- I just love the vegetables.  As vegetables. So I would skip the whole mushroom and cheese thing and just enjoy the mayo and tomato in the bun.  And I would always eat bacon...not fake- real bacon. I know...i am terrible.

Hope Hicks...too little too late. Cry all you want..still shame on you.

I am reading a new book The Art of Becoming Another Person Entirely. by Brenda Arnold.  The 1960's. The time period when I also made a huge mistake......nearly identical to one this fictional character made. I didn't pack a bag and get on a plane though... I want to see what happens. Book has a great beginning.

Son came and worked to remove the Adobe Flash Drive from my desk top.  It's now GONE. ( I have typed those words before and it came back...all on it's own)

The Tree People came and chipped branches...the lawn looks nice.  I still have four or five tall, branchless trees with ropes on them.....a guy with a chainsaw needs to climb them all and slice and drop sections until he gets to the bottom....someday....time in Maine moves at a very very different speed. Slower than slow. I also have lots more tree stumps needing grinding.

It's chilly in the house....Son is trying to get the outdoor weather station to work.  Keeps getting more tools.  We had pizza yesterday from Dominos.  Son wanted to see what it was like...Puffy.  I will be having a slice or two of my pizza topped with salad and ranch dressing today at lunchtime...  If my hands warm up. Otherwise.....I might just has another big cup of HOT TEA.  To warm my hands up.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Spring Notes- Sunday, May 5th. Formula One Racing at 4 pm

 Perhaps this image has been here- but....I didn't like any of the others.  Perhaps it's time to start creating my own and not use ones from the internet????  Since I can now download stuff.  Son fixed a bunch of stuff.  Not using the mouse is not fun.  Next mouse will have a batteries.  New stuff.

This morning I was looking at the newly ironed shirts hanging from the top rail of the four poster bed I sleep in.  Ironed.  Shirts.  Been awhile since that has occurred.  In this house.  But the ironing board didn't go weak in the knees and the spray starch was still good and the iron heated up. Back in the saddle.

But today is chilly and I have on a thermal shirt, wool socks and a sweater.  Winter Gear.  My hands are freezing cold.  Even my neck is cold.  Like it's Winter or something.  Winter with daffodils blooming.

So what's going on?  Bills are coming in for the Winter Snow Plowing.  The yard is littered with tree branches (in piles) segments of trees (in piles and trees without branches).....also the stump grinder is next or almost in-- the side yard "pond".  Will they come back to finish things up?  I don't have a clue.

I  need to change out my Desk Calendar....I am five days behind.  I still have April unfinished below the keyboard.   I have misplaced a few days- even a few weeks.  My mind has been drifting.... there are quite a few things I stopped thinking about while tending to a man who was forgetting who he was. Forgetting who I was.  Takes awhile to reorganize oneself.  Get back to actually being yourself. 

Not feeling survivors guilt.  It's a process.  And any process takes Time.  

Son ordered pizza...we ate some for lunch...still no oven.  I am considering going shopping and buying a new (larger) toaster oven and a hot plate of sorts so I can boil a saucepan of water.....I have a few cans of soup but next shopping trip I will get those Cup of Noodles things.  Put it on the hot pot boils water for my tea and can boil more for noodles in a cup.  

Life goes on...whether you like it or not.  With you or without you.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Cold Spring Notes- 63 degrees but still wearing a sweater in the house.

 I have one blueberry scone left... trying not to eat it...

Still no news from the Appliance People... regarding the electricity issue.

I consulted the "internet" and I can boil water in my electric tea kettle- soak pasta, covered for some to be determined minutes and then microwave.   Pasta.  We have a rice cooker and two air fryers.  We have camping experience.  Really, I hardly miss the stove.  We can order pizza.  Perhaps a calzone. I can make a salad with my "expired" (son's opinion) salad greens.  The radishes are crisp and quite peppery.  Very very nice.  

I purchased some deli pulled pork yesterday when we did the week's shopping and my intention is a salad with microwaved pulled pork and some cheese shredded on top.  Perhaps some sour cream.  Delightful. I also bought some really nice, heavy navel oranges for my afternoon snack time.  Weight Watchers recommends I eat fruit with a low fat cheese stick.   I am not getting how that is a good idea.

The Tree Guys are here.  Chain saws.  Any minute I expect my new neighbor to have them all in HER yard.  It has happened more times than I am comfortable with.  She also had a electrician at her house yesterday.  She probably also has a working mouse.  For her computer.  I don't.

My fingers are very very cold.  I feel very very cold.   I forgot to turn up the furnace (to 64).

This happens every sunny day I decide not to wear a sweater...just wear a cotton work shirt with a thermal long sleeved tee.  And I'm cold.

I am noticing how much and how often I use that damned mouse.  What an annoyance.  It just  JUST needs batteries.....sigh.  We are trying not to use a bag full of batteries...way too often.

I am also pissed with  the Charge Station showing their programs that I watch in the old fashioned SQUARE format and not full screen.... so I stopped watching... and therefore have nothing really to do but  the daily coloring page in my notebook.  Sharpen my coloring pencils....stare into  We sorted something the other day... Son finds so many things to work finding lids that actually fit on the storage tubs.......that took awhile.  We ended up with usual.

I have read two Devereaux and have one more to go in the Bride's Series.  Next one is my actual favorite. Well, I am tired of not being able to use the mouse so I am quitting this post... It's long and boring enough.

Friday, May 03, 2024

Spring Notes- Friday May 3rd. Sun and clouds with a high near 50.

 From an ad selling pillows?

Son decided to empty the cabinets under one of the bookcases in what is a family room but we used it as a dining room.  Using the dining room to watch television and use the computer.  We removed the heavy large light fixture from the ceiling- installed a ceiling fan.

Back to the bookcase.  Found a Goodbye Good Luck signed by all my former so workers at some place I worked......they wrote such funny wonderful things.  I need to read them closely to figure out which job it was....perhaps the newspaper.  I loved working at the newspaper.  Later I worked for a magazine publisher. I loved that job as well.  We never should have moved to Maine...never. I loved The Chicago suburbs.

The bottom shelf not contains his collection of Cook's Country publications.

Well, sunshine today.  Lots of cars across the street getting the house ready for viewing.  Getting my neighbor tucked into her new one bedroom apartment.  Reminding me of the hotel suite son and I shared in the last 6 weeks of our stay in Germany.  He to graduate from high school and say good bye to a wonderful six year adventure.

Oatmeal is in the microwave so I need to eat....what are you doing today?

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Still Thursday, May 2nd. Crash Landing into the Past.

Diane N.   The Little Traveler.

I just remembered.  I worked there in Illinois.  The desk I am typing on belonged to one of the owners. He sold it to me.  Because I loved it.  I took it with me to Germany and back to America.  I wonder where the chair is????? I use a rolling desk chair now.  

The Chair is beside my bed.  I use it as a bedside "table".

How could I have forgotten?????  I worry about my memory every day.  Son says I repeat myself.  And I talk too loud.  And I get confused. I think it's because for so many years with someone with memory loss.  Always repeating...always having to remember for them.  

The loud voice was due to his hearing loss.  I needed to be loud to get him to listen to me.  I am damaged in so many ways.

The name reminded me of something I went looking and found a floor plan of the store...  and had some more thought and suddenly it all came back.  The Little Traveler.

I have no email for you DianeN.  But your name is at the bottom of a page...I must have gone looking.

I typed in your name but went no where.  Send me your email. Remind me of how we know each other. How we reconnected...The Little Traveler.  Such a lovely store, such lovely people. 

Thursday, May 2nd. Spring Notes- It's RAINING in Maine. And it's cold.....48 degrees

 We have a few of these in the warm months.  When I have the annuals in large containers on the sidewalks.  Talking about Hummingbirds.  And very fat, sleepy BEES.

It's cold here today- I have wool socks and a wool sweater and thermal under shirt on.

Discussion regarding the dining room tv.  Husband watched it.  So...we can let it go. Son thinks a nice piece of art where the tv is now would be very nice.....a better thing to look at each day.

I have cut back significantly on tv watching.  Now that I do NOT watch MSNBC.  Or any news. I don't even watch PBS News.  It's all very repetitive.  And I do read the newspaper each morning. And TRY to get more than 5 to 8 blocks filled on the Daily Sudoko.  I keep all the unfinished puzzles and give them a second third and even tenth chance.  Ever Optimistic.

Son has admonished me regarding the salad greens I purchased and have not eaten...It got cold and wet. Not exactly Big Salad Days.  Today with a wool sweater and wool socks- I doubt I will be having salad.

I woke up to pounding rain so...went back to sleep.  I recently had my breakfast oatmeal.  Just prior to noon.  I haven't actually regained my appetite.  I would like soup.....but I can't MAKE SOUP.  I do have a can of split pea soup in the pantry so I am most of the way to eating that later..... with some Cheese-its.

My recent dreams have been very very interesting.....almost like I could use them as a starting point to write something.  I am reading the Nantucket Brides series by Devereaux...backwards.  It happens.  I could actually start at the beginning.....I might.  Then read thru the four or five at the end...again.  I never mind reading a Devereaux again and again.  I'm well into Sea Captains....My Library got rid of all the cowboy series.  So they would have to be requested from other libraries.

What are you reading?????  My Coloring a Page Everyday is working out quite well. I glued a few uncolored pages from my husband's coloring books into the notebook.... mostly circles.  They get tedious.

But somedays I just don't want to make too many decisions. Or any.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Spring Notes- 48 degrees and 87% humidity. tree work today.

 I love this tiny house with it's front porch, steps and lovely landscaping.  I can see myself sitting on the front porch reading a book like I did in my teenage years.  This is an "in town" sized house. A walk everywhere house.

The two Appliance Guys showed up to "Assess The Stove Situation".  Not a positive conclusion- the direct line from power to stove made them uncomfortable- they would like to just plug things in.  An electrician might need to be brought into the mix.  They left.  It seems like the new microwave is doable. Not a clue what happens next....Not a single clue.

Son gives impression that this "is not how things go in California". Well, of course it isn't. This is not an apartment complex. This is also Maine.

I remembered to use my new Sonic toothbrush two days in a row.  The buzzing tickles my teeth.  Feels weird.  I took a long shower this morning and washed my hair.  Left the conditioner on longer than normally. Hair feels different -- soft. Silky.  I still look like a Mad Old Hag.

The next two paragraphs got deleted as I think I already wrote it all before... son has made me paranoid about repeating myself.  Actually talking to people in the house--I stopped doing that a few years ago. I think I mentioned one on the blog.... that I started talking out loud to myself....just to be able to talk.  I was alone so much of the time.  Husband didn't count.  He never spoke to me. Or listened to me.

I did talk to the Lawn Guy- his co-worker was insanely good looking.  And very young.

That's about it for today....I am reading an old school paperback- four inches by seven inches.  I am surprised I can read it.  Daughter got me a few...... ghosts and Sea Captains.  Devereaux.

I would really like cake....but I shouldn't be eating cake.  

Oh, the Landscaping Head Guy/Owner showed up with a brand new TRUCK.  I guess I bought him a truck.  That's how much it costs to take down trees.......yesterday he tied a rope to a tree and to the front bumper of his new truck and backed up on my driveway...... and the guy with a chain saw made the usual cut and the tree came down right where they wanted it.  Then they did a second one.  I think the stump grinding guy got most of the stumps ground down....interesting machine.  He's now got it parked in the back yard.  Across the street neighbor got fresh mulch- nice and black.  I don't like mulch as it tends to suffocate the plants and trees that its piled next to.  Mulch Guy is my Lawn Guy.