In the veg garden I have my beets, rabe, turnips, celery, fava beans/spinach, and kale. A friend at work has given me chard seedlings and I have lettuce to add to the garden today since it's cloudy and a good day to transplant. I do some small gardening chore each afternoon after work. I'm already dirty and dressed for gardening so why not? And that, dear readers, is why you haven't heard from me so often.
The day just races by. In the morning, I have my salad to make (romaine, carrots, cranberries and chinese noodles with wheat berries when I have some cooked), my breakfast to eat, my pockets and bag to pack, and the dog to pack up (he has his toys, collar and lunch) for day care. All in one short hour from 6:30 to 7:30. When my work schedule changes I will need to do all this from 6 to 7 in the morning. No time to blog.
In the afternoon, I have the dog to exercise after his day at day care, the garden chores to work on, grocery shopping if needed, dinner to prepare (we haven't been eating very creatively lately), and laundry to do. Today, Sunday, my day off, I have time to iron shirts, cook wheat berries and make a decent supper. I already have the wheat berries cooking and a load of clothes in the wash and it isn't even 8 in the morning yet.
We have been having pretty mild and decent spring weather and everyone wants to start gardening and having flowers in the garden (outside) and we still have a last frost to get past. Everyday they ask if we have tomato seedlings. And everyday I say "no, it's too early". Yesterday, Mainers were dressed in shorts, sleeveless tops and sandals. It was 62. But I guess when compared with 10 below zero most of the winter, 62 is a regular heat wave. Not for me. I feel cold all the time. My body needed iron and B vitamins so we went out for a cheeseburger last night. I feel much better now.
Well, the coffee is ready to drink and I'm having whole grain toast for breakfast. I'm considering the possible things in the freezer that we might eat this evening: chicken, steak, ground beef. I just don't know. I also have a huge ham in the fridge that I could bake and then we could eat ham all next week. Or I could empty the fridge and give it a very much needed cleaning. Or I could go out for ice cream now that Cote's is open for the season. Oh, yes!
Definitely. Spring. Happy.
beautiful daffodils。
Very interesting your life
I've been having salads too! Almost the same as yours, except I've thrown in a crumbled up hard boiled egg (left over from Easter). Yum.
I missed you.
I know you're busy,Joanne, so I only expect a few posts these days. today's was interesting as always.
Love the daffodils. It's so nice to go outside and see something new blooming each day as spring has finally arrived. Actually, more like mid summer as it was 88 here yesterday. Away from the coast it was downright hot! I realize that won't last, but sure felt good. I had to sit on my hands to keep from putting in seedlings, as I know it's too early.
Eating my yummy spring salad with sliced turkey breast and prunes.
: )
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