Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Well, here we are on the First Tuesday....January 21st... 4 degrees here in Maine...with Abundant Sunshine.

 The MAGA men looking down into the front of this woman's shirt.......  I thought that was her hair or a weird hat- but it's a mike covering her face.. and yes...that is her bra....

So this image and one of the First Lady in that HAT.......is all I could participate in yesterday, I watched nothing...I heard nothing and my intention is to continue this way for four years.

It's VERY COLD here in Maine..... but the SUN is shining....I think it's MINUS FOUR outside.

My book is  Remember Me by Kinsella.  I have read it before.  A woman has a car accident and can't remember anything about her LIFE....   I also watched repeat episodes of High Potential and Tracker.

I cut this out of the paper "I think forest while HE is pre-occupied by HIS tree"

That about sums up the politics of the new administration.  The original was "she" and "her".

No newspaper this morning....so I grabbed a few unfinished Suduko puzzles to agonize over... Recycling and Trash has been picked up...by the huge truck.  I found a floor board just warped enough to catch my toe and encourage me to fall and hit my head....it's now covered in heavy duty clear duct tape.

My former across the street neighbor entertained family over the holidays and got COVID and a very bad Respiratory Infection... Multiple Urgent Care visits etc....the Texas family  traveled by plane- also known as a COVID  Transport System....... she is my age or a bit older. but not as "healthy" as I am (joking)... only ONE reason I would ever get on a plane- Suicide.  I have problems breathing in the safety of MY house.  Onward.....my book, my unfinished puzzles and finally, hand sewn squares.  

Tomorrow a long awaited Lunch Buddy Lunch....in a new venue...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woman is Lauren Sanchez - and her inauguration outfit is definitely getting quite the coverage (pun intended - smile)