Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Daily Notes for Wednesday -January 29th. Snow overnight and 19 degrees- 89% humidity.

I imagine this is what it looked like overnight.... the street lights look like this. (they also shine in the bedroom windows which I don't like).  But perhaps that's the MOON.  Yes, the moon shines in my bedroom up. the room..

I did manage to remember to have my meatloaf prepared dinner yesterday.....daughter sorted out all my pens and pencils (with my participation)......then she lifted the blue cloth container off the shelving and I looked for the cloth I wanted for a new blue square.   I didn't find exactly what I wanted.

In my LONG LIFE I have collected a large number of things- pens...pencils...brushes, paint ...paper...stuff.  And now I have to sort them and remind myself of WHY I have them.  Sometimes I recall and most times I don't...but it's nice to see the VAST collection of different kinds of art supplies......I must have been very excited about buying them....and truthfully.. looking at them again is exciting as well.

There might be a moment...hopefully....when that spark of wanting to make  ART happens again for me. Gramma Moses was in her 90's when she started painting....I have years and miles to go.......

I think I mentioned the cable tv order to get the sports talk show I have to invest in a list of many many channels that I have ZERO interest in...ZERO.  So....not happening.  I may have already written about am repeating myself...I find that I do that quite often.  Repeat myself.

My desktop calendar will get it's picture taken tomorrow...It's filled with newspaper headlines and other stuff.  The Wild Seed Project sent me another email.....I had wanted to buy some seed packets from them and start the seeds in pots on the back deck like I did years ago.  It hasn't happened. 

Well, for once, I am actually hungry and need to take advantage of that and eat breakfast and read the paper.  We, as a Country, are going to Hell in a Hand Basket.  Again.  I guess we needed a second helping of incredibly stupid... the first helping wasn't enough..........

I started a new book... Once Persuaded, Twice Shy. Melodie Edwards.  A modern take on Persuasion. I really enjoyed this same author's retelling of Jane Eyre titled Jane and Edward.  In a Toronto high-rise office building.....I have a copy in my bookcase.   I don't think I actually read Persuasion as the type in the only book I could find was very very's the same with another book I wanted to read....tiny type.

So..I can read the type in Once Persuaded and I shall read it today looking out over the snowy white landscape outside my windows.  And then I might pull Edward and Jane off the shelf and read that again. I finished The Royals Next always, I enjoyed every word. 

1 comment:

beverly said...

we have a tv anntenna on our roof for free tv. there are lots of channels available .