Friday, January 03, 2025

Daily notes on a Sunny Friday , January 3rd.36 degrees,

 I love this image from Postcards From Provence.  

We have just returned from Library and Grocery.  I needed the heavy coat but inside the Library it got too heavy and too warm...I had to give up on looking for books.....I got four.  I had some left unread from last week.  I also have my packed bookcase.  I woke up too early and fell back to sleep...too much sleep makes me tired....Oddly enough.

I bought a few bananas.  No oranges.  Cinnamon  Raisin  Bagels.  Coffee Cream. Flour Tortillas for my Ham and Swiss roll ups.  I was interested in buying pickles but son said we had them in the fridge--he was correct. We had half a jar of pickles.  He bought chips and I did not. 

I worked on my Random Scrap Strips added to squares or rectangles (hand sewing)......a few that looked miserable now look improved.  With an "edgy" attitude (a sad pun).  Nothing IF I ever had enough MASS...the sewn together things would be very very strange.  SOME have bypassed "potholder" in size.....moving toward "placemat"...  The thing is-- they are too nice looking (in my opinion only) to be used. To be gotten dirty with spaghetti sauce smears etc.  I gift them and see them in homes- still unused.....brand new.

Two out of the many were enlarged with wider strips yesterday while watching tv.  Some of the really small ones got strips as well. Strips that still feel a bit I will let them rest... see if they need to be removed.  The pile of strips and sewn pieces is one foot by 2 feet wide and high.  A Tangled Mess.  I realized yesterday that I can "free" sew a very very straight line......Virgo in all things.

So, TV (now that football is ending- what will I watch????), I've seen all of CSI-NY,  Law and Order, and have started watching documentaries on PBS WORLD.  They usually take up two hours of my day and four if there is a second episode and 6 hours if there is a third in the series. I have the feeling of being in college listening to lectures on subjects I know nothing about. But now...I am paying attention as I have years and years of experience and I know stuff now.....but am still confused. 10 to the nth power.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Daily Notes for Thursday, January 2nd 2025. Sunshine here in Maine- 40 degrees.

 Postcards from Provence- Today we have a nice plump Pear.  I always have admired the work of Realistic's actually very very detailed work.....

I worked on changing over to my new desk top calendar yesterday (to celebrate the holiday)....Added two images to the top left corner... Also including my two January Appointments.  Haircut and Doctor. and then I had to stop as I didn't have anything else .....

My coffee has gotten cold- be right back as I need it to be warmer. I have also gotten behind on my banana a day project....Potassium.  I need the coffee to take my pills... Vitamin and tiny statin.  I am actually feeling much better than I did in the Fall.  I don't know why but...fine with me.

I know I am feeling better because I spend more time being BORED than I had been previously. Actively being bored....Looking for things to do....a good sign.

Nothing I see around me is making me less bored.  I watched the sister PBS channel- WORLD yesterday..three episodes of what I think is Physics.  Things to the tenth power.  Colliders....very interesting things like black holes, experiments to create Life in a dish, a mechanical doll that has conversations with people- artificial intelligence.  And my favorite part- that our DNA is made with star dust from distant stars.  Check out WORLD on your cable network.....   I finished reading I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue.  Not an easy read but I made it to the end with a break for WORLD.  I started One-Star Romance by Laura 34 and might not go any further.  It's at times like this that I wonder how a book got published.

I have quite a few others on the book

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Year-- Welcome to January First 2025.

Took awhile but finally got the typing over here to the left.... image from Postcards from Provence yet again.   The Pom's are supposed to be lucky somehow...bountiful.  I'd love to share a Bountiful Year with all of you.  So we'll be having lots of these images this first week or 2025..

40 degrees with 99% humidity and rain.  Here in Maine.  Global Warming....very obvious in Maine. My front garden beds are full of water.  I haven't read the newspaper as yet or eaten my was getting late and I know some of you worry when I post late.

I think we will be taking my little tree down and putting the ornaments away.....I will miss it. I liked the sparkle of the tiny white lights.

I haven't had my breakfast as yet....late again.....but will be eating soon as I have little to REPORT here. Furnace is running,  Lights are on.  Son has walked past and wished me a Happy New Year.  The computer finished that sentence with Happy Birthday.   This new iMac likes to do that. Finish my sentences. It even has words in light print up ahead of my typing.  Rushes ahead of me to get the words on the screen.  I make sure I never finish my sentence with words the computer chose.

We'll see who is more intelligent.