Thursday, March 21, 2013

Winter Walks With Riley

G is certainly getting his exercise this Winter.  Long walks are one thing.  Long walks trudging through wet clumpy snow is another.  And the more that we walk on it the more slippery it gets.  I know.  I was carrying filled 2 gallon watering cans into the annual house (to water the perennials) and with each trip, the snow pack by the doorway was getting slick until finally I slipped and fell.  The only harm was spilling two watering cans.  I had to go refill them.

I have successfully completed two full days back at work.  And it was a VERY good thing to have a day to rest in-between.  But I have Friday to Sunday (open house) in front of me.

I'm going to the grocery as soon as I hit "publish" to buy things for meatloaf.  I have potatoes to mash and carrots to fry (G likes them that way) and there are still enough cookies in the jar for G to have his cookies each evening.  I am trying to remember to make SF jello for myself.  There is also leftover chicken and rice.  I just can't spend time worrying about food.

I sorted my class materials today.  I was actually trying to clean off the dining room table (AGAIN) and use that job as my 30 minutes.  It took far longer (but looks very organized-- my classes that is) and the table is still a mess.  I also sorted shoes (water resistant) that I can wear to work.  And noticed my socks are wearing out.  So I am really going to try mending a sock.  I hate getting rid of a sock that is perfectly good on top and not so good on the heel.  Hey!  I "could" actually turn out to be good at it.

G "treated" me to new shop lights and the new low energy bulbs.  And then lined the growing set up with aluminum foil and it's really bright out there.  My hollyhock seeds now have leaves.  I think 3 pepper seeds germinated.  Four zinnias.  I'm not having wild successes.  The cabbage and escarole did manage to germinate quite a few little seedlings.  I like eating both so that's good news.  My little pea sprout garden box isn't doing anything.  I feel like I should be eating pea shoots in salads already.

And my citrus have spider mites.  So after G and Riley come back from their walk--G will help me take the citrus down and I will spray the leaves with Sevin.  Outside.  The sun is blinding when it hits the snow.  And it's warm.  Warmish.

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