I also got out my pruning saw and went to town on the crab apple that I have wanted to PRUNE for years. I take 30% off, but it's never enough, and I have to WAIT for it to grow so I can prune it again. This time I just went ahead and removed all the lower branches. It looks better. Not what I want, yet. I'll have to wait again.
I have pulled up so much grass. My arms are tired. and I was hoping G was coming home earlier than usual so he could haul all the debris away. Guess not. so now that I've had another cup of lukewarm coffee, I will return to the front yard and collect all my debris.
And the mess by the front steps is staggering. Weeds. Weeds. Weeds. The poor little Hostas! (I just had to go look this plant up in the book, because I couldn't remember it's name, and I have known it's name for over 20 years). I'm beginning to worry about these incidents of not knowing what something is named or how a word is spelled. Do you think it's a memory problem or Alzheimer's? I DID recognize Hosta's name as soon as I saw it. That's a good sign, I think.
Anyway, aside for questioning my mental abilities, I just want to be finished with my work for the day and take a shower and be clean. We're having pizza for dinner tonight. Pepperoni for G and vegetables for me. I was going to make dessert but G bought cake for work today. It's been six months since he was made manager of his tiny McDonald's. He bought a Red Velvet Chocolate Cake for the managers. And something for me. I was going to mention our anniversary tomorrow but I'm sure he has forgotten it, as he always does, and if I said anything he would go nuts trying to buy something in addition to whatever he bought at the bakery.
West Wing was on this morning and I had seen the first but not the one after. It seems like new people are arriving and I worry about who might be leaving. 2003 episodes. Rob Lowe is gone. I wish I had seen the first year. I think I started watching at 2001 and it must have begun in 2000. Oh, well.
Back to the weeds, bugs and dirt.
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