I have started to close the door on the crate when Reny goes in (voluntarily) to sleep. I did so today because I needed a shower and clean non-doggy clothes. I even remembered to brush my teeth. Reny had a "melt-down" this afternoon. When it began I should have just crated him--he is so laid back, doesn't even mind after a few little whimpers. But I didn't and proceeded to make soup for my husband and the dog got upset-- he was not the focus of my 100% attention and he began to bark. Then bite. Then hump. A spiral of frustration and over tired puppiness. Then he had a "clean-up on aisle five" over by the computer desk. First one in 4 days.
Live and learn. I have his morning figured out. Breakfast followed by chew the kitty toy followed by a few potty breaks and then he climbs into the crate to nap from 8 to 9:30. He did this same thing at the breeder's. But I may need to email her to see what went on there from 3pm on. He seems to think he needs to sleep in the crate as soon as it gets dark. We try to keep him awake so we won't have a wakeful night. G wakes him up at 3am for a potty break and he always has lots stored up. Breakfast is served at 6 or 6:30. They dished it up at 5:30 at the breeder.
I am not a morning person. Being on dog duty from 7 am is so not in my comfort zone. I am feeling like the walking dead by 6 pm. So goodnight.
I remember the withching hours between 3 and 6pm with my kids...and this is a child right?:)
This too shall pass. Does he bark? It took Lincoln a long time to find his voice. Can he go up and down stairs? I bet not. He's so tiny and cute!
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