I saw this image in a magazine while waiting to get my nails done. Don't we all have moments when the sewing machine is a "crime scene"? I'm going to frame this and hang it on the wall near my machine---to keep things in perspective and add a laugh to the tears.

It's tomato time! I've been picking my favorite cherry tomato- Sun Gold- but on Sunday my husband brought in this beauty. We ate all the other examples already. Now that the woodchuck who was calling our garden his personal grocery has gone to "woodchuck heaven", our produce is thriving. Almost time for green beans. Other gardeners are having trouble with tomato wilt because of all the rain and humidity but my garden is only in it's second year. Still beginner's luck here.

We finally got TiVo. There was a special $150 rebate. My son says that's because a new edition, number 3, is coming out and TiVo wants to sell all the old models. Well, old is good enough for us. So far----- we can turn it on and off. We did manage to use the "pause" feature to stop the program we were watching while we made coffee and pie for snack, and then start the program where we left off and that was fascinating. Now when people call during our favorite shows, we can "pause" and not miss anything. We can also go back if we didn't hear some of the dialog. We selected about five things for TiVo to record. And TiVo is already picking "other" stuff and recording that also. We are deleting everything TiVo selects hoping to "teach" it to not do that.
I got new tires on my car. Last year I replaced two tires and had planned to get the other two this summer. Discontinued. Michelin didn't have anything with compatible tread. So I was faced with buying four new tires and having two used tires with only 1000 miles on them. Michelin and my husband worked out a great compromise. Thank You! Now I have new tires, all the same, and I didn't spend more than the cost of two tires. I also got "all season" instead of "performance". The ride is a bit bumpy. The performance tires were soft and good on turns. But these new tires may actually be drivable in a little, tiny bit of snow. Wouldn't that be interesting? A four season car. Even rain could sometimes be a driving (sliding) adventure with the wide performance tires. Steer straight. Go sideways. Yikes!!!
Work today and tomorrow and then sewing machine day on Thursday. Quilting the two pieces needing quilting and some top stitching on number three. Gotta get some product done in 2006. I also have no fresh ideas for anything after that. Maybe another vase of flowers. I'm all out of "original".
We have the local cable equivalent of tivo and love it! But, somehow it keeps recording reruns of PR -- which there are tons of. Sigh.
tivo is addictive! i have 34 programs in season pass. you can turn the autorecord off for the tivo suggestions. it's somewhere in "setting" i think. using the thumb up and down buttons will help it refine it suggestions too.
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