Not my own personally created word--but it is what I like to do, best of all. Make things from trash. Now to me, trash is anything I would throw away, you would throw away or something that another person gives to me, so they don't have to throw it away. This slightly blurry picture is of a piece I made out of stuff a friend gave me. She's moving and didn't want to take these scraps with her. I have enough to make another companion piece.

Three trash- formations. All quilted and ready for binding. Or I might try that "facing" thing that Tommy the Material Girl described on her blog. The black and cream was quilted without a backing fabric and will get an "escape hatch" ending. The batting is fusible so it wil be okay to do it this way.

Painted fabric. I won't show you the shirt and tee shirt that got painted along with this piece when I leaned over to paint a stripe. This isn't all that exciting but I needed a striped co-ordinating fabric to border a wacky log cabin. My daughter likes the color and it is her birthday on Wednesday so I thought it would be nice to finish it for her. Maybe to hang on her bedroom wall. I'm going to applique something very important to her in the center. She reads this --so no more info. Can I get it done by Wednesday? I work best against a deadline.
I'm going to give away my last pile of zucchini. I don't want to make any more pickles. And now we are starting to get a pile (small) of tomatoes. Pretty ones. Not all that tasty but fresh, warm from the sun tomatoes. Need BACON!
I roasted one of the butternut squash from the garden. Pale gold and not much taste. I adored the ones from last year. Deep saturated russet orange and so sweet. I ate them as soon as they came out of the oven. Yum. G says there are small orange ones out there--just babies. I'll have to wait. Got to get back to the cutting board and cut border strips for that quilt and do the "special" thing and then fuse batting to it and a back and quilt it tomorrow. So much work, so little time.
A long time ago, a palm reader told me that I would "have just enough" not more, just enough. Well, just now I had "just enough" fabric to make the borders on my daughter's quilt top. I had to dig into the wastebasket and piece every scrap to make it fit--but it does. With nothing left over. Wow!
I love that teal stripe and all the trash-formations, particularly the upper right. Can't wait to see Sam's special creation.
you're amazing with your trash....wonder what you'd do with a handful of mine! Interested?
The first trash-formation reminds me of Kuba cloth. I really like it.
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