Thursday, February 13, 2025

Very very Snowy here in Maine. Cold. White........February 13th. 26 degrees and Zero Sunshine.

 I should have turned the camera sideways.  Learning curve here, Dear Readers.

But not much to see as everything is covered in snow--usually birds all over the feeders..  That  curve is the design detail of the porch and the thin black items hanging from the curve are the two bird feeders.  

I often wonder where the birds go when it's this cold and there is this much snow.  They were here yesterday eating.  But not now.

I was catching up on the Chicken Flu this morning and the Egg Situation in Morning Newspaper..   Daughter mentioned that a few people she knows (with chickens)- are having to lock the coops...Egg now a "thing".

The Geek Squad has sent along an invoice for Geek Squad Stuff- $799.  Husband Stuff.  Son will take care of it.  He's the In-house Tech Support so I might not need a SQUAD.

Daughter reported in that the large JoAnn's in the shopping mall on the other side of the River Bridge (under construction for a few years) has closed.  I would buy some things there but the NICE printed cotton fabric was in short supply- acrylic/poyl was what people wanted....nothing like wrapping oneself up in spun plastic.  I did buy batting... not that that matters anymore.... what I have left, not much, will be enough for this Lifetime..

The in Town Quilt Shop closed.  Daughter went by to ask if the owner would quilt our 30's antique quilts on her long arm......Shop was empty.  Everything gone.  We'll have to find someone else to do it. She was the only person I knew.

I have books to read....Tomorrow is the Library/Grocery trip.  My fresh haircut looks GREAT.

I watched a program on whales yesterday but once we got to the part where they were trying to get a seal off an ice float so they could EAT him or her.......I moved on to recorded Tracker episodes.  And then went to bed.  I need help getting my little pillow out from under the fell thru the headboard....Perhaps the long tongs... I could grab an edge....I could easily get the pillow if I got down on the floor but...easy going down and hell on wheels getting UP.   Tongs to the rescue.  I consider the day a WIN when I get both of my socks on my feet.  Without face planting on the floor. Perhaps I should have kept the walker husband was using?????  Just for getting up and down.

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