Thursday, February 06, 2025

Early, cloudy and 2 degrees here in Maine. We know how to keep the population down...

The book pile.

Daughter is visiting a friend from social work days.... there is also the possibility of more dog shaped shortbread cookies..... from a store in the friend's neighborhood.

Shooting at the Maine Mall...we have only  a few in the entire state (mall)...and every police vehicle and helicopter was on the one wanted to miss out.  I'll find out the details in the morning paper.

In the mix of books a calendar type book with pictures and the days with room for a short paragraph scribble.  From before we moved here to Maine....I read the tiny paragraphs...husband was already on his way to whatever it was that killed him....accidents, dropping car keys into a river, speeding tickets etc etc.  Earlier than even daughter and I suspected....... the 1980's.  Well, that certainly gave me so much to think about. Too much.

I do recall driving from Maine to Florida a few times and....well, it was pretty much getting lost over and over and over again......until I said enough and turned off the messed up navigator system he had installed and we drove by paper map....and got there....finally.....and that was the last time we Florida..we did drive to Ohio when my dad was dying.  Big traffic thing near Buffalo- garbage truck tipped over spilling garbage all over both lanes.  Amazing.

So, the messed up thinking etc...goes back to the 1980's....sad but true.  And possibly was ALWAYS the way he got thru days.  Which is just so terribly SAD.

I have the furnace turned on and can hear it running....Son is up and having a bowl of cereal...he walked down to get the newspaper.....I knew better than to go out and get it myself...there is ice on the steps etc. Well, I am hungry I am going to pop my bowl of oatmeal into the microwave and get this Thursday Started.......

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