Friday, September 27, 2024

September Notes- Friday the 27th. Rain here in Maine past few days- sunshine today. 59 degrees.

 I had one of these typewriters but my nephew did something and broke off an important part and jammed everything - unusable.  He was very young and the typewriter was on the floor.    As much as I like the keyboard here on the desk- I like the clatter of the old typewriter more.  I imagine myself typing..... 

An odd story- I took a typing class in high school... it was a miserable experience and I thought I learned nothing...but years later I sat down and typed...keyboard and computer...later a huge industrial typewriter doing the broadsheets for the club newsletter...never actually realizing I could TYPE.....just doing it...and ALWAYS KNOWING when I hit the wrong key... so the proof reader never found an error.

I never look at the keys.

The Sun is out here in had rained here for two days.  And it's not cold but what I call "chilly". A sweater in the house rather than turning up the heat.  My Gardener is taking the day off.

I haven't seen or heard my son as yet.....which is odd.  I have been down here sneezing and coughing and making noise but he still hasn't come down stairs.  I know he was up very late last night  (on California time)..... I hear the shower going.

I am finding the books I selected to be "less than"   Which is disappointing as one can only watch the Weather Channel for so long ..... so ...I watched Hallmark Movies.  Three, I think.  Well, not completely. I can never sit all the way thru without wishing I could edit the movies.  Make them so much better.

My book......I read and then get irritated and stopped and did other things and then came back to it... I gave up on the first book I had started.....and this idea where it's going but it's going there really really slowly.  I'm almost at the 2/3rd's mark.  The Mother's bird pooped on someone's head while the entire family was making lasagna.   Super interesting, hey???? How did it get published????? A romantic comedy and no one has gotten kissed.

In the image up top- I like the quilted patchwork.  I have a bag of squares- I could make a few of these for the table.  The important part at the end- escapes me- the binding. Last time I made potholders I had to look up a tutorial.  I will have to AGAIN.  I used to do the binding on auto-pilot.  What a thing to forget.


Deborah Boschert said...

I have to look up the directions for making a quilt sleeve every time. There's a trick to making it so it has some give to accommodate the pole.

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Ah, that typewriter class. And typing those papers in college. Having to start over on a page if there were too many mistakes.