Well, no Lunch Buddy Lunch as my friend's husband has the second half a "procedure" at the doctor's office today. She sounded very very sad. Worn down.
I watched PBS and a long show on Black Holes. We DO NOT STAND A CHANCE of surviving a Black Hole. It will suck our Sun and all the planets including Earth into itself and that's IT. The End. And Black Holes are right now sucking some objects, Suns etc. into their vortex. Wow, that program on PBS was so depressing. But I drank my final glass of water and then went to bed.
What else could I do????
I cut my painted circles into bookmarks. I finished reading The Burnout. Kinsella. I might look in the K section of the Library today for another of her books....but that's it. Reading has become less Joy and more Work. I need to find something to do that brings me Joy and Happiness. Let me know in the comments if there is something you do that fills that space......
Well, Library and Grocery-----time to go.