Friday, January 17, 2025

Daily Notes for Friday, January 17th. Cold. Sunshine. Brownish Green Lawn. Slight remaining snow.

Well, no notes on who painted this but perhaps the Circle Artist.  Colors seem similar.  Kandinsky.

Well, no Lunch Buddy Lunch as my friend's husband has the second half a "procedure" at the doctor's office today.  She sounded very very sad.  Worn down.

I watched PBS and a long show on Black Holes.  We DO NOT STAND A CHANCE of surviving a Black Hole.  It will suck our Sun and all the planets including Earth into itself and that's IT.  The End.  And Black Holes are right now sucking some objects, Suns etc. into their vortex.   Wow, that program on PBS was so depressing.  But I drank my final glass of water and then went to bed.

What else could I do????

I cut my painted circles into bookmarks.  I finished reading The Burnout.  Kinsella.  I might look in the K section of the Library today for another of her books....but that's it.  Reading has become less Joy and more Work.  I need to find something to do that brings me Joy and Happiness.  Let me know in the comments if there is something you do that fills that space......

Well, Library and Grocery-----time to go.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Daily Notes- Thursday, January 16th. Sunshine, 21 degrees, both Propane Tanks are full. Son is very happy.

 These circles covered entire walls from floor to ceiling.  Even the floor has circles.

So My painted circles got "muddy" meaning they are not as bright and clean as I wanted them so I will try again. I over worked them.   Too many layers of circles.

My Hydration Chart is on the wall.  Yesterday I had 8 ounces of water every three hours ... My cups of tea count as replacing the water.  Oddly enough....I did NOT spend the day peeing.  My daughter says that is because I was dehydrated and my CELLS were sucking up the water.....I wasn't running to the bathroom either.  My cells must have been bone dry?????

My skin is less wrinkly. Still wrinkled but less......

I watched a recorded Rattatouie (spelling is not correct) yesterday... a recorded Disney movie about a little rat who knows how to cook.  I loved it.  Then I started in on my book- The Burnout.

Daughter emptied All the lower kitchen cabinets.....I had to look and  give an opinion on the ODDS of me actually using any of the items she showed me all afternoon.  I mean- cupcake pans.  The blender. The Vita Mix.   A Thermos I used to take to work.    Two Rice Cookers. (what was I thinking???). Two Crock pots -one small and one large.  Etc etc.  I said a definite yes to the Vita Mix as it makes great ice cream. And hot soup. Not at the same time.

The pointlessness of doing this when I haven't COOKED (much) in several years...husband only ate Chicken Soup (homemade) and grilled cheese sandwiches (also homemade).  If I live to be 88..(ten years) I might make rice.  I might use a slow cooker.  I might drive the car.  I might let them put pink dye on the tips of my Pixie Haircut.

Hell might also Freeze Over.  But I will be well HYDRATED.  I was positive all the water I am drinking would make me pee my pants all didn't.  My hands are not as wrinkled......who knew????? Also NOT DIZZY.  Well, learn something new each day........  8 ounces of water six times a day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Daily Notes from Maine- Sunshine and 23 degrees. Grass is now a very yellowy green.

 Circles (my favorite shape) Vassily Kandinsky  1866 to 1944

I have a postcard with the painted circles on it.....and none of the circles I got off an art source are the he must have painted them frequently.  This is also an easy art project for small children. They can paint their own circles..... I painted MY OWN circles yesterday before going to my doctor visit.

I might paint a few more today.

In sad and troubling Sports Talk Show has been removed from my available cable stations... if I "upgrade" my cable selection, I can get this show back.  When I called Comcast...the first thing on the recorded message was  "if you are calling about the missing sports show....."  I'll let the fire burn down to embers before calling anyone.....again. 

I might have to downgrade to watching Law and Order.  I practically memorized all the plots back when  Riley and I watched....or I can sign up for Netflix or Prime and see what they have to offer me... The Sports Talk Show was often very very funny....I will miss those guys... I think it's still on the radio. Daughter gave me that as an alternative.  Radio.

I am having to hydrate with water 6 times a day- 8 ounces.  I am not a big liquid drinker so I have to have a chart and make marks soon as I finish my tea I will have had 20 ounces so far today. Then I will have my banana.  

I was just thinking about changing from strips and squares to circles of cloth.....maybe just the centers of the blocks to begin with??????  I have books to read.....and circles to paint....and water to drink....I'll let Comcast slide for a week or more.....let the angry dust settle.  Read a book.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sunshine and 30 degrees- still some white on the green grass here in Maine.

 A small fabric piece I found in the old storage picture file.  From long ago.  My bead board walls.

I will soon be taking pictures of the squares I am stitching (for you)...adding borders on borders until they look "done".  Not sure what they will BE.  As none of the pieces play well with the others. Sort of like Congress.

Jack Smith says if Trump's Judge had allowed it- Trump would have been found guilty. Judge Cannon. One of the Republican appointees.  If I was Jack Smith I would appeal to the Supreme Court- they have ruled against Trump lately...might be fed up with his "shenanigans".......a word used often in rom com books lately.  I was making a mark on an index card for awhile when I saw the word in my books... I managed to misplace the card.

My hair is looking "odd" today.   It was cut even shorter and she used the razor it's "different". I am having a bit of trouble getting it to go where I want it to go.  I did spray it with the magic spray after getting it wet and drying it with a towel.  Swirling.  It doesn't matter- old women are invisible to the naked eye.

I found the Kandinsky (1866-1944). Square with Concentric Circles 1913 postcard that I used as a stepping off point to make my own circles....I cut a long rectangle and that's been my bookmark for quite some time...when it gets lost- I panic.  I think, AFTER the doctor, I will get out paints and make some more circles in different color families.....just in case.  Emergency Back-Up Bookmarks.

I love having a Backup Plan and having an ART Project is making me very happy right now...I am so very happy to have reconnected with Kandinsky.  I might go looking for images for the Daily Posts. 

Now I need I have good blood pressure for the many tubes of blood the nurses remove from my body........