Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October Notes- Tuesday the 15th. Sunshine here in Maine. 45 degrees. Again.

 Heather.   Trying to do some housekeeping in the picture files.

I woke up.... made a call to the Oil Company first thing even before breakfast or the paper (on hold for quite a bit of the phone call) regarding Propane for the new- (I am hopeful) generator in January....I now..have a date, a name and a time.....  more than I had the last time.  I'd like to get this show on the road.  Then I had my breakfast and read the paper...got one number on the daily Sudoko.  One.  I try not to use the Sudoko as a guide to how the day will go.  But....one number...pathetic.

I have a book for you- Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford.  Don't all scream at once now- but it's NOT A ROM COM.... A very sweet story of a woman making the best of a raw deal as a teenager.....a woman who likes to bake and fills out an application for Britain Bakes- aka the Great British Baking Show.  I went into this book with a lack of enthusiasm but by the end....gosh.

The Birding Book could have been as good but the author went in for some of the raunchiest sex- I wanted to scrub my eyes..... and it actually ruined the book for me.  Yes....I like romance.  Not this.  Birding with Benefits is not going on my home bookshelf.

I haven't selected a book for today as yet....put extra sugar in my tea...needing a boost.  I am considering a load of laundry...I haven't run out of underwear yet, but the basket is full.

I might sort out the left side of the paperwork dresser drawer (in the dining room)- husband's side...and make use of the entire large wide drawer for "Bookkeeping"- bills, records, taxes etc.....all divided up.  Not one huge pile. Like I have now over on my side.

I haven't started in on the home made onion soup as yet...perhaps today...it feels like a Soup Day. I hope the Sun is shining where you are .....  and now- to make my second cup of hot sweet tea.... and get on with it.

Monday, October 14, 2024

October 14th. A cloudy Morning. 45 degrees- I slept until 10am.

 No notes on the what or where of this image....Others come to the desktop space with notes.

Yesterday (and today)'s book is Birding With Benefits. by Sarah Dubb.  It's been enjoyable up until the last 10 or so pages (I read before bed) sigh  when it sort of went off the rails.....I mean these are both two very shy people....I don't think they would behave as depicted in the last three pages I just was forced to read.  The Benefits segment of the relationship.   Bizarre.

I watched football...son didn't....we made pizza.  It was wonderful.  I am thinking about the first weeks with my son and I making Sunday Pizza....we tried a variety of toppings...now we are sort of in a rut... so, we need more topping to choose from... onion and pepperoni is not enough.  I hadn't purchased a red bell pepper last Friday...we had been adding that.  

I am sitting here typing BEFORE eating breakfast and my Son just mentioned I should eat first and then as I type while my blood pressure will be leveling out (going up)......so a short post so I can eat my breakfast...... perhaps eventually things here will be....as he wants them to be....but I often find the things I do and say..... odd....and I am the one doing and saying.....so I don't know if things can or will improve...

I am singularly complicated......now..where did I leave my socks??????

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Another Chilly October Morning- Sunday the 13th. Short Power Outage. Minutes not hours.

 David Hockney Pop Art.

So...the power went out this morning or overnight...we had a great deal of wind.  Son said he was very happy to hear the blower on the heating system making noise.... I slept thru the excitement. Had to reboot the computer....Always fun to see if I remember the log in.....

I read a book yesterday- ...I had thought it was one I had started and not enjoyed but...it was one I had enjoyed reading and I enjoyed it yet again.  What You Save In A Fire.  K. Center. Same author as The Bodyguard and the Rom-Commers.  There are more- Just have to find them.

Today's book is Not The Girl You Marry.  Role swapped How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days. We'll see. I have ten more books so if today's doesn't catch me right away- I'll move on.

Pizza on deck for  Football Sunday.  I watch the games- my Son does not.  I also read while watching the games.  Daughter did laundry and now Son is doing laundry....I have a basket full myself.  Daughter's washer is fixed but now her drains are clogged.  It's a very old house.

Trying to turn over a New Leaf.  Pay bills as they arrive not wait until I have three or four and then write checks.  I liked the old way very very much- this new way seems.... sigh.

The deer have come each evening and eaten parts (foliage) of the Ornamental Planters...Last night my Son reports they finished off the large one.  I am not in the mood today to empty, sift artificial soil, and carry the planters back to the side yard.  I'll think about it tomorrow... (Gone with the Wind)

Wow my neck is feeling chilly....Winter, is coming....sigh. Even with the Sun.

In the paper, a family looking for their Wife/Mother find her pocket book in the mud but not her......she was swept away in the hurricane flooding.  Heartbreaking.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Another Saturday Morning.... October 12th. Sunshine and 59 degrees. Left over hurricane wind in Maine.

 I selected this image, blind from the desktop, not knowing what would show up.....

I finished watching all the recorded PBS  Van der Valk series in my TiVo file.  Another two episode one will record this Sunday and next.   I am going to move onto another recorded series. I think a dark Police Procedural...if and when I recall the name I will let you know.  

I believe I had three meals yesterday- well, I ate three times.  Nothing was on a plate or in a bowl. I didn't sit at the table for any but breakfast which was actually in a bowl- Shredded wheat biscuits and milk. Took me a minute to recall the bowl, milk and table.   

I have some dumpling like things in the freezer I need to crisp up in the frying pan- now that I have a working stove....I have suggested Chinese takeout but...nothing happened.

Very slow start today.....I am sorting thru lots of emotions....like waves of memories and stuff...like the junk that washes on to the shore out of the ocean.   One book was great, the seocnd- 10 pages in I said- stop-- and then I went to bed-  today I will select something else and I may just watch the Saturday Cooking Show on PBS.  I have recorded old vintage Julia Child Baking Shows.... and like I said I need to clear out the TiVo recordings.  Before I buy a new one.

Windy today.  Things blowing around out there.  Really strong wind.