Saturday, March 16, 2024

Spring Notes- Being optimistic. Saturday, March 16th. 48 degrees and sunshine.

 Starting to get ready for Spring.

Son found and we got rid of all the food in the fridge that had spots.....I have rice to eat today- he checked- no spots...I had the last of the roasted beets yesterday- so good-no spots.  And supposedly good for one's heart.  Commercials about beet chewables on every channel.  Why not real beets?

Long discussion on what day to make the Corned Beef.  We may still change our minds.

I have a Friend Date on the 19th. Getting picked up and returned home... We met long ago, at the Greenhouse I along...then COVID entered the picture and well, nothing has actually been the same since.  Except for my Lunch Buddy Lunches.  I don't have coffee dates with another Library Co-Worker anymore...perhaps we should try and do that again.....we email.

After all these years, the Quilting Group, the Master Gardening would think I would have FRIENDS.......sigh.  You would think that.  I have more contact with all of you out there in Email/Spring Notes Land than I have with real in person people.

I am reading the first book in  the series I liked and enjoyed so much.  It Happened One Summer. Sea Captains. I am just a few pages into it...the two sisters from California Movie Star Land have just arrived in a fishing village and are living in an old bar building.  Mice in the walls and one sister set fire to something so far.  They have a LONG way to go.   Tessa Bailey.  I am trying to read all her books.

I had a difficult morning so far....but I seem to be over it.....the morning paper usually straightens out any emotion kinks.  And I persevere.  I work thru it.

The Privilege of a Lifetime is to become who you truly are.   Carl Jung.

1 comment:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I hope that your friend date involves lots and lots of good conversation.