Sunday, October 20, 2024

October Notes- Sunday the 20th. Sunshine and 43 degrees

 Apple Crisp and Vanilla ice cream.

Don't have either of these in the fridge or freezer.  Pizza and Football later dessert.

I forgot socks.  Need to go dig out a pair, make breakfast and read the newspaper.  Get going. Just got an email from my brother- he and his wife just back from 10 days in Iceland.  Said it was beautiful.

We both think we might enjoy a trip on one of those expensive boats.  I'd pack a suitcase full of books. He'd take a few naps each day. He was always wanting a nap even in his teens.

Oh, I just noticed I have socks over to my left on the desk top..... always notice my thick peasant ankles when I put on my socks. DNA that came over on the boat with my grandmother in the late 1800's.  Will most likely be boring.

Reading one of my all time favorite books- Soulmate Equation.  Christina Lauren.   Library copy even though there is one in my bookcase.  I really have to work on that bookcase....alphabetize it. My son can't believe it isn't in ABC order.....after almost 10 years working at the Library.  I can't either.

Well,  I might need to start wearing my winter shawl.  My neck is feeling chilled.

My son believes that all the things I put in the Goodwill Box are "trash" and not good stuff.  But I found so many treasures at Goodwill over the years...things I still use and wear and love.  My coffee cups...for one.  The little dishes I put my daily pills into.......the pants I am wearing....the sweater I am wearing. I would be happy to buy things- new- but shopping here in Maine is not great.  Locally the only place to buy clothing is Walmart or. LLBEAN. Perhaps if they send me a catalog....I can buy something new?

Emptying the TiVo- watched Pride and Prejudice... Entertainment Channel (does it still exist???).  I had to fast forward thru a TON of cell phone commercials and the Kardashians.  That dates it, doesn't it.  I have one or two more renditions of Pride and Prejudice on the watch.

I watch and delete....I might not watch the Hallmark Christmas Movies as they usually repeat them starting in the next few weeks.  Anyway- I would like to get from 47% to 20% in the TiVo in the next week to 10 days.  I need to call and buy a new TiVo.  Son will find and buy the new tv and sound bar.

Everything that is Old is New again.

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