Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Summer Notes- Wednesday, August 7th. Sunshine and 64 degrees- 81% humidity.


My glassware Duralex-Picardie.

I have it in three sizes from 4 ounce to 12 ounce.  We use it every day.  Might have been purchased in Europe or at Crate and Barrel.  I don't recall.

There are three peaches left on the Peach Tree- the squirrels and deer have picked it clean. 

I am wearing things right now that I rarely if ever have worn- I have everything that fits in the washing machine except for my favorite cherry red pants....I didn't want to take a chance of all my clothing turning red.   These "to the ankle" wide leg pink pants.....not a fan.  I have them rolled up but still "so wide"........

I wish at times like this.... that I knew how to do alterations.  I rolled them up but they have a lifespan of about another 5 minutes before I go looking for different pants...and take this shirt off. It's August.

I am reading my way thru my new trade paper romances--- Tessa Bailey.  I finished Chase Me and am now reading Need Me.  Next up is Fix Her Up...  I have three Julie Garwood books on hold.  I am tempted to go get them today (not wait for Friday)..I can drive.

Son baked yesterday.....we didn't have baking powder so we looked it up and made our own....not as poofy as the real stuff was interesting.  I am having my usual brain fart with the name of what we baked.

He baked.   Nothing much happening...I watched a movie my book.  I had a pita with ham and cheese for my main meal of the day... I shopped the Deli on our last grocery visit.  I have lettuce for the Big Salad....I could do that today....I have a notification that I have 10 items in my computer mailbox....Excitement.  Enjoy your day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have those glasses too but in just two sizes. And I’ll send you a sketch of how to alter those pants - you’ve got nothing to lose since you don’t like them anyway.