Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, August 27th Sunshine 67 degrees with 97% humidity.


 Pile of Junk.  On the Ottoman to the left of where I sit to watch TV and read.  You can actually see my reading glasses left edge less than halfway up.  And the tv remote.  Everything else is JUNK I could actually move but....where???

I am becoming my Father.  DNA proof that I belonged to him.

Only thing missing is a bag of chips....held closed with a clothespin.

My book yesterday and today is:  Gigi, Listening by Chantel Guertin.  A woman falls in love with the voice of a man reading a book on the radio.....travels to England in hopes of meeting him. I am more than half way in and she hasn't met him yet.  She has met another guy.  I skipped ahead.

I skip ahead when I start getting BORED.  So..I now know what's what and there will be lots of yelling and tears....but will it be worth it??????   I am 50/50 on worth it... the book started out at one speed and now has slowed to a crawl....needed a better editor.  I am now erasing the book suggestions: if you liked this book you will like etc.  Nope.  I won't.

The Gardener showed up yesterday and did a tremendous amount of work on two beds.  Several wheelbarrow loads of weeds went out back.  She suggested blue hydrangea along the front porch.  I wanted that.....once upon a time.  Climate change has made that a better possibility.  Better probability of the plants staying alive.

I emptied my freezer into a garbage bag.... Son said everything was "too old to eat".  We set the bag out for collection....  I have two boxes of microwavable breakfast pita sandwiches still in the freezer. One hunk of cheese. Some English Toasting Bread. Some frozen potato dumplings which I might cook/eat today.  With butter fried onion.  One package of chicken thighs (from when husband only ate chicken soup).  We have leftover pizza in the fridge.  I also emptied the produce bins. Son found the produce "questionable"....... We are not doing much cooking.  I am doing even less eating.

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