Monday, July 29, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday July 29th. 69 degrees- 83% humidity. Cloudy. No Breeze.

 So...the computer decided no image.  I tried twice and gave up.

I like the images but don't feel like going to war with the machine this morning.  I have a lunch date at 12 noon.  Looking forward to it.

It looks like a dark cloudy day outside....possibly rain.

I think I slept well, I don't recall sleeping so that must mean I did....sleep.  I am considering the request for a photo of my hair.  This morning it is really weird--so not today.  I look like the stereotypical Mad Woman with Wild Hair.  My problem is that if it's combed flat it looks awful and if I fluff it to fullness I look insane.  Not that people actually pay attention to old women...we are sort of invisible..

Well, thieves and con artists are drawn to old women and their bank accounts.

My new clam shell hair clip does a lovely job of collecting and holding my hair....I still get stray whisps floating around my face..... like I just rushed out after a struggle with something.

I have been offered deck furniture by my neighbor (selling her house).  I told her I didn't have a deck. I had two wide steps....and a metal chair already out there (purchased in Germany-IKEA).  No one uses it.  Husband sat in the other metal chair inside the windowed Sun Porch.  Less Sun and no Bugs slow moving fan overhead. I sit on the front porch in one of the two rocking chairs....the Twins Dad walks over and sits and chats with me. No one else does.  

I often think about a revolving set of neighbors coming to sit on the front porch rockers with me. Like I am a therapist of some sort and they get to spill whatever it is they are thinking about... but it is getting into mosquito time and even I don't sit out there any more.

I am ruminating over my neighbor's move to a "tiny apartment"......would I do that?????  I doubt I could do "tiny".  But then I situate myself on the couch (behind me as I type), this desk, printer on printer table and office chair with wheels with me at the desk.)  Pretty much my world aside from visits to the kitchen and fridge for snacks and beverages. And the bathroom.  

I read the newspaper, ate my cereal. Drank half my coffee, called in a prescription, uncovered the ornamentals out side, looked at the birds pooping on the porch under the bird feeders...... called the library about a book they say I have but I don't....sigh.  My Lunch Date is at 12 noon.

That's about it.  Son say's its going to rain.

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