Thursday, February 15, 2024

Winter Notes- February 15th. 34 degrees in Maine with Sunshine.

 Sort of Tiger Lily......And perhaps that's what they are called.

Another chilly Sunshine Day here in Maine.  I just remembered to turn up the temp on the furnace... I turn them down at night to 60 degrees and then UP to 64 in the morning.....Yes, I do know that 64 isn't WARM. But it's what we have wool socks and sweaters for.......

I did a bit of clean up on the picture file just now....gotta do stuff when I remember it needs doing.

My eyes are getting itchy and swollen and red.  An allergy for sure. It happened yesterday as well, but the Benadryl helped.....I just took the tiny pink pill and it has stuck itself to the back of my throat....sigh. If it's not one thing it's another......My eyes feel like I have grit in them....very very dry.  the drops I use are lubricants....this is not a new's a dry air in the house thing.  I only go outside  the house on Friday to the Library and Grocery Store....otherwise I am in the house......with itchy dry eyes.

Cutting down on my reading I ended up watching the mess in Kansas City.  Open Carry state so no metal detectors or anything- come on down and bring your guns!!!!!  I am going to watch MSNBC as Son has gone out to LUNCH......I am free to watch NEWS... well, listen as my eyes are going to enjoy a cold wet towel...

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