Friday, December 07, 2018

Daily Notes- December Seventh

I think this is a picture of an Advent Calendar.  I think we have had one like it for sale at the greenhouse.  The items pictured look very nice in the pale colors with white.  Wintery.  I think I even have that string in my supply drawer along with bells--but the bells I have are shiny and red.

Time is moving.  I am not.  I should be working on my cards.  Last year at this time I was trying to fold origami stars.  And not making much progress until wham! I got it right--finally.  No origami this year.  But I think I should try for Christmas stamps.  Probably too late.

Cold with bright sunshine today.  Still some snow on the ground but where it has melted I can see green grass.  I took the car out yesterday and went to the grocery store.  Wanted to charge the car battery- I think it might have been three weeks since I drove the car.  I'm sure mental health professionals would be getting worried.

At the grocery store I purchased Cool Whip and Famous thin chocolate wafers for a layered dessert. The cashier mentioned that the Cool Whip Cookie combo was his birthday cake of choice starting when he was 8. Like 50 years ago.  Everyone in line signaled they also loved that particular dessert. It was a bonding experience.  (laughing).  I hoped none of them would follow me home.

I was trying, yesterday while watching MSNBC to make a pattern for a five pointed star--to trace onto yellow felt.  I did not manage to do a good job.  Stars are just not in my design wheel house at holiday time.  So, I might just make trees.   The work for today :  Creative.


Life Scraps and Patches said...

Yum! That dessert sounds so good and I am usually not a Cool Whip fan. Must be the positive votes from all those folks in line.

Annie said...

Hmmm,I've never had that dessert,must try it one day.