Monday, September 30, 2024

September's last day..... sunshine here in Maine. 65 degrees

 My son brought a set of these with him when he moved in...  I told him to go out and buy more. He hasn't as yet.  They are washable glass and the lid clamps on.......

We put the leftover pizza wedges in one (not shown here)..... from the Sunday Pizza. Yesterday's Pizza was good- we are trying out different (new to us) pepperoni as the brand we bought for decades is no longer available.  We have stopped adding toppings to the it's just onion, red bell pepper and pepperoni.  Last year we did mushrooms a few times.  And pineapple.  I liked the pineapple.

I watched the Ravens pick the Buffalo team's bones last night.  The Bills looked stunned. I don't recall how many games I watched yesterday...not all of them but most...while I read a book.  There were games that did not get televised (on my television).....the Patriots game was one of those.  Just means I don't watch those games.

I also colored one of the mandala circles.  It turned out okay. Spent quite a bit of time sharpening pencils... the lead in side kept breaking off.  Usually because the pencils fell on the floor and the lead inside cracked.

Today the Appliance Repair Men are coming to look at the refrigerator.....we have the "button" pushed so NO water is coming into the ice cube maker.....but yesterday, after a week of silence- the fridge decided to start making noise and trying to make ice. Again.  It's really annoying.  If the water stoppage button had NOT been pressed we would have been mopping up lots and lots of water. Ice cold water.

My son did the math and we are paying 50% of what a NEW Fridge would cost to have this one "looked at" because we can't assume they will be able fix it or even figure out what's wrong with it. But we have to pay anyway............ Now a new fridge sounds delightful....but the TWO fridges BEFORE this one  (A TRAGIC SERIES OF FRIDGES)... had to be condemned and carted off.... they could NOT be repaired.  Lowes.  So. I got this one which has no glass doors, no fancy shelving etc....just plain old plain.  Except for the ice maker in the door that dumps ice out the door- so one can get ice and water with out OPENING the door..... Never again.  Well, I doubt any fridge sold today doesn't dispense ice and water... 

Water has always been the disaster that has plagued me. Us. Always water.  Better than Fire or Wind or Locusts. I guess.

Tomorrow is my second haircut appointment at the new place between the Grocery and the Library (a straight line that also includes the post office but NOT the bank--well the bank is in the same parking lot as the grocery store.).....I am asking her to cut with scissors and not the razor.  The razor is best for curly hair......I am OVER having "curly old woman" white hair.  Totally OVER. I see plenty of white hair on older women and it's stylish and not a curl to be seen.... I look like I am wearing a permed dust mop on my head.  So that's it for today....  Ravens-- son says I refer to them as the Saints every single time.


Anonymous said...

you can buy those food storage containers on amazon. then delivered to your door.

Joanne S said...

Not a fan of Amazon. No established reason-- just not a fan.