So I lost weight (doctor was thrilled) my blood pressure is low and my cholesterol went down 41 points to 217. A Trifecta of good health news. I celebrated by having 2 eggs and toast for lunch. My next appointment is in May. I have to keep working and add more walking (easier as the weather warms up). I can do this.
So, since I ironed 15 shirt yesterday, I think I will do some fabric art this afternoon. It's really cold outside and I don't want to go out again to walk. I'm working all weekend.
I was going to have something to say about the Mommie Bloggers. Not all of them but some. The ones with kids that are up every hour on the hour all night long, the ones with 14 month old babies who run the household because mama and papa want the child to be "in touch with his/her own uniqueness" and the preschoolers who run over and lift up mom's shirt to "self serve nurse". To all of you-- ever heard of common sense????? Perhaps there should be an application parents to be have to fill out or a test to pass. And really, you are over 30 and well educated, why is this so difficult? You, the parent, are the Alpha dog. Not the baby. And very young babies who aren't sleeping for more than an hour-- are hungry. That's why old fashioned moms weighed the baby after nursing to see how much food the baby actually got with each feeding. And that's as far as I can go without being so totally rude I would embarrass myself.
Whoo Hoo! That is great news! Besides, your clothes were your barometer anyway, and you are replacing fat with muscle. Yippee for you! I hope to get your V-day garlands to you both soon!
Geez Joanne, you really can make me laugh! You look Mahhvelous. It must feel so great! As oon as the 4 inches of solid ice melt around here, I will get out there and walk off some of the poundage myself. Congrats girl
Congratulations on all the successes on the healthy you frontier. It will just keep getting easier and easier and you will feel superfantastic by the time weather is close to warm.
Right on! On all fronts.
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